

单词 角色
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BOOKS〕She reminds you of a character from Dickens. 她让人想起狄更斯笔下的一个角色。朗文写作活用〔GOOD AT〕Price handles the role of the angry wife with great skill. 普赖斯把愤怒的妻子这一角色处理得非常有技巧。朗文写作活用〔IMPOSSIBLE〕The equal division of all roles is a practical impossibility for many parents. 对许多做父母的来说,要平均分担所有的角色实际上是做不到的事。朗文写作活用〔INTERESTING〕Cagney makes the character come alive through a combination of his looks and his skills as an actor. 卡格尼以他的英俊相貌和出色演技把这一角色演得栩栩如生。朗文写作活用〔Mahdi〕A leader who assumes the role of a messiah.充当救世主角色的领导人美国传统〔REPLACE〕Glover's understudy took over the role on Broadway. 格洛弗的替角接替了他在百老汇的角色。朗文写作活用〔Whovian〕An avid Whovian, the actor was thrilled to be offered a part in the show.这名演员,同时也是《神秘博士》的剧迷,得到了出演剧中角色的机会,欣喜若狂。剑桥高阶〔act〕Ellis Pike was chosen to act the part of the lawyer in the film.埃利斯•帕克被选中在影片中扮演律师这一角色。剑桥高阶〔ambiguous〕His role has always been ambiguous.他的角色一直不明确。牛津高阶〔attitude〕Attitudes towards older people and their role will have to change.对老年人及其角色的看法必须改变。麦克米伦高阶〔audition for〕He auditioned for the role of the butler.他试演男管家这个角色21世纪英汉〔audition〕His audition went well and he's fairly hopeful about getting the part.他试镜时表现出色,很有希望获得这个角色。剑桥高阶〔audition〕I did an audition for the part of the queen.我试演了女王的角色。牛津搭配〔background〕Moulded by his background, he could not escape the traditional role of strict father.受成长环境的影响,他摆脱不了严父的传统角色。柯林斯高阶〔back〕The actor played two different roles back to back.演员接连扮演了两个不同的角色。英汉大词典〔best〕He's perhaps best known for his role in 'Midnight Cowboy.' 他最出名的可能是演《午夜牛郎》中的角色。朗文当代〔big〕After years as a small-time actor, he suddenly made it big (=became very successful) in Hollywood.演了多年的小角色之后,他在好莱坞一举成名。朗文当代〔brief〕He had a brief role in that play.他在那部戏里扮演一个出场不多的角色。英汉大词典〔buffer〕She often had to act as a buffer between father and son.她常常不得不在父子之间扮演调解人角色。牛津高阶〔buffo〕A man who sings comic opera roles.滑稽男演员:扮演滑稽角色的男歌手美国传统〔camera〕Fay was so impressive on camera that a special part was written in for her.费伊很上镜,所以特地为她编写了一个角色。柯林斯高阶〔carry off〕She's the only actress I know with enough talent to carry this off.她是我认识的唯一有足够天分演好这个角色的女演员。韦氏高阶〔case〕Changing men's and women's traditional roles is not easy, but in our case it has been helpful.改变男女的传统角色并不容易,但就我们的情况来说,这种转变却很有帮助。朗文当代〔catalyst〕I see my role as being a catalyst for change.我认为我的角色是促成变革。牛津高阶〔character〕A person portrayed in an artistic piece, such as a drama or novel.人物,角色:艺术作品中塑造的人物,如戏剧或小说美国传统〔character〕It doesn't matter if you forget your lines, so long as you stay in character.只要你演得与角色的性格相符, 忘了台词也没有关系。外研社新世纪〔character〕The fat actor was in character because the character he played was supposed to be fat.这个胖演员很合适,因为他演的那个角色本应是个胖子。英汉大词典〔character〕The writers killed off her character when she wanted to leave the soap.她不想继续演这个肥皂剧了,编剧们就写死了她的这个角色。牛津搭配〔confirm〕His new role has confirmed him as one of our leading actors.他饰演的新角色使他跻身我们的主要演员之列。外研社新世纪〔consolation〕Often they cry, and I have to play the role of a mother, consoling them.经常他们一哭,我就要充当母亲的角色抚慰他们。柯林斯高阶〔controversial〕He addresses such potentially controversial issues as the role of women in society.他探讨女性的社会角色等可能引起争议的问题。牛津搭配〔corner〕The writers have painted themselves into a corner by killing off all the most popular characters in the first series.