

单词 角的
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔animalize〕a man's animalized head adorned with ram's horns赋以动物外形而饰以公羊角的人头21世纪英汉〔bend〕mountain roads with steep gradients and blind bends 有陡峭坡路和隐蔽弯角的山道牛津搭配〔brazen〕the brazen bellow of a horn 号角的震耳长鸣英汉大词典〔budding〕a short story competition designed to encourage budding authors 旨在鼓励崭露头角的作家的短篇小说竞赛麦克米伦高阶〔circuitous〕a circuitous explanation 拐弯抹角的解释韦氏高阶〔circumferential〕a circumferential manner of speech 拐弯抹角的说话方式英汉大词典〔corner〕a corner store 街角的铺子英汉大词典〔corner〕a corner table 适于放在屋角的桌几英汉大词典〔crease〕the tiny creases at the corners of his eyes他眼角的细纹外研社新世纪〔dehorn〕to dehorn the horns in cattle抑制牛角的生长21世纪英汉〔devious〕a devious explanation 转弯抹角的解释英汉大词典〔dog-eared〕a dog-eared novel 一本翻得卷了角的小说朗文当代〔dog-eared〕dog-eared copies of ancient history books折了角的古代历史书籍外研社新世纪〔due〕a letter with twenty cents postage due 一封欠资两角的信英汉大词典〔fore〕a singer coming to the fore in Hong Kong 一个在香港崭露头角的歌唱家英汉大词典〔high street〕the pub on the corner of the High Street 大街街角的酒吧麦克米伦高阶〔horned〕a horned animal 有角的动物英汉大词典〔horned〕a horned toad 有角的蟾蜍朗文当代〔horned〕horned cattle 长角的牛剑桥高阶〔horned〕horned cattle. 有角的牛柯林斯高阶〔horned〕horned cattle有角的牛外研社新世纪〔hornless〕a hornless animal 无角的动物文馨英汉〔horn〕a large bull with curved horns 长着弯曲犄角的大公牛牛津搭配〔line〕lines of laughter beside the mouth 嘴角的笑纹英汉大词典〔moniliform〕an insect with moniliform antennae 有念珠形触角的昆虫英汉大词典〔muley〕muley cattle. 无角的牛美国传统〔nubile〕a nubile young starlet 崭露头角的年轻性感女演员韦氏高阶〔perpendicular〕two mutually perpendicular directions 两个互为直角的方向牛津搭配〔perspective〕multicultural education based on a global perspective 基于全球视角的多元文化教育牛津搭配〔poll〕a poll calf 无角的小牛英汉大词典〔prominence〕a young actor who has recently risen to prominence 最近崭露头角的一名年轻演员牛津高阶〔rack〕a deer with a huge rack 长着巨型角的鹿韦氏高阶〔right angle〕two lasers at right angles. 两束成直角的激光柯林斯高阶〔rising star〕a politician who is a rising star in the Republican/Democratic Party 在共和党/民主党中崭露头角的政治人物韦氏高阶〔rising〕a rising young lawyer 崭露头角的青年律师 英汉大词典〔sideburns〕a young man with long sideburns. 留着长鬓角的年轻人柯林斯高阶〔star〕an actor who has starred in many films 在多部影片中担任主角的男演员韦氏高阶〔steam〕a ship steaming towards the Bermuda Triangle 驶向百慕大三角的一艘船英汉大词典〔the〕the church on the corner 拐角的那座教堂朗文当代〔wind〕to wind into another's affections以拐弯抹角的手段赢得他人的好感21世纪英汉




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