

单词 英勇的
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔BRAVE/NOT BRAVE〕a brave rescue attempt 一次英勇的营救行动朗文写作活用〔brave〕a brave defence 英勇的抵抗英汉大词典〔bright〕a bright example of courage in battle 作战英勇的光辉榜样英汉大词典〔courageous〕a courageous example 英勇的榜样英汉大词典〔death〕a heroine's death. 英勇的死美国传统〔deed〕a heroic deed.英勇的行动。牛津同义词〔exemplar〕cited Joan of Arc as the exemplar of courage 将圣女贞德树为英勇的楷模韦氏高阶〔exploit〕heroic exploits.英勇的行为。牛津同义词〔feat〕a daring feat.英勇的功绩。牛津同义词〔gallant〕a gallant deed 英勇的行为文馨英汉〔gallant〕a gallant knight.英勇的骑士。牛津同义词〔gallant〕the gallant knights of Camelot 英勇的卡米洛特骑士麦克米伦高阶〔glowing〕a glowing account of sb.'s valour 一篇热情赞扬某人英勇的报道英汉大词典〔heroic〕a heroic act of bravery英勇的行为外研社新世纪〔heroic〕a heroic act/deed 英勇的行为/英雄事迹剑桥高阶〔heroic〕a truly heroic battle 十分英勇的战斗牛津搭配〔heroic〕heroic efforts.英勇的作为。牛津同义词〔heroic〕heroic rescuers.英勇的救星。牛津同义词〔heroism〕women who showed heroism by fighting for their right to vote 为争取选举权而表现英勇的妇女们韦氏高阶〔rescue〕a daring rescue at sea 英勇的海上营救工作朗文当代〔rescue〕a heroic rescue at sea.海上英勇的救援行动。牛津同义词〔smite〕the heroic leader charging into battle, sword held high, ready to smite the enemy. 英勇的首领高举利剑投入了战斗,准备狠狠地打击敌人。柯林斯高阶〔swagger〕to swagger about one's heroic history吹嘘自己英勇的过去21世纪英汉〔valour〕medals awarded for valor 表彰英勇的勋章朗文当代




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