

单词 血亲
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔agnate〕Coming from a common source; akin.同宗的:来自于共同祖先的;同血亲的美国传统〔belemnite〕A cone-shaped, fossilized internal shell of any of an extinct genus of cephalopods related to the cuttlefish.箭石:由灭绝的与乌贼有血亲关系的头足纲动物的内壳形成的尖锥状化石美国传统〔cenospecies〕A group of related ecospecies capable of interbreeding so as to produce at least partially fertile hybrids.杂交种:一组有血亲关系并能异种杂交的生物,产生至少有部分繁殖能力的变种美国传统〔cognate〕One related by blood or origin with another, especially a person sharing an ancestor with another.具血亲关系者:与另一个人的血缘或来源相关的人,尤指与别人有共同祖先的人美国传统〔connected〕They're not blood relations - they're just connected by marriage.他们不是血亲——不过是姻亲而已。剑桥高阶〔consanguinity〕Relationship by blood or by a common ancestor.血亲:通过血缘或同宗连接的关系美国传统〔flesh and blood〕A person's blood relatives; kin.一个人的血亲;亲属美国传统〔related〕She is related to me (或 She and I are related) by marriage (blood).她和我有姻亲(血亲)关系。英汉大词典〔relative〕If you die without a will, only a husband, wife, children and blood relatives are entitled to inherit your property.如果去世时没立遗嘱,只有丈夫、妻子、子女及血亲才能继承财产。牛津搭配〔shrimpfish〕Any of various small, slender tropical marine fishes of the family Centriscidae, related to the sea horses and pipefish.虾鱼,玻甲鱼:一种玻甲鱼科的小型、细长的热带海洋鱼类,与海马及海龙有血亲关系美国传统〔sib〕A blood relation; a relative.血亲关系:一种血缘关系;亲属美国传统〔sib〕A brother or sister; a sibling.血亲,亲属:兄弟或姐妹;兄弟姐妹美国传统〔sib〕Related by blood; kindred.有血亲关系的:由血缘相联系的;亲属的美国传统〔succession〕The person or line having such a right.继承人:有这种权利的人或直系血亲美国传统〔succession〕The right of a person or line of persons to so succeed.继承权:可以这样继承的人或直系血亲的权利美国传统〔totemism〕A belief in totems or in kinship through common affiliation to a totem.图腾崇拜:对图腾的信仰或因与某一图腾所共有的紧密联系对血亲关系的信仰美国传统They're not blood relations. They're only connected by marriage.他们不是血亲,只是姻亲而已。剑桥国际




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