

单词 英俊的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Adonis〕Often adonis A very handsome young man. 常作 adonis 美少年:很英俊的年轻男子美国传统〔BEAUTIFUL〕Ann admired his rugged good looks. 安喜欢他那粗犷而英俊的容貌。朗文写作活用〔BEAUTIFUL〕Lena had fallen in love with a rich, handsome Frenchman. 莉娜爱上了一个富有英俊的法国人。朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕In fairy tales when the princess kisses a frog, it turns into a handsome prince. 童话故事里,公主吻了青蛙后,青蛙就变成了英俊的王子。朗文写作活用〔DO/NOT DO〕She was beginning to suspect that the handsome stranger was up to no good. 她开始怀疑那个英俊的陌生人不怀好意。朗文写作活用〔Endymion〕A handsome young man who was loved by a moon goddess and whose youth was preserved by eternal sleep.恩底弥翁:月亮女神所爱的一个英俊的年轻男子,他的青春保持在永恒的睡眠中美国传统〔HONEST〕He's a nice looking young man with an open, honest smile. 他是个英俊的小伙子,脸上带着坦率真诚的微笑。朗文写作活用〔INTELLIGENT〕He has his mother's brains and his father's good looks. 他既有他母亲那样的头脑,又有他父亲那样英俊的外貌。朗文写作活用〔LOVE〕She's just waiting to be swept off her feet by a handsome stranger. 她就是等着一个英俊的陌生人来打动她的芳心。朗文写作活用〔WANT/NOT WANT〕Quite consciously, I set my sights on the best-looking boy in the whole school. 我相当刻意地一,心要追求全校最英俊的那个男孩。朗文写作活用〔amorous〕The opera centres around the amorous adventures/exploits of its handsome hero.这部歌剧以英俊的男主人公的艳遇为主线。剑桥高阶〔attract〕She was attracted by his good looks.她被他英俊的外表所吸引。外研社新世纪〔beak〕He'd be handsome if it wasn't for that huge beak of his.要不是长着那个硕大的鹰钩鼻他会很英俊的。剑桥高阶〔beautiful〕She arrived with a very good-looking man.她和一个非常英俊的男人一起到来。牛津高阶〔best〕He was voted the best-looking (= most attractive) actor in Hollywood.他被选为好莱坞最英俊的男演员。剑桥高阶〔blindness〕David's good looks and impeccable manners had always made her blind to his faults.戴维英俊的长相和完美的举止总是让她对他的缺点视而不见。柯林斯高阶〔change〕The frog changed into a handsome prince.青蛙变成了英俊的王子。麦克米伦高阶〔change〕With a wave of her magic wand, she changed the frog into a handsome prince.她魔杖一挥,把青蛙变成了英俊的王子。牛津高阶〔clean-cut〕Simon's clean-cut good looks 西蒙整洁英俊的外表牛津高阶〔clutch〕Tony fell into the clutches of an attractive American who introduced him to drugs.托尼落入了一个英俊的美国人的控制中,这个人引他走上了吸毒之路。柯林斯高阶〔cop off〕You might have copped off with the best-looking guy in the room, but I knew how bad he could be.你可能与房间里最英俊的那个男人上了床, 不过我知道他人有多坏。外研社新世纪〔dispatch〕Our handsome hero manages to dispatch another five villains.我们英俊的男主人公设法又杀死了5个坏蛋。剑桥高阶〔escort〕Her escort was a handsome high-ranking officer.她的男伴是一名英俊的高级军官。外研社新世纪〔evil eye〕He had been given the evil eye by a stranger on the street who was jealous of his beauty.街上嫉妒他英俊的陌生人给他施了邪眼。外研社新世纪〔frown〕A frown marred his handsome features.紧皱的眉头让他英俊的面容发生了扭曲。牛津搭配〔god〕A very handsome man.非常英俊的男子美国传统〔god〕In walked four gorgeous, blond Swedish boys, and I thought, 'There is a God!' 进来的是四个英俊的瑞典金发少年,当时我就想: “上帝的确存在啊!”朗文当代〔good-looking〕He's a very good-looking guy.他是个很英俊的小伙子。外研社新世纪〔grow〕He has grown into a fine young man.他已成长为英俊的青年。文馨英汉〔handsome〕I predict that someone tall, dark, and handsome is going to come into your life.我预测有个身材高大、深色皮肤并且长相英俊的人会走进你的生活。韦氏高阶〔irresistible〕His rugged good looks made him irresistible to women.他粗犷英俊的外貌令女性无法抗拒。牛津搭配〔locked〕Two handsome young men are locked in a passionate embrace.两个英俊的年轻男子热烈地拥抱在一起。外研社新世纪〔look〕He lost his looks(= became less attractive)in later life.他英俊的相貌在晚年已不复存在。牛津高阶〔mane〕The painting depicts a beautiful young man with a flowing mane of red hair.画中描绘了一位英俊的年轻人,留着一头飘逸的红色长发。剑桥高阶〔moon over〕All the girls in the class are mooning over the handsome new teacher.