

单词 自助餐
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DIRTY〕The cafeteria was self-service, and guests had to carry their food on little plastic trays to mucky tables. 这是家自助餐厅,顾客得自己把食物放在塑料小托盘里端到肮脏的桌子上。朗文写作活用〔MEAL〕Try out all-you-can-eat buffet - only £5 per person 请尝尝我们的自助餐,随你吃饱,每位只需五英镑。朗文写作活用〔MEAL〕We're not having a big formal meal at the wedding - just a buffet. 婚礼上我们不是吃盛大正式的宴会餐,只是自助餐。朗文写作活用〔assembly〕School assemblies were usually held in the cafeteria.全校师生大会通常在校内自助餐厅举行。韦氏高阶〔barricade yourself〕Students barricaded themselves in the cafeteria to protest university policies.学生们把自己关在自助餐厅里以此抗议学校的政策。韦氏高阶〔buffeting〕We sat in the station buffet sipping tea.我们坐在车站的自助餐厅里喝茶。柯林斯高阶〔buffet〕A buffet was laid out for the conference delegates.为与会代表安排了自助餐。牛津搭配〔buffet〕A meal at which guests serve themselves from various dishes displayed on a table or sideboard.自助餐:客人们自己动手选择放在桌上或餐具柜上的各种食物的用餐美国传统〔buffet〕Are you having a sit-down meal or a buffet at the wedding? 你办婚礼想摆桌宴还是提供自助餐?剑桥高阶〔buffet〕He went back to the buffet table for a second helping.他回到自助餐桌,又取了些食物。韦氏高阶〔buffet〕The price includes a buffet, all drinks, and live entertainment.价格包括自助餐、所有饮料和现场表演。麦克米伦高阶〔buffet〕They prepared a buffet for the party.他们预备了自助餐给参加聚会的人吃。牛津同义词〔bunch〕The guests all bunched together near the buffet table.客人们都聚在自助餐台的附近。麦克米伦高阶〔cafeteria〕A restaurant in which the customers are served at a counter and carry their meals on trays to tables.自助餐厅:顾客们自己在柜台处将食物装在盘子里端到桌子上的一种饭馆美国传统〔cafetorium〕A large room, usually in an educational institution, that serves both as a cafeteria and as an auditorium.大厅:通常设于教育机关内的既做自助餐厅又做礼堂的大房间美国传统〔canteen〕A snack bar or small cafeteria, as on a military installation.随军小卖部:小吃店或小自助餐厅,如军事单位中的美国传统〔choice〕At lunchtime, there's a choice between the buffet or the set menu.午餐可以吃自助餐,也可以选套餐。柯林斯高阶〔choice〕At lunchtime, there's a choice between the buffet or the set menu.午餐可以选择吃自助餐或套餐。外研社新世纪〔chow line〕A line of people waiting for food, as in a cafeteria.取餐长队:人们排队等候食物,如在自助餐厅中美国传统〔chow〕She had to chow down with the others in the cafeteria.她只好与其他人一起在自助餐厅里吃了。朗文当代〔cold〕Hot and cold food is available in the cafeteria.自助餐厅有冷热食物供应。牛津高阶〔consist〕The buffet consisted of several different Indian dishes.这顿自助餐由几种不同的印度菜组成。朗文当代〔deposit〕Deposit your lunch tray at the cafeteria door.把你的午餐托盘放在自助餐馆门口。21世纪英汉〔drawing〕The church social will include a buffet dinner and a prize drawing .教堂举办的联谊活动将包括自助餐和抽奖。朗文当代〔floor〕The cafeteria is on (NOT at / in) the top floor.自助餐厅在顶楼。朗文当代〔lavish〕Afterwards, there was champagne and a lavish buffet.后来上了香槟酒和丰盛的自助餐。外研社新世纪〔lay sth on〕They laid on a wonderful buffet after the wedding.婚礼后他们安排了一顿丰盛的自助餐。剑桥高阶〔lay〕They laid on a buffet for his farewell party.他们为他的告别会安排了自助餐。朗文当代〔open bar〕They had a buffet and an open bar at the reception.他们在接待处准备了自助餐和免费酒水。韦氏高阶〔overpriced〕I went and had an overpriced cup of coffee in the hotel cafeteria.我到酒店自助餐厅喝了一杯价格昂贵的咖啡。外研社新世纪〔refreshment〕Refreshments will be provided in the cafeteria.自助餐厅将供应茶点。麦克米伦高阶〔self-service〕The cafe provides quick self-service at low prices.那家小餐馆提供价格低廉、方便快捷的自助餐。牛津高阶〔sit down〕We're having a sit-down meal at our wedding, rather than a buffet.我们结婚时会摆正式桌宴而不是自助餐。剑桥高阶〔sit-down〕Will the reception be a sit-down dinner or a buffet? 招待会是宴席还是自助餐的形式?韦氏高阶〔smorgasbord〕A buffet meal featuring a varied number of dishes.自助餐:供给不同的几种菜肴的自助餐美国传统〔splendid〕A splendid buffet was laid out along a 30-foot table.在30英尺长的桌子上摆出了丰盛的自助餐。麦克米伦高阶〔sprawled〕People are sprawled on makeshift beds in the cafeteria.人们在自助餐厅临时搭建的床上伸开四肢懒散地躺着。外研社新世纪〔swab〕I noticed a lone man in the cafeteria swabbing the floor as I passed.我路过时注意到一个男子独自在自助餐厅里拖地。柯林斯高阶〔swab〕I noticed a lone man in the cafeteria swabbing the floor as I passed.我路过时注意到一名男子独自在自助餐厅里拖地。外研社新世纪〔the〕A waiter came and hovered. John caught my look and we both got up and, ignoring the waiter, made our way to the buffet.一个侍者走了过来,候在附近。约翰领会了我的眼神,我们两个都站了起来,没有理睬那个侍者,朝自助餐台走去。柯林斯高阶〔waiter〕Lunch is a buffet meal, while dinner is waiter service.午餐是自助餐,晚餐有侍者服务。牛津搭配He looked ravenously at the buffet table.他饿极了地看着自助餐桌。剑桥国际That cheapskate took his date to a cafeteria. 那个小气鬼居然把女友带到自助餐馆约会。译典通The food in the cafeteria is abominable. 这家自助餐厅的膳食糟糕透了。译典通The food in the school cafeteria is yucky. 学校自助餐厅里的食物很难吃。译典通The smorgasbord table was laden with fresh baked salmon, salads, pickled herring, fruit, cheese, bread and desserts.斯堪的纳维亚式自助餐餐桌上摆满了新鲜的烤鲑鱼、色拉、腌鲱鱼、水果、奶酪、面包和甜食。剑桥国际There used to be a variety of foods at choice in that cafeteria. 那家自助餐馆以前有各种各样的食品可供选择。译典通They had a buffet at the wedding. 婚礼时,他们吃自助餐。译典通They had their lunch in a cafeteria. 他们在一家自助餐厅吃了午饭。译典通They laid on a wonderful buffet after the wedding.婚礼之后他们准备了一顿丰盛的自助餐。剑桥国际They walked out of the cafeteria, and across the piazza. 他们走出自助餐厅,穿过广场。译典通




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