

单词 自家
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔abyss〕the gaping abyss between these grand buildings and my own miserable home 这些高楼大厦和自家陋室的天壤之别朗文当代〔allotment〕fresh tomatoes from my allotment 自家园子里种的新鲜西红柿韦氏高阶〔cake〕home-made potato cakes. 自家做的土豆饼柯林斯高阶〔cookout〕a backyard cookout 自家后院的露天烧烤韦氏高阶〔doorstep〕the BBC journalist who was shot dead on her doorstep在自家门口被枪杀的英国广播公司女记者外研社新世纪〔home-grown〕home-grown tomatoes 自家种的西红柿牛津高阶〔homemade〕homemade bread 自家烘烤的面包韦氏高阶〔husband〕to husband one's shop节俭地经营自家的小商店21世纪英汉〔never-ending〕the never-ending supply of home-baked delicacies源源不断供应的自家烘烤的美味佳肴外研社新世纪〔own brand〕own-brand cola. 自家品牌的可乐柯林斯高阶〔own label〕own-label cosmetics. 自家品牌的化妆品柯林斯高阶〔sidewalk〕the hard-working neighbors who sweep the sidewalks in front of their houses 清扫自家门前人行道的勤勉的邻居牛津搭配〔soup〕home-made chicken soup自家熬的鸡汤外研社新世纪〔store brand〕store-brand products 商店自家品牌的商品韦氏高阶the emotional toll of running your own company 经营自家公司的情感付出牛津商务




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