班里所有女生都如痴如醉地欣赏着这位英俊的新老师。韦氏高阶〔partner off〕The lady of the house had no difficulty in partnering off her beautiful daughter for the evening with a smart young man.这屋子的女主人在这次晚会上毫不困难地让她漂亮的女儿与一位英俊的年轻人配成一对。21世纪英汉〔profile〕His handsome profile was turned away from us.他英俊的侧影从我们眼前转开了。外研社新世纪〔profile〕His handsome profile was turned away from us.他英俊的侧影从我们眼前转开了。柯林斯高阶〔rather〕He was rather a handsome boy.他是一个相当英俊的男孩。麦克米伦高阶〔rest〕Her eyes came to rest on the handsome man sitting opposite.她的眼睛停留在坐在对面的一个英俊的年轻人身上。麦克米伦高阶〔rugged good looks〕People are attracted to his rugged good looks.人们被他那粗犷而英俊的脸庞所吸引。韦氏高阶〔shot〕I thought about meeting a handsome stranger but it seemed a bit of a long shot.我想象着能遇到一个英俊的陌生人,不过这似乎希望不大。柯林斯高阶〔sinister〕He was a handsome man in a sinister sort of way.他英俊的外貌中带着点阴险。朗文当代〔smitten〕I was smitten by his good looks.我被他英俊的相貌迷住了。韦氏高阶〔spread〕The girl was spreading herself in order to impress the handsome visitor.姑娘为了给那个英俊的来客留下好印象,正向他大献殷勤。英汉大词典〔studio〕The actor was a handsome youngster, over whom five studios were squabbling now.那演员是个英俊的小伙子,现在有5家电影厂为争夺他而吵闹不休。英汉大词典〔teenager〕He had grown from a tall, gangly teenager to a handsome young man.他已从瘦长的少年成长为英俊的小伙。牛津搭配〔term〕You might term her boy friend handsome.你可以说她的男朋友是英俊的。21世纪英汉〔town〕He was known as a tall, handsome man about town… 他以高大英俊的花花公子形象为人所知。柯林斯高阶〔trade on〕He wants to succeed by working hard instead of just trading on his good looks.他希望通过努力工作而不是凭英俊的长相获得成功。韦氏高阶〔universe〕He thinks he's the best-looking man in the universe.他认为自己是全天下最英俊的男人。麦克米伦高阶〔utter〕A look of utter confusion swept across his handsome face.他英俊的脸上掠过一丝大惑不解的神情。柯林斯高阶〔well-favored〕Handsome; attractive.英俊的;吸引人的美国传统An incurable skin disease has ravaged his once-handsome face.一种无法治愈的皮肤病彻底毁了他那张曾经很英俊的脸。剑桥国际He couldn't by any stretch of the imagination be called a handsome man (=He's certainly not handsome).他不管怎么想也称不上是个英俊的男子。剑桥国际He is one of the most intelligent, not to mention handsome, people I know.他是我知道的最聪明的人之一,此外他还是个英俊的人。剑桥国际He trades on his good looks.他利用了他英俊的相貌。剑桥国际He was voted the best-looking (= most attractive) actor in Hollywood.他被选为好莱坞最英俊的男演员。剑桥国际His handsome countenance was overcast. 他那英俊的面容阴沉沮丧。译典通I think my husband is the most handsome man in the world, but I realize my judgment is rather subjective.我觉得我丈夫是世界上最英俊的男人,当然我也意识到这种论断未免过于主观。剑桥国际I was reading my nephew a story about a handsome prince who rescues a princess from a dragon.我在给我的侄儿念一个故事,这个故事讲的是一位英俊的王子从龙的手中救出了一位公主。剑桥国际In the film's last five minutes our handsome hero manages to dispatch another five baddies.在电影的最后5分钟里,我们英俊的男主角设法送另外5个坏蛋上了西天。剑桥国际That handsome fellow has lots of moolah and many hopeful girlfriends. 那个英俊的家伙又有钱又有许多想成为他女友的人。译典通The awkward boy I knew had metamorphosed into a tall, handsome man.我认识的那个笨拙的男孩已经变成了一个又高又英俊的男人了。剑桥国际The film centres around the amorous adventures / exploits of its handsome hero, Mike Mather.这部电影的中心内容是英俊的男主角麦克·马瑟的情爱冒险。剑桥国际The rich and handsome young man made a conquest of Jeanne. 这位富裕而又英俊的年轻人赢得了琴的爱情。译典通When the beautiful girl kissed the ugly frog, the spell (= the condition of being controlled by magic words) was broken, and he turned into a handsome prince.当美丽的女孩亲吻了丑陋的青蛙之后,符咒被解除了,青蛙变成了一位英俊的王子。剑桥国际Whenever I see him in a film he always seems to play the part of the handsome hero.他在我看过的电影中似乎总扮演英俊的男主角。剑桥国际




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