

单词 角膜
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔aqueous humor〕The clear, watery fluid circulating in the chamber of the eye between the cornea and the lens.(眼)房水,(眼球的)水状液:在眼角膜与晶状体之间的眼房中循环的透明水状液体美国传统〔ariboflavinosis〕A condition caused by the dietary deficiency of riboflavin that is characterized by mouth lesions, seborrhea, and vascularization of the cornea.核醣黄素缺乏症:一种因核醣黄素摄入量不足而引起的状况,其特征为引起口腔损害,溢皮脂性皮炎,和角膜血管化美国传统〔canthitis〕Inflammation of the canthus.角膜炎美国传统〔contact lens〕A thin plastic or glass lens that is fitted over the cornea of the eye to correct various vision defects.隐形眼镜:一种用塑料或玻璃制成并套在眼角膜上校正各种视力缺陷的薄透镜美国传统〔corneal〕One or both eyes cannot filter light properly because the corneal surface is irregular.因为角膜表面异常,一只眼睛或双眼均无法正常过滤光线。剑桥高阶〔corneal〕She has had her sight restored thanks to a corneal transplant.通过角膜移植手术, 她恢复了视力。外研社新世纪〔cornea〕The transparent, convex, anterior portion of the outer fibrous coat of the eyeball that covers the iris and the pupil and is continuous with the sclera.角膜:眼球似纤维的外膜的前部透明凸出部分,它覆盖虹膜和瞳孔并与巩膜连接美国传统〔corneitis〕Inflammation of the cornea.角膜炎:眼角膜的炎症美国传统〔cut〕The operation involves making several cuts in the cornea.该手术要在角膜上做几个切口。柯林斯高阶〔film〕A thin, opaque, abnormal coating on the cornea of the eye.薄翳:眼睛角膜上一种极薄的、透明的、不正常的增生美国传统〔flap〕The surgeon cut a thin flap about a quarter of the way into the cornea.外科医生切开了四分之一厚度的角膜薄片。外研社新世纪〔hyperkeratosis〕Hypertrophy of the cornea or the horny layer of the skin.表皮角化病:角膜肥大或皮肤角层肥大美国传统〔incision〕The surgeon made a small incision in the patient's cornea.外科医生在病人的角膜上切开一个小口。牛津搭配〔keratectomy〕Surgical removal of a part of the cornea.角膜切除术:对角膜的一部分进行的外科切除美国传统〔keratitis〕Inflammation of the cornea.角膜炎:角膜发炎美国传统〔keratoconus〕In advanced cases of keratoconus, corneal transplant surgery is required.严重圆锥形角膜需要做角膜移植。剑桥高阶〔keratotomy〕Surgical incision of the cornea.角膜切开术:外科中对角膜的切开美国传统〔limbus〕A distinctive border or edge, such as the junction between the cornea and sclera of the eyeball.缘,边缘:明显的边缘或界限,如眼睛角膜周围与巩膜连接的部分美国传统〔membrane〕The cornea is the transparent membrane that covers the front of the eye.角膜是覆盖在眼球前部的透明膜。剑桥高阶〔nebula〕A cloudy spot on the cornea.角膜翳:角膜上微薄遮光点美国传统〔pterygium〕An abnormal mass of tissue arising from the conjunctiva of the inner corner of the eye that obstructs vision by growing over the cornea.翼状胬肉:从眼睛内角的结膜生出一块不正常的块状组织,往角膜上生长时引起视觉障碍美国传统〔walleye〕An eye with a light-colored iris or a white or opaque cornea.白斑眼:虹膜色泽发淡或角膜为白色或不透明的眼睛美国传统〔walleye〕The condition of having a dense white opacity of the cornea.角膜白斑:眼角膜带有深厚的白色不透明物的状态美国传统〔watcheye〕Walleye, especially in dogs.尤指狗的角膜白斑美国传统The cornea is the transparent membrane that covers the front of the eye.角膜是覆盖在眼球前部的透明的膜。剑桥国际




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