

单词 臣服
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔allegiance〕Both knights owed allegiance to Bishop Odo and were granted lands in Kent under his protection and patronage.两名骑士都向奥多主教表示臣服, 在他的庇护和恩赐下获得了位于肯特的土地。外研社新世纪〔allegiance〕The obligations of a vassal to a lord.臣服义务:臣子对君主应尽的义务美国传统〔charm〕Many women had succumbed to his charms.许多女人都臣服于他的魅力之下。牛津搭配〔down〕To or into a lower or inferior condition, as of subjection, defeat, or disgrace.低下地:处于或走向低或差的状况,如臣服、失败或屈辱美国传统〔feudatory〕Owing feudal homage or allegiance.臣服的,忠诚的:怀有封建意味的敬意或忠诚的美国传统〔homage〕Ceremonial acknowledgment by a vassal of allegiance to his lord under feudal law.臣服:封建法律下一个忠实的封臣对其君主的正式承认美国传统〔kowtow〕To kneel and touch the forehead to the ground in expression of deep respect, worship, or submission, as formerly done in China.叩头:跪下并使前额触地,以表示高度尊敬、崇拜或臣服,以前曾用于中国美国传统〔liege〕Bound to give such allegiance and services to a lord or monarch.臣服的臣民:被限制向领主或君主臣服和服役的臣民美国传统〔liege〕Loyal; faithful.忠诚的;臣服的美国传统〔subjection〕The government used brute force to keep people in subjection.政府使用暴力让民众臣服。朗文当代〔subject〕One who is under the rule of another or others, especially one who owes allegiance to a government or ruler.臣服者,臣民:受别人统治的人,尤指忠于政府或统治者的人美国传统〔subject〕The subject peoples of her empire were anxious for their own independence.她的帝国中被迫向她臣服的民族迫切渴望自身的独立。柯林斯高阶〔tribute〕A payment in money or other valuables made by one ruler or nation to another in acknowledgment of submission or as the price of protection or security.贡品,贡金:由某统治者或国家向另一个统治者或国家支付的钱或其他珍贵物品,作为对臣服的承认或作为求得保护与安全的代价美国传统〔turn〕The once servile peasants turned against the cruel king.曾一度臣服的农民起来反对残暴的国王美国传统〔tyrant〕The kings of Sparta would not serve under the tyrants of Syracuse.斯巴达的国王决不臣服于锡拉库萨的暴君。牛津搭配Her ethereal beauty conquered the heart of everyone she met. 她天仙般的美丽让每个人臣服。译典通The country tried to protect its security by collecting an empire of subject peoples within the borders of its state.该国企图依靠将团结国境范围内的全体被臣服民族集中成帝国来维护安全。剑桥国际




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