

单词 褶皱
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔INCREASE〕Snow gathered thickly in the folds of their clothes. 雪厚厚地积在他们衣服的褶皱里。朗文写作活用〔anticline〕A fold with strata sloping downward on both sides from a common crest.背斜:地层从山峰两侧向下倾斜所形成的褶皱美国传统〔buckle〕An instance of bending, warping, or crumpling; a bend or bulge.弯曲,褶皱;鼓胀美国传统〔central casting〕The physics professor looks like he's right out of central casting: his white hair is disheveled, his suit rumpled, and he looks a little lost.他看上去真是个典型的物理教授:白发凌乱、衣衫褶皱、表情略显迷茫。韦氏高阶〔cheek pouch〕A pocketlike fold of skin in the cheeks of various animals, such as squirrels, gophers, and monkeys, that functions as a means of carrying food.颊囊:松鼠、囊鼠、猿猴等动物脸颊上暂贮食物的袋状表皮褶皱结构美国传统〔cockle〕To become or cause to become wrinkled or puckered.使褶皱:成为或使成为皱起来或起皱的美国传统〔convolution〕One of the convex folds of the surface of the brain.脑回:大脑表面凸出褶皱中的一条美国传统〔crease〕She smoothed the creases from the tablecloth.她把桌布上的褶皱弄平了。牛津搭配〔crevice〕Sweat poured out of every crevice of the fat man's body.那个胖子身上的每一条褶皱里都涌出了汗水。剑桥高阶〔crinkly〕The paper was brown and crinkly at the edges.这份报纸泛黄了,纸边起了褶皱。朗文当代〔crystal pleat〕One of a series of very narrow pleats creased in the same direction.晶状褶皱:向同一方向起皱的一系列十分狭小的褶皱之一美国传统〔cushion〕The engine is made to concertina in a head-on collision, cushioning the impact on the passenger cabin.发动机会在迎面碰撞中折叠成褶皱状, 来减缓乘客受到的冲击。外研社新世纪〔cusp〕A triangular fold or flap of a heart valve.尖瓣:心脏瓣膜的褶皱或瓣片之一美国传统〔diastrophism〕The process of deformation by which the major features of the earth's crust, including continents, mountains, ocean beds, folds, and faults, are formed.地壳变动:地壳上大陆、山脉、海床、褶皱和断层等主要地貌形成的变形过程美国传统〔disturbance〕Geology Folding or faulting that affects a relatively large area.【地质学】 局部运动:形成褶皱或出现断层影响了相当大地区美国传统〔drapery〕A piece or pieces of heavy fabric hanging straight in loose folds, used as a curtain.垂悬的、有褶皱的成块密织物,用作帷帘美国传统〔drapery〕Cloth or clothing gracefully arranged in loose folds.漂亮的褶皱的布匹或衣物美国传统〔drapery〕The painter arranged several items among drapery and began to work.画家在打褶皱的装饰织物上摆放了几件物品,然后开始绘画。韦氏高阶〔fold〕Earthquakes can cause rocks to fold.地震能使岩石出现褶皱。外研社新世纪〔fold〕Many folds are the result of rocks being crumpled at plate boundaries.许多褶皱是岩石在板块边缘受挤压扭曲而成的。外研社新世纪〔fold〕She hid the note in a fold in her robe.她把便条藏在袍子的一个褶皱里。牛津搭配〔fold〕The priest fumbled in the folds of his gown.牧师胡乱整了整长袍上的褶皱。柯林斯高阶〔fold〕These rocks were folded in part of the Caledonian chain.这些岩石的褶皱是在加里东山链中形成的。外研社新世纪〔frill〕A ruff of hair or feathers about the neck of an animal or a bird.(动物)褶皱:动物或鸟脖子上覆叠的毛发或羽毛美国传统〔gathering〕A gather in cloth.褶裥:布上的褶皱美国传统〔gather〕To draw into small folds or puckers, as by pulling a thread through cloth.打摺:折叠形成小的皱纹或褶皱,比如拉一根线通过一块布美国传统〔girlie〕She's very girlie, all frills and curls.她很有女孩气,卷卷的头发,穿着有褶皱的衣服。麦克米伦高阶〔goffer〕An iron used for pressing ridges or narrow pleats.用作使布起褶皱的熨斗美国传统〔goffer〕Ridges or pleats produced in this manner.褶皱:用这种方式而形成的褶皱美国传统〔goffer〕To press ridges or narrow pleats into (a frill, for example).