

单词 蝗虫
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔cloud〕a cloud of locusts. 一群蝗虫美国传统〔descent〕the descent of the locusts 蝗虫的袭击英汉大词典〔locust〕a swarm of locusts 一大群蝗虫剑桥高阶〔locust〕a swarm of locusts 一大群蝗虫朗文当代〔locust〕a swarm of locusts 一大群蝗虫牛津高阶〔locust〕a swarm of locusts 一大群蝗虫韦氏高阶〔off〕living off locusts and honey. 以吃蝗虫和蜂蜜为生美国传统〔phase〕the white color phase of a weasel; the swarming phase of locusts. 鼬鼠的白色外表阶段;蝗虫的群居期美国传统〔plague〕a plague of locusts; a plague of accidents. 蝗虫灾害;不测之灾美国传统〔swarm〕a swarm of bees [locusts] 一群蜜蜂[蝗虫]文馨英汉〔swarm〕a swarm of bees/locusts/flies 一大群蜜蜂╱蝗虫╱苍蝇牛津高阶〔swarm〕a swarm of bees/mosquitoes/ants/locusts 一大群蜜蜂/蚊子/蚂蚁/蝗虫韦氏高阶〔swarm〕a swarm of bees/wasps/ants/locusts 一大群蜜蜂/黄蜂/蚂蚁/蝗虫剑桥高阶




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