

单词 自大
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔anywhere〕Arrogance won't get you anywhere.傲慢自大对你没有好处。外研社新世纪〔arch〕Their attempts to be casual have so far just looked arch or patronising.他们本想做出漫不经心的样子,结果反而显得傲慢自大或自视甚高。柯林斯高阶〔arrogance〕We were shocked by the arrogance of his comments.听到他狂妄自大的评论,我们感到很震惊。韦氏高阶〔arrogant〕I found him arrogant and rude.我觉得他这个人狂妄自大、粗鲁无礼。剑桥高阶〔arrogant〕She's first in her class, but she's not arrogant about it.她在班上排名第一,但她并没有因此而自大起来。韦氏高阶〔basilic〕Vessels commonly used for grafting are the greater or lesser saphenous veins and basilic veins.用于移植的血管通常来自大隐静脉、小隐静脉和贵要静脉。剑桥高阶〔biggity〕Self-important; conceited.自大的;自负的美国传统〔birkie〕Lively; spirited; cocky.活泼的;生气勃勃的;骄傲自大的美国传统〔border on sth〕She possesses a self-confidence that borders on arrogance.她的自信接近于自大。剑桥高阶〔braggadocio〕A swaggering, cocky manner.狂妄自大、趾高气扬的态度美国传统〔bristle〕He still bristles at the suggestion that he is arrogant.只要有人暗示说他高傲自大, 他仍然会暴跳如雷。外研社新世纪〔close〕Small shops are closing because of competition from the large chains.由于来自大型连锁店的竞争,小商店纷纷关门大吉。麦克米伦高阶〔cocky〕He's a cocky little man and I don't like him.他是个自大的小人,我不喜欢他。朗文当代〔cocky〕Overly self-assertive or self-confident.骄傲自大的:自做主张的或过分自信的美国传统〔cold fish〕An aloof person.高傲自大的人美国传统〔come over〕He came over well — perhaps a little pompous, but nevertheless honest and straightforward.他给人的印象很好,可能显得有点自大,不过还是很诚实和直率。柯林斯高阶〔come〕All the riches of the world come out of the earth.世上的一切财富来自大地。文馨英汉〔conceited〕I thought him conceited and arrogant.我认为他傲慢自大。外研社新世纪〔conceited〕It's very conceited of you to assume that your work is always the best.你认为你的工作总是最好的,真是太自大了。牛津高阶〔conceit〕He knew, without conceit, he was considered a genius.他知道, 毫不自大地说, 自己被视为天才。外研社新世纪〔consequential〕Pompous; self-important.自命不凡的;自大的美国传统〔cross〕There's a fine line between confidence and conceit. I don't want to cross that line.自信和自大只有一线之隔, 我不想跨过那条线。外研社新世纪〔cult〕The Osaka-based group is popular home in Japan and has developed a cult following in the United States.那个来自大阪的组合在日本本土很受欢迎,在美国也拥有一批狂热的歌迷。柯林斯高阶〔egoist〕An egotist.自大者美国传统〔egotistical〕He's a selfish, egotistical individual! 他是个自私而又狂妄自大的人!朗文当代〔egotistic〕Susan and Deborah share an intensely selfish, egotistic streak.苏珊和德博拉一样, 都是典型的自私自利、自高自大的人。外研社新世纪〔encounter〕This meeting will be the first encounter between the party leaders since the election.这是自大选以来两党领导人首次狭路相逢。剑桥高阶〔expansive〕Psychiatry Marked by euphoria and delusions of grandeur.【精神病学】 自大狂的:欢喜欲狂的或妄自尊大的美国传统〔flatulence〕Self-importance; pomposity.自大;自负美国传统〔for〕He's widely disliked in the company for his arrogance.因为傲慢自大,在公司里大家都讨厌他。剑桥高阶〔hair-trigger〕His boozing, arrogance, and hair-trigger temper have often led him into ugly nightclub brawls.他嗜酒贪杯, 狂妄自大, 脾气暴躁, 这常常使他在夜总会和人大打出手。外研社新世纪〔hair-trigger〕His boozing, arrogance, and hair-trigger temper have often led him into ugly nightclub brawls.他嗜酒贪杯、狂妄自大且脾气暴躁,这常常使他在夜总会和人发生恶性斗殴。柯林斯高阶〔hubris〕He was punished for his hubris.他因为自大而受到了惩罚。