

单词 触手
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔accessibility〕I had to keep the video camera readily accessible in case I saw something that needed to be filmed.我必须将摄像机放在触手可及的地方,以便需要拍摄时用得上。柯林斯高阶〔ambulacrum〕One of the five radial areas on the undersurface of the starfish and similar echinoderms, from which the tube feet are protruded and withdrawn.步带:海星和类似棘皮动物底部五个辐射状排列部位中的一个,触手从这里进行伸缩美国传统〔feeler〕Zoology A sensory or tactile organ, such as an antenna, a tentacle, or a barbel.【动物学】 触角,触须:感觉或触觉器官,例如触角、触手或触须美国传统〔grasp〕Just when victory seemed within grasp, the referee blew his whistle.就在胜利似乎触手可及之时,裁判的哨声响了。牛津搭配〔incentive〕She had the added incentive of being within reach of the world record.世界纪录触手可及,这使她又有了新的动力。牛津搭配〔lophophore〕A horseshoe-shaped ciliated organ located near the mouth of brachiopods, bryozoans, and phoronids that is used to gather food.触手:腕足类、苔藓虫类和帚虫类动物嘴边的马蹄状纤毛器官,用于收集食物美国传统〔medusa〕The tentacled, usually bell-shaped, free-swimming sexual stage in the life cycle of a coelenterate, such as a jellyfish.水螅水母:有触手的,通常呈带状的,生命周期中有性阶段自由游动的腔肠动物,如水母美国传统〔tangible〕The silence of the countryside was almost tangible .乡村的寂静几乎触手可摸。朗文当代〔tentacled〕Provided with or having tentacles.提供或有触手的美国传统〔tentacular〕His tentacular mind pokes into everything.他那像是具有触手的头脑对什么事都要刺探。英汉大词典An octopus has eight long tentacles.章鱼有八个长触手。剑桥国际The squid uses its two long arms to catch its prey and the eight shorter arms to hold the creature while eating it.乌贼用它那两根长触手来捕捉猎物,八根短的则是在吃东西时抓住它。剑桥国际




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