

单词 自主神经
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔autonomic〕Of, relating to, or controlled by the autonomic nervous system.自主的:属于、关于或受控于自主神经系统的美国传统〔beta-agonist〕An agent, such as albuterol, that stimulates beta-receptors in the autonomic nervous system.β促效药,β兴奋剂:刺激自主神经系统中β-肾上腺素抗体的制剂(如舒喘灵)美国传统〔neural crest〕The part of the ectoderm in a vertebrate embryo that lies on either side of the neural tube and develops into the cranial, spinal, and autonomic ganglia.神经脊:脊椎动物胚胎外胚层的一部分。位于神经管的两侧,并逐步发展成头颅神经元、脊髓神经元、自主神经系统神经元美国传统〔nicotinism〕Nicotine poisoning, caused by excessive use of tobacco and marked by depression of the central and autonomic nervous systems.尼古丁中毒:尼古丁中毒,因吸用烟草过量而导致并以中枢及自主神经系统的压抑为特征美国传统〔preganglionic〕Of, relating to, or being the nerve fibers that supply a ganglion, especially a ganglion of the autonomic nervous system.神经节前的:提供神经节的、与之相关的或属于之的,尤指自主神经系统神经节的神经纤维的美国传统




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