剑桥高阶〔hubris〕His failure was brought on by his hubris.他的失败源于自大。韦氏高阶〔hubris〕This is a tale of how an honourable man pursuing honourable goals was afflicted with hubris and led his nation towards catastrophe.这个故事讲述一个追求崇高目标的磊落君子是如何因自高自大而将自己的国家引向灾难。外研社新世纪〔jackanapes〕A conceited or impudent person.自大而鲁莽的人美国传统〔line〕There is a very fine line between confidence and arrogance.自信与自大之间只有很细微的区别。外研社新世纪〔live with〕She's been living with him since college.自大学以来她就一直和他同居。韦氏高阶〔main street〕A place that represents narrowness of view and smug complacency.代表孤陋寡闻和夜郎自大的一个地方美国传统〔megalomania〕A psychopathological condition in which delusional fantasies of wealth, power, or omnipotence predominate.妄想自大狂:一种精神病的心理状态,主要表现为对财富、权力或全能的妄想美国传统〔mickey〕Chiefly British Self-assurance.【多用于英国】 傲慢,自大美国传统〔miscast〕Tom Hanks was miscast as the arrogant city high-flyer.汤姆‧汉克斯获选饰演一个他并不相配的角色——一个傲慢自大、满怀抱负的都市人。剑桥高阶〔misrepresent〕The press misrepresented him as arrogant and bullying.新闻界把他歪曲成狂妄自大、恃强凌弱的人。外研社新世纪〔overconfident〕Excessively confident; presumptuous.过于自信的;胆大妄为的,自大的美国传统〔place〕They must be taught to know their place and not get above themselves.他们必须学会有自知之明, 别太自大。外研社新世纪〔pompously〕He was somewhat pompous and had a high opinion of his own capabilities.他有点自大,自视甚高。柯林斯高阶〔pond〕Tourist numbers from across the pond have dropped dramatically.来自大西洋彼岸的游客数量已急剧减少。柯林斯高阶〔predominance〕Jealousness and pride took predominance and the relationship suffered.相互妒忌和骄傲自大情绪一占上风,关系就恶化了。英汉大词典〔pretension〕I admire his honesty and lack of pretension.我欣赏他诚实,不自大。韦氏高阶〔pride〕An excessively high opinion of oneself; conceit.自负:对自己过高的评价;自负,自大美国传统〔princess〕She's just a stuck-up princess.她只是个高傲自大的美女。韦氏高阶〔proud-hearted〕Arrogant; disdainful.自大的;轻蔑的美国传统〔proudly〕She was said to be proud and arrogant.据说她傲慢自大。柯林斯高阶〔proud〕He’s too proud to mix with the likes of us!他太自大,不愿意跟像我们这样的人混在一起!牛津同义词〔proud〕She was said to be proud and arrogant.据说她傲慢自大。外研社新世纪〔puff ... up〕Victory had not puffed him up.胜利并未使他骄傲自大。21世纪英汉〔puffed-up〕Displaying exaggerated dignity or self-importance; pompous.表现出夸张的自尊或自大的;浮华的美国传统〔puff〕To fill with pride or conceit.得意,自大:充满骄傲或自负美国传统〔rating〕Labour's popularity rating fell for the first time since the election.自大选以来,工党的支持率首次下降。麦克米伦高阶〔repellent〕His arrogance was utterly repellent to her.他的自大使她特别反感。牛津搭配〔ruffle〕To behave arrogantly or roughly; swagger.自高自大、大吵大闹;妄自尊大美国传统〔size〕He has become too high-and-mighty lately. It's time someone cut him down to size.他近来变得骄傲自大,该让他有点自知之明了。英汉大词典〔smug〕He is insufferably smug and arrogant.他自鸣得意,骄横自大,让人难以忍受。牛津搭配〔snooty〕Everyone thought Annabel was being snooty.大家都认为安娜贝尔高傲自大。外研社新世纪〔snooty〕She's a very snooty sort of person.她是个非常高傲自大的人。英汉大词典〔so-and-so〕He's an arrogant so-and-so.他是个傲慢自大的家伙。韦氏高阶〔squirt〕He was a little bit of a squirt.他有点夜郎自大。英汉大词典〔stratify〕The sample of people questioned was drawn from the university's student register and stratified by age and gender.调查问卷的抽样人群选自大学的学生名单,按年龄和性别分组。