

单词 角色
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔actable〕an actable role 可扮演的角色英汉大词典〔adjustment〕her adjustment to her new role 她对自己新角色的适应朗文当代〔alternately〕an imaginative novel, with alternating chapters presenting each partner's point of view. 分章节轮流呈现各个角色观点的富有想象力的小说柯林斯高阶〔audition〕auditioned for the role and got it. 试演这个角色并得到了美国传统〔big time〕a bit-part actor who finally made/hit the big time 一位终于走红的小角色演员牛津高阶〔canon〕one of the best comic roles in Shakespeare's canon莎士比亚公认真作中最好的喜剧角色之一外研社新世纪〔character〕cartoon characters 动画片中的角色牛津高阶〔destined〕sb.'s destined role in life 某人一生中注定要扮演的角色英汉大词典〔dual〕his dual role as President and head of the party 他兼任总统与党魁的双重角色文馨英汉〔enabling〕the role of the enabling state assisting everything from farming and science协助从农耕到科学等一切事务的国家赋能角色外研社新世纪〔execute〕to execute the part of Hamlet扮演角色汉姆雷特21世纪英汉〔exercise〕role-play exercises 角色扮演练习朗文当代〔extra〕film extras 担任影片中小角色的临时演员英汉大词典〔fat〕a fat part 能发挥才能的角色英汉大词典〔feminine〕the traditional feminine role 传统的女性角色牛津高阶〔femme〕a femme lesbian 一名充当女性角色的女同性恋者剑桥高阶〔gender〕gender differences/relations/roles 性别差异;性别关系;性别角色牛津高阶〔greasy〕a greasy character. 滑头滑脑的角色美国传统〔ill-defined〕an ill-defined role 不明确的角色牛津高阶〔intermediary〕an intermediary role in the talks 谈判中调解人的角色朗文当代〔interpretation〕an actor's interpretation of the role of Hamlet 演员对哈姆雷特这一角色的演绎韦氏高阶〔interview〕be interviewed for a part in a film 为获得扮演电影中一个角色的机会而接受面试英汉大词典〔labour〕the changing role of mothers in the labour market 母亲们在劳动力市场中的角色转变朗文当代〔meaty〕a meaty role in a new film 一部新片中耐人寻味的角色麦克米伦高阶〔meaty〕a meaty role in the film 影片中耐人寻味的重头角色英汉大词典〔one-dimensional〕a one-dimensional stereotype character 单薄的公式化角色英汉大词典〔patterning〕the patterning of husband-wife roles 夫妻角色的形成牛津高阶〔peripheral〕a diplomat who had a peripheral role in the negotiations 在谈判中担任次要角色的外交官朗文当代〔pivotal〕a pivotal figure/role/idea 关键人物/角色/想法剑桥高阶〔polity〕the role of religious belief in a democratic polity宗教信仰在民主政治实体中扮演的角色外研社新世纪〔practice〕an actor rehearsing a role. See also Synonyms at habit 排练角色的演员 参见同义词 habit美国传统〔quick-change〕a quick-change actor 换装迅速(以出演另一角色)的演员英汉大词典〔respective〕the respective roles of teachers and students 教师和学生各自不同的角色朗文当代〔role〕her conflicting roles as mother and manager of a large company 她身为母亲又担任大公司经理的相互冲突的角色牛津搭配〔speaking〕has a speaking part in the play. 在剧中扮演有台词的角色美国传统〔test〕test for a part in a play 参加在一剧中担任角色的测验英汉大词典〔underpart〕play an underpart in a drama 在戏中演次要角色英汉大词典〔walk〕walk away with the show 成为演出中最引人注目的角色 英汉大词典〔walk〕walk through a part (a play) 马虎地排练角色(戏)英汉大词典playing an active role in the board of the company 在公司董事会里扮演积极的角色牛津商务




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