

单词 许多名
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COUNTRY〕The countryside of Tuscany is a wonderful landscape of fields and valleys, with many historic monuments. 托斯卡纳的乡间全是漂亮的田地和山谷,有许多名胜古迹。朗文写作活用〔IMPORTANT〕The campaign, in which many celebrities figured prominently, was a great success. 这一运动得益于许多名人的突出作用,取得了巨大成功。朗文写作活用〔alumnus〕Many a famous writer is an alumnus of a local newspaper.许多名作家都曾是一家地方报纸的撰稿人。英汉大词典〔attendance〕A number of celebrities were in attendance.许多名人出席了活动。韦氏高阶〔big name〕A lot of big names showed up at the gallery opening.许多名人出席了美术馆的落成典礼。麦克米伦高阶〔celebrity〕There were many celebrities at the party.许多名人出席了晚宴。韦氏高阶〔celebrity〕Tonight's show features a host of celebrities.今晚的表演有许多名人出场。牛津搭配〔celeb〕A number of celebs attended the party.许多名人参加了聚会。剑桥高阶〔dress〕He dresses many of Europe's most glamorous women.他为欧洲许多名媛设计服装。麦克米伦高阶〔famously〕He has designed dresses for many celebrities, most famously Elizabeth Taylor.他为许多名人设计过服装,其中最著名的是伊丽莎白·泰勒。剑桥高阶〔famous〕Many famous people have stayed in the hotel.许多名人都曾下榻这家酒店。朗文当代〔glitter with〕The party glittered with many famous persons.聚会因许多名人而引人注目。21世纪英汉〔humble〕Many famous people are surprisingly humble.许多名人出人意料地谦虚。英汉大词典〔junior〕She has coached many of our leading juniors.她训练过我们许多名列前茅的青少年运动员。牛津高阶〔persecute〕Like many celebrities, she complained of being persecuted by the press.像许多名人一样,她也抱怨受到媒体的骚扰。朗文当代〔practically〕This use ofpractically, sometimes considered informal,is widely encountered in reputable writing.practically 的这一用法, 有时被认为是非正式的,但在许多名著中我们却经常看到这一用法美国传统〔street cred〕Many celebrities develop a working class accent to increase their street credibility.许多名人刻意模仿工人阶层的口音,以增加他们的街头亲和力。剑桥高阶〔take up〕The cause of global warming has been taken up by many celebrities recently.最近全球变暖的原因已经引起了许多名人的关注。韦氏高阶A number of luminaries from the opera world were performing--it was a real gala affair.歌剧界的许多名人在表演----这是一个真正的盛会。剑桥国际He's designed dresses for many celebrities, most famously the Queen.他为许多名流设计服装,其中最出名的是女王。剑桥国际Lots of celebrities were at the film premiere.许多名人出席了电影的首映式。剑桥国际Many celebrities develop a working class accent to increase their street credibility.许多名人刻意模仿工人阶层的口音来增加他们的街头信誉。剑桥国际The death of so many celebrities from AIDS has effectively spotlighted the disease.许多名流因爱滋病而死,这引起了公众的深切关注。剑桥国际The organization has enlisted the support of many famous people in raising money to help homeless children.该组织在集资帮助无家可归儿童时赢得了许多名人的支持。剑桥国际You may rub up against a lot of famous people at the party. 在此宴会上你可以碰见许多名人。译典通




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