使布起褶皱:把布压成花边或窄的布褶(如褶边)美国传统〔hoop skirt〕A long full skirt belled out with a series of connected circular supports.圈环裙:呈花冠状突出的多褶皱的长裙,内有一系列相互连接的环状支撑物美国传统〔hymen〕A membranous fold of tissue that partly or completely occludes the external vaginal orifice.处女膜:一种膜性的褶皱组织,部分或全部闭塞阴道美国传统〔iron out〕Do you think we can iron out the creases in those curtains? 你觉得我们能把那些窗帘的褶皱熨平吗?韦氏高阶〔iron〕To remove (creases) by pressing.压去(褶皱)美国传统〔isocline〕An anticline or a syncline so tightly folded that the rock beds of the two sides are nearly parallel.等斜褶皱:紧凑地折叠在一起以致于基岩的两侧几乎平行的一条背斜或向斜美国传统〔labia majora〕The two outer rounded folds of adipose tissue that lie on either side of the vaginal opening and form the external lateral boundaries of the vulva.大阴唇:在阴道口两侧的两片外面的圆形脂肪组织褶皱,构成了外阴外侧边界美国传统〔linerboard〕A type of paperboard used in making corrugated cartons.挂面纸板:用于制褶皱纸箱的一种纸板美国传统〔line〕A crease in the skin, especially on the face; a wrinkle.皱纹:皮肤褶皱,尤指脸上的;皱纹美国传统〔nail fold〕A fold of hard skin overlapping the base and sides of a fingernail or toenail.甲皱:覆盖在指甲或趾甲底部和边缘的真皮褶皱美国传统〔pick out〕The bright hall light picks out every blond hair, every hollow and fold.明亮的厅灯照亮了每一缕金发和每一处凹陷与褶皱。外研社新世纪〔pleat〕A fold in cloth made by doubling the material upon itself and then pressing or stitching it into place.褶皱:衣服上的褶,通过将衣服的材料对折叠,然后在衣料上再压紧或缝在一起而制成美国传统〔plissé〕A puckered finish given to fabric by treating it with a caustic soda.褶绉处理:通过用有腐蚀性的苏打水处理织物使其具有褶皱的表层美国传统〔press down〕Press the paper down to ensure there are no wrinkles.用力压纸以确保没有褶皱。外研社新世纪〔proficient〕The dress designer was adept at draping and cutting the fabric without using a pattern.这个服装设计师善于不用图样就裁剪布料及打褶皱。美国传统〔pucker〕A wrinkle or wrinkled part, as in tightly stitched cloth.褶皱:缝得很紧的衣服上的皱纹或起皱纹的部分美国传统〔reflection〕The folding of a membrane from the wall of a cavity over an organ and back to the wall.细胞膜折叠:细胞膜从器官的腔壁到器官上再折回腔壁的褶皱美国传统〔revolution〕Geology A time of major crustal deformation, when folds and faults are formed.【地质学】 变革:褶皱和断层形成时的重要的地壳运动期美国传统〔ruck up〕His designer suits ruck up round his middle.他的名牌套装在腰部起了褶皱。柯林斯高阶〔rumple〕To wrinkle or form into folds or creases.弄皱、压皱或弃乱:弄皱,或使有褶皱美国传统〔smooth out〕He smoothed out the creases from the bedclothes.他用手拍平了床单上的褶皱。外研社新世纪〔sulcus〕Anatomy Any of the narrow fissures separating adjacent convolutions of the brain.【解剖学】 脑沟:任何一条分离大脑相邻脑回的狭窄褶皱美国传统〔syncline〕A fold in rocks in which the rock layers dip inward from both sides toward the axis.向斜:岩石层从两侧向中轴倾斜的岩石中的褶皱美国传统〔wrinkle〕I ran my hands over my skirt to smooth out the wrinkles.我用手把裙子上的褶皱抚平。韦氏高阶〔wrinkle〕I tried to iron out the wrinkles in my shirt.我设法将衬衫上的褶皱熨平。牛津搭配Fingerprint classification is based on four groups of ridge patterns on your fingers.指纹分类法根据的是你手指上的四类褶皱形状。剑桥国际The actor playing the king had some drapery (= folds of material) around his neck to suggest the historical era.扮演国王的男演员脖子周围有一些有褶皱的布,来表现那一历史时期。剑桥国际There are some wrinkles in the back of your skirt where you've been sitting down.你裙子后面一直坐着的地方有一些褶皱。剑桥国际




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