

单词 call a strike
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔STRIKE〕When union bosses called a strike in protest over low pay, the response was overwhelming. 工会领袖呼吁罢工抗议工资太低,得到了巨大的响应。朗文写作活用〔answer〕The workers answered their threat by calling a strike.工人们举行罢工来回击他们的威胁。21世纪英汉〔ballot〕The union cannot call a strike unless it holds a ballot of members.工会未经会员投票表决不得发动罢工。牛津高阶〔call〕It's reckoned that the unions will call a strike if management will not agree to their demands.如果管理层不同意他们的要求,预计工会将发动罢工。剑桥高阶〔call〕The union has threatened to call a strike against the company.工会威胁公司说要下令举行罢工。韦氏高阶〔call〕The union leader called a strike.工会领袖下令举行罢工。英汉大词典〔call〕Whenever the union called a strike, the management agreed to negotiate.每当工会下令举行罢工, 管理层就同意谈判。外研社新世纪〔harmonization〕Air France pilots called a strike over the European harmonisation of their working hours.法国航空公司的飞行员举行罢工,抗议在欧洲范围内统一飞行员的工作时间。柯林斯高阶〔harmonization〕Air France pilots called a strike over the European harmonization of their working hours.法国航空公司的飞行员发起罢工, 抗议实行和欧盟各国一致的工作时间。外研社新世纪〔militancy〕The militants might still find some new excuse to call a strike.那些激进分子也许还会找到新的理由举行罢工。柯林斯高阶〔militant〕The militants might still find some new excuse to call a strike.激进分子可能还是会找些新借口来号召罢工。外研社新世纪〔strike zone〕The area over home plate through which a pitch must pass to be called a strike, roughly between the batter's armpits and knees.好球部位:本垒上的一区域,所投球必须通过此区域后被叫做一好球,大致位于击球员的腋窝与膝盖之间美国传统〔strike〕The union leaders called a strike.工会领导人号召举行罢工。牛津搭配〔strike〕The union leaders called a strike.工会领导号召罢工。外研社新世纪〔strike〕They had to play three games with replacement players after the NFL Players Association called a strike.在全国棒球联盟球员协会号召球员罢工之后,他们在三场比赛中不得不派替补球员上场。剑桥高阶It's reckoned that the unions will call a strike if management will not agree to their demands.如果资方不同意工会的要求,预计工会将发动罢工。剑桥国际The steel workers called a strike. 钢铁工人发动了罢工。译典通The trade union is invested with the power to call a strike. 工会被授于号召罢工的权力。译典通The union called a strike ballot (= a vote for or against a strike) of staff.工会呼吁进行员工罢工投票。牛津商务The union cannot call a strike unless it holds a ballot of members.工会未经会员投票表决不得发动罢工。牛津商务




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