

单词 蝴蝶结
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SMELL〕The poodle came back from the groomers perfumed, with a tiny bow behind each ear. 那鬈毛狗从护理员那里回来香喷喷的,两个耳朵后面还各打了一个小小的蝴蝶结。朗文写作活用〔Windsor tie〕A wide silk necktie tied in a loose bow.温莎领带:一种打成松散的蝴蝶结式的宽丝绸领带美国传统〔bow tie〕A short necktie fashioned into a bowknot close to the throat.蝴蝶结领带:在靠近喉咙处打上蝴蝶结的一种时兴短领带美国传统〔bowknot〕A knot with large, decorative loops.蝴蝶结:一种带有大的,装饰性环的结美国传统〔bow〕A knot usually having two loops and two ends; a bowknot.蝴蝶结:一种有两环并有两端的结;蝴蝶结美国传统〔bow〕Can you tie a bow? 你会打蝴蝶结吗?牛津搭配〔bow〕Ella wore a bow in her hair.埃拉头上戴着一个蝴蝶结。朗文当代〔bow〕Her hair was tied back in a neat bow.她的头发扎在脑后打了个整齐的蝴蝶结。牛津高阶〔bow〕I tied the ribbon around the present in a pretty bow.我用丝带在包裹上打了一个漂亮的蝴蝶结。剑桥高阶〔bow〕She had a yellow ribbon in her hair, tied in a bow.她的头发上扎着黄色缎带打成的蝴蝶结。麦克米伦高阶〔bow〕She tied the ribbon into a neat bow.她用丝带打了一个整齐的蝴蝶结。牛津搭配〔bow〕She tied/wore a bow in her hair.她在头发上扎/戴了个蝴蝶结。韦氏高阶〔bow〕She wore a peignoir held together at the throat by a bow of ribbon.她穿了一件宽大的浴衣,颈前由一个缎带蝴蝶结拢住。英汉大词典〔bow〕Tie it in a bow.将它系成蝴蝶结。文馨英汉〔bow〕Tie it in a bow.打成蝴蝶结。牛津同义词〔bow〕Tie it in a bow.把它打成蝴蝶结。外研社新世纪〔bow〕You could tie a little bow onto your rubber flip-flops.你可以在橡胶人字拖鞋上打一个小蝴蝶结。外研社新世纪〔bustle〕A bow, peplum, or gathering of material at the back of a woman's skirt below the waist.腰垫:女裙后面腰部以下的蝴蝶结、细腰窄裙或束在一起的布料美国传统〔co-ordinated〕Tie it with fabric bows that co-ordinate with other furnishings.系上与其他装饰相配的布质蝴蝶结。柯林斯高阶〔co-ordinate〕Tie it with fabric bows that co-ordinate with other furnishings.用与其他装饰相配的布蝴蝶结来绑它。外研社新世纪〔finish〕The bows will give a feminine finish to the curtains.窗帘最后配上蝴蝶结显出女性的柔美。牛津高阶〔fussy〕They've got those curtains that tie up with big bows - they're a little bit fussy for my taste.他们那些窗帘都打着大蝴蝶结——在我看来装饰得有点花哨。剑桥高阶〔hair〕Her long wavy hair was tied back with a bow.她那长长的波浪形头发用一个蝴蝶结束在脑后。朗文当代〔make〕Those little bows around the neck really make the dress! 领口的小蝴蝶结确实为这条连衣裙锦上添花!剑桥高阶〔obi〕A wide sash fastened in the back with a large flat bow, worn by women in Japan as a part of the traditional dress.阔腰带:用一个大平蝴蝶结系在后背的宽腰带,日本妇女用于传统服装上美国传统〔stickiness〕The drizzle and stickiness had made Maria's satin bow limp.毛毛雨和湿热的空气使玛丽亚的缎子蝴蝶结耷拉了下来。外研社新世纪〔string tie〕A narrow necktie, usually tied in a bow.狭领带:一种狭长的领带,通常打成蝴蝶结状美国传统〔tie〕She pulled the ribbon tightly and tied a bow.她把丝带抽紧,打了一个蝴蝶结。朗文当代〔tie〕She tied the ribbon tightly in a bow/knot.她把丝带打成一个紧紧的蝴蝶结。剑桥高阶〔tight〕Pull the ribbon tight and make a bow.拉紧丝带,然后打一个蝴蝶结。韦氏高阶〔topknot〕A decorative ribbon or bow worn as a headdress.发饰:一种用作头上装饰的带子或蝴蝶结美国传统〔unwrap〕I untied the bow and unwrapped the small box.我解开蝴蝶结,拆开小盒子的包装。柯林斯高阶He arrived at the restaurant, a portly figure in a tight-fitting jacket and bow tie.他到了饭店,肥胖的身躯裹在紧身夹克衫里,还戴着蝴蝶结领结。剑桥国际I tied the ribbon around the parcel in a pretty bow.我用丝带在包裹上打了个漂亮的蝴蝶结。剑桥国际It comes in an enormous pink box with bows on the top.它装在一只顶上有着蝴蝶结的巨大的粉红色盒子里。剑桥国际It was the most elaborately decorated cake--all sugar flowers and bows.这是装点最精美的一只蛋糕----有那么多的糖制花朵和蝴蝶结。剑桥国际She tied her long hair in a bow at the nape of her neck. 她将长发在颈背处扎成一个蝴蝶结。译典通She tied her shoelaces in a bow. 她把鞋带打成蝴蝶结。译典通She tied the ribbon in a bow. 她把缎带系成一个蝴蝶结。译典通She tied the ribbon tightly in a bow/knot.她把缎带打成一个紧紧的蝴蝶结/结。剑桥国际They've got those curtains that tie up with big bows -- they're a bit fussy for my taste.他们的那些窗帘打着大蝴蝶结----在我看来太花里胡哨了点。剑桥国际Those little bows round the neck really make the dress! 颈处的小蝴蝶结使裙子看上去漂亮极了。剑桥国际




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