编剧在第一部中就把所有受欢迎的角色都写死了,使自己陷入了困境。朗文当代〔debate〕The incident has reignited public debate over the role of teachers.这一事件重新引发了公众对教师角色的讨论。牛津搭配〔demanding〕It is a demanding role and she needs to work hard at it.那是一个要求很高的角色, 她为此必须狠下苦功。外研社新世纪〔disappointingly〕Disappointingly, that was her only appearance in that particular role.令人失望的是, 那是她扮演的角色唯一一次露面。外研社新世纪〔downgrade〕The female role has been downgraded altogether in the drive for greater equality.在争取更多平等的运动中,女性角色完全被贬低了。柯林斯高阶〔duck〕She took to mothering like a duck to water.她很快就对母亲这一角色驾轻就熟了。外研社新世纪〔ego trip〕He was on another one of his ego trips, directing and taking the main part in a movie.他又在大出风头了,亲自出马执导影片,并在其中扮演主要角色。剑桥高阶〔exit〕Used as a stage direction for a specified actor to leave the stage.退场:为一特殊角色退出舞台而做的舞台说明美国传统〔facilitator〕I see my role as that of a facilitator, enabling other people to work in the way that suits them best.我认为我的角色是引导他人以最适合他们的方式工作。剑桥高阶〔forgettable〕He'd had a role in one or two forgettable movies.他在一两部不起眼的影片中饰演过角色。朗文当代〔gender〕The study examines gender roles in Latin America.这项研究考察了拉丁美洲的性别角色。麦克米伦高阶〔grab〕It's often the bad characters in a story who grab our attention.往往是故事里的反面角色会吸引我们的注意。麦克米伦高阶〔graduate〕As an actress she has graduated from small roles to more substantial parts.作为演员,她从配角演起,慢慢地演出比较重要的角色。朗文当代〔ham〕He hammed the part of Macbeth.他把麦克白这个角色演得太过了。外研社新世纪〔ham〕To exaggerate or overdo (a dramatic role, for example).表演过火:夸张做作地表演(比如说戏剧中的角色)美国传统〔hash〕We thought we knew our parts, but when the play began we hashed the whole thing.我们都以为我们熟悉了各自的角色,可当戏刚一开始,我们便把所有的一切都搞乱了。21世纪英汉〔heavy〕A serious or tragic role in a play.庄重的角色,悲剧角色:戏剧中庄重或悲剧性角色美国传统〔helpful〕Role-play is helpful in developing communication skills.角色扮演有助于提高沟通技巧。牛津高阶〔hero〕Tired of playing the swashbuckling hero, he sought out more challenging roles.他对老是演草莽英雄都感到厌烦了,于是便寻求扮演更有挑战性的角色。牛津搭配〔immortalize〕Marlene Dietrich was immortalized through her roles in films like "The Blue Angel".玛琳‧黛德丽在《蓝天使》等影片中所扮演的角色使她声名永存。剑桥高阶〔indispensable〕Mr Mitchell paid tribute to the indispensable role of photographers in the newspaper business.米切尔先生称赞了摄影师在报业中至关重要的角色。外研社新世纪〔in〕She was offered a part in a play.她应邀出演剧中一个角色。外研社新世纪〔makeup〕Materials, such as cosmetics and costumes, that an actor or actress uses in portraying a role.化妆用品:男女演员用于扮演某个角色所用的物品,如化妆用品或服装美国传统〔massacre〕Unfortunately, Jones absolutely massacres the role of Ophelia.遗憾的是,琼斯把奥菲利娅这个角色演砸了。朗文当代〔miles gloriosus〕A bragging and often cowardly soldier, especially as a stock character in comedy.满口大话的士兵:满口大话却通常胆小懦弱的士兵,尤指古典喜剧中的传统角色美国传统〔mime〕To act as a mimic.演滑稽角色:如滑稽演员一样表演美国传统〔miscast〕He was miscast in that film.他在那部电影中扮演的角色不合适。韦氏高阶〔miscast〕The play is miscast.剧中角色分配不当。英汉大词典〔on the whole〕On the whole, new parents reported that they were adapting very well to parenthood.基本上,新生儿父母都说自己能很好地适应家长角色。韦氏高阶〔overplay〕To overdo a role or an effect.对角色或效果演得过火美国传统〔part〕I knew the part by heart.我熟记这个角色的台词。英汉大词典〔play〕Her character is being played by a relatively unknown actress.她的角色由一个不太知名的女演员扮演。韦氏高阶〔plum〕How did she get such a plum role in the play? 她是如何获得剧中那个让人眼红的角色的?韦氏高阶〔political〕The royal family has an inherently political role.王室的政治角色是与生俱来的。牛津搭配〔principal〕A person having a leading or starring role.主要演员,主角:担任领导或主要角色的人美国传统〔prove〕The role gave him the chance to prove himself as an actor.