剑桥高阶〔substance〕The substance that's causing the problem comes from the barley.引起该问题的物质来自大麦。柯林斯高阶〔supercilious〕His manner is supercilious and arrogant.他非常傲慢自大。柯林斯高阶〔superficial〕The tone of his book is consistently negative, occasionally arrogant, and often superficial.他的书基调一贯是负面消极的,有时还有点儿傲慢自大,且常常流于肤浅。柯林斯高阶〔swagger〕Boastful or conceited expression; braggadocio.吹嘘,自大:夸耀或自负的措辞;吹牛美国传统〔swellhead〕A person regarded as arrogant or conceited.狂妄自满的人:被认为是骄傲自大或自负的人美国传统〔the big I am〕He was always giving it the big I am with his little gang.他总是在他的小团伙里表现得狂妄自大。剑桥高阶〔therein lies〕Her book is simply a collection of memories, told without conceit or self-absorption - and therein lies its power.她的书只是一本回忆集,既没有自高自大也没有顾影自怜——而这正是该书的魅力所在。剑桥高阶〔transatlantic〕Situated on or coming from the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.跨大西洋的:位于或来自大西洋的另一边的美国传统〔turgescence〕Pomposity; self-importance.膨胀:自以为是,自傲,自高自大美国传统〔turkey cock〕A strutting, conceited person.自负的人:自高自大或妄自尊大的人美国传统〔turn〕Success has turned his head.成功使他变得自高自大美国传统〔unconscious〕Unconscious envy manifests itself very often as this kind of arrogance.潜意识里的嫉妒常表现为这种傲慢自大。外研社新世纪〔uppity〕If you just tried to show normal dignity, you were viewed as uppity.就算你只是想表现出正常的端庄得体, 也会被人认为是骄傲自大。外研社新世纪〔uppity〕If you just tried to show normal dignity, you were viewed as uppity.就算是只想表现出正常的尊严,也会被人认为是骄傲自大。柯林斯高阶〔vain〕Excessively proud of one's appearance or accomplishments; conceited.自负的:对自己的外表或成就表现不适当的或过分的骄傲;自高自大的美国传统〔vanity〕The quality or condition of being vain.自负,自大:自负的特点或情况美国传统He has /has made many enemies because of his arrogance.由于自大他树敌甚多。剑桥国际He was punished for his hubris.他为自大而付出了代价。剑桥国际He's a bit cocky for my liking.他有点自大,令我不喜欢。剑桥国际He's a conceited young man who believes he's always right about everything.他是个自大的年轻人,总是认为自己什么都对。剑桥国际He's a real smart arse and reckons he knows all the answers.他真是个自高自大的家伙,以为自己知道所有的答案。剑桥国际He's so cocksure I don't think he ever doubts himself for one moment.他太狂妄自大了,我想他从未怀疑过自己。剑桥国际He's widely disliked in the company for his arrogance.他傲慢自大,公司里的人都不喜欢他。剑桥国际I'm fed up with being bossed around by those smart alecs from the university.我对被那些来自大学自以为是的人差来遣去已经感到厌倦了。剑桥国际Joel turned down all offers of help he badly needed because of his excessive egoism. 由于极度的自大,乔尔拒绝了所有他极需要的帮助。译典通John is so arrogant that he thinks he is better than everyone else. 约翰太骄傲自大,以为比谁都强。译典通Never let anything puff you up. 决不要因任何事而骄傲自大。译典通She has a bad case of megalomania, and always wants to take charge of everything she gets involved in.她是个自大狂,总想管每一件与她有关的事。剑桥国际The article accused senior officials of self-seeking and arrogance.文章指责高级官员追求私利、狂妄自大。剑桥国际The conceit of that man is incredible! 这个人极度骄傲自大。剑桥国际The general is a tall man with steel spectacles and a stiff, rather pompous manner.将军是个戴金属边眼镜的高个子,他的态度生硬,相当自大。剑桥国际They are facing keen competition from larger companies.他们面临来自大公司的激烈竞争。牛津商务




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