

单词 西上
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔NAME〕She kept pressing the buttons on the remote control doodad. 她不停按着那个遥控东西上的按钮。朗文写作活用〔THING〕The towels are on the thingy at the top of the stairs. 毛巾在楼梯顶端的什么东西上面。朗文写作活用〔blessedly〕Both are blessed with uncommon ability to fix things.两人在修理东西上都有一手绝活。柯林斯高阶〔bob〕Something bobbed up and down in the water.水里有东西上下跳动。牛津同义词〔coat〕The wind had coated everything with a layer of sand.这阵风使所有的东西上都落了一层沙。麦克米伦高阶〔colorant〕Something, especially a dye, a pigment, an ink, or a paint, that colors or modifies the hue of something else.染料:给其他东西上色或修饰色彩的东西,尤其是染料、颜料、墨水或油彩美国传统〔cutout〕Something cut out or intended to be cut out from something else.剪截下来:从其它东西上切割剪截下来或要被切割剪裁下来的东西美国传统〔dust〕The dust settled on everything in the kitchen.厨房里每一样东西上都落了灰。牛津搭配〔everything〕Everything was covered in a thick layer of dust.所有东西上面都落着厚厚一层灰。朗文当代〔fine〕Everything was covered in a fine layer of dust.所有东西上面都覆盖了一层薄薄的尘土。麦克米伦高阶〔frivolity〕He spends money on the latest fashions and other frivolities.他把钱花在了最新时装以及其他无聊的东西上。韦氏高阶〔fur〕Thick dust furred everything.每件东西上都积着厚厚的尘垢。英汉大词典〔grime〕Everything is covered in a thin layer of grime.所有东西上都积了薄薄一层灰。外研社新世纪〔hold〕Just hold it right there! Where do you think you're going with that? 站在那儿别动!你想带着那个东西上哪儿去?麦克米伦高阶〔jolly〕Do you get your jollies from wasting money on things you don't need? 你在自己并不需要的东西上面浪费钱,真的觉得痛快吗?麦克米伦高阶〔knitting〕Where's my knitting? 我织的东西上哪儿去了?牛津高阶〔layer〕Everything was covered by a thin layer of sand/dust.所有的东西上面都覆盖着一层薄薄的沙子/尘土。韦氏高阶〔mixed〕Lucy goes to a mixed school.露西上一所男女混合学校。麦克米伦高阶〔moved〕There was so much furniture you could hardly move without bumping into something.家具太多,稍挪步就会撞到什么东西上。柯林斯高阶〔pile〕She closed the magazine and threw it back on the pile.她合上杂志扔回到那堆东西上。牛津搭配〔settle〕The house had been empty for years, and dust had settled on all the surfaces.这座房子多年来一直空着,所有东西上面都落了一层灰。剑桥高阶〔shroud〕Everything was covered in a thick shroud of dust.所有东西上都积了厚厚的一层尘土。剑桥高阶〔slice〕A thin, broad piece cut from a larger amount.薄片:从一大块东西上切下来的薄而宽的一片美国传统〔stamp〕A small piece of gummed paper sold by a government for attachment to an article that is to be mailed; a postage stamp.邮票:政府卖的能贴在将要邮寄的东西上的一小张粘贴纸;邮票美国传统〔strike〕The oar struck against something hard.桨重重地砸在了一件硬东西上。牛津搭配Dust slowly covered everything. 所有东西上都慢慢积满了灰尘。译典通I wouldn't use that bookcase if I were you because it wobbles whenever you put anything on it.如果我是你的话,我就不使用那个书架,因为你无论放什么东西上去,它都会摇晃。剑桥国际If you've spilt a drop of red wine on something and you don't want it to stain, put some salt on it -- it works a treat.如果你在什么东西上洒上了一滴红葡萄酒,而你不想让它留下污渍,就在上面放一些盐----效果立见。剑桥国际She seemed a bit detached, as if her mind were on other things.她看上去有点漠然,仿佛她的心思在别的东西上。剑桥国际She spent the morning sawing (= cutting with a saw).她一个上午都用在锯东西上。剑桥国际You should buy a good padlock and always lock your bike to something secure, like a railing.你应该买把好的挂锁且总要把你的自行车锁在牢固的东西上,比方说栏杆。剑桥国际




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