这个角色给了他证明自己表演实力的机会。麦克米伦高阶〔question〕The official faced questions concerning his role in the affair.这位官员就他在这一事件中的角色面临质询。牛津搭配〔rehearse〕He is rehearsing his part.他正在练演自己所扮的角色。英汉大词典〔rightly〕He can be very good at acting when he is rightly cast.只要角色对他的路子,他可以演得非常精彩。英汉大词典〔role-play〕The students did role-plays to practice for their interviews.为了准备面试,学生们进行了角色扮演。韦氏高阶〔role〕Ethan Hawke does a solid job in a thankless role.对这个吃力不讨好的角色,伊桑・霍克还是做足了功课。牛津搭配〔role〕He won an Oscar for his role.他因其扮演的角色而获得了奥斯卡奖。麦克米伦高阶〔role〕She has joined the team in a consultative role.她以顾问的角色加入了这个小组。牛津搭配〔role〕She refused to take on the traditional woman's role.她拒绝承担传统妇女的角色。牛津高阶〔rolled into one〕He is a father, sales manager, and athlete all rolled into one.他是一位父亲、一名销售经理,还是运动员,集三个角色于一身。剑桥高阶〔sexism〕Attitudes, conditions, or behaviors that promote stereotyping of social roles based on gender.性别主义:基于性别的改进社会角色固定模式的态度、情形或行为美国传统〔stake〕He was eager to return to a more entrepreneurial role in which he had a big financial stake in his own efforts.他渴望回到一个更多参与创业的角色,那样他所付出的努力会与自己的经济利益息息相关。柯林斯高阶〔subservient〕His wife refused to accept a traditional subservient role.他的妻子不愿接受做一个顺服妻子的传统角色。朗文当代〔title role〕She is currently to be seen at the National Theatre playing the title role in "Queen Christina".她现在正在国家剧院上演的《克里斯蒂娜女王》中扮演剧名角色。剑桥高阶〔typecast〕He feared being typecast as a criminal.他害怕总演罪犯一类的角色。韦氏高阶〔underact〕To understate (a role) intentionally; underplay.表演有克制:有意识轻描淡写(一角色);含蓄克制地扮演美国传统〔vice〕A character representing generalized or particular vice in English morality plays.罪恶的角色,坏蛋:在英国道德剧中常常或由特定丑角扮演的代表罪恶的角色美国传统〔villain〕He was cast as the villain.他饰演大反派角色。外研社新世纪〔vocal〕The six principal roles in this opera have an average vocal range of two octaves.这出歌剧里6个主要角色的平均音域覆盖两个八度。剑桥高阶〔walk through〕It's a shame to see such a talented actress just walking through her part.看到如此有天赋的女演员就这样草率对待自己的角色,令人遗憾。韦氏高阶〔write〕The role was written specifically for Rita Hayworth.这个角色是特地为丽塔・海华丝编写的。牛津搭配Companies were advised to split the role of chief executive and chairman.有人建议公司应当将总裁和董事长的角色分开。牛津商务He's an actor of modest pretensions, quite content to play small parts.他是个胸无大志的演员,演些小角色就心满意足了。剑桥国际My role is to act as a mediator between employees and management.我的角色是充当员工和资方的调解人。牛津商务Now, amongst the queues of unemployed, the Church is rediscovering its role of comfort and succour.教会如今又在失业队伍中找回了它作为安慰者和救济者的角色。剑桥国际One facet of his role in the film is that of stern father.他在这部电影中的角色的一个侧面是严厉的父亲。剑桥国际Role-playing is a useful way of simulating calls from customers.角色扮演是模拟客户呼叫的有效途径。牛津商务She dances the role with such élan.她以满腔的热忱表演那个舞蹈角色。剑桥国际She got eight million dollars for appearing in that film.在那部影片中出演角色,她得了八百万美元。剑桥国际Sheila Jones is indisposed, so the part of the Countess will be sung tonight by Della Drake.希拉·琼斯生病了,因此今晚伯爵夫人的角色将由德拉·德雷克来演唱。剑桥国际The director is holding auditions next week for the major parts.下个星期,导演将主持试演来筛选饰主要角色的演员。剑桥国际The older, cynical character in the play is the perfect foil for the innocent William.剧中那位年纪稍长愤世嫉俗的角色与天真无邪的威廉形成了鲜明的对照 。剑桥国际The roleplay enables us to look at candidates' team-building skills.角色扮演使我们能够观察应征者的团队建设技能。牛津商务Your role in the project will be strictly defined (= limited to particular areas).你在这项计划中的角色将被严格地加以限定。剑桥国际




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