

单词 蓝绿色
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-y〕Her eyes were a bluey-green colour.她的眼睛是蓝绿色的。柯林斯高阶〔Calabrese〕A type of broccoli, introduced from Italy and grown extensively in North America, bearing clusters of blue-green to dark green flower buds.花茎甘蓝:花椰菜的一种,从意大利引入并广泛种植于北美洲地区,长有一簇簇的蓝绿色到暗绿色的花朵美国传统〔PATTERN〕She was wearing a plain white T-shirt with a fish motif in blue and green. 她穿着一件素色白T恤,上面有个蓝绿色的鱼图案。朗文写作活用〔Stilton〕A rich, waxy cheese with a blue-green mold and a wrinkled rind.斯蒂尔顿干酪:一种发腻的蜡状乳酪,具有蓝绿色的霉和皱皮美国传统〔aqua〕Color A light bluish green to light greenish blue.【色彩】 水绿色,浅绿色:浅蓝绿色至淡绿蓝色美国传统〔braid〕She braided turquoise ribbons into my hair.她给我的头发扎上了一根蓝绿色丝带。外研社新世纪〔color〕His eyes were bluish-green in color.他的眼睛是蓝绿色的。韦氏高阶〔lapis lazuli〕An opaque to translucent blue, violet-blue, or greenish-blue semiprecious gemstone composed mainly of lazurite and calcite.天青石:一种不透明或半透明的蓝色、蓝紫色或蓝绿色的准宝石,主要由天蓝石和方解石组成美国传统〔peacock blue〕A moderate to dark or strong greenish blue.孔雀蓝:黑色或深蓝绿色的一种中等色彩美国传统〔protanopia〕A form of colorblindness characterized by defective perception of red and confusion of red with green or bluish green.红色盲:一种色盲,表现为对红色感受的缺陷和分不清红色和绿色或蓝绿色美国传统〔robin's-egg blue〕A pale bluish green to greenish or grayish blue.蓝绿色:一种从淡蓝绿色到绿色或灰色的颜色美国传统〔sea green〕She has sea-green eyes.她有一双蓝绿色的眼睛。韦氏高阶〔sea-green〕Jo's large sea-green eyes 乔蓝绿色的大眼睛朗文当代〔sort〕It's a sort of blue-green.有点像是蓝绿色。外研社新世纪〔turquoise〕Color A light to brilliant bluish green.【色彩】 蓝绿色:一种浅而亮蓝绿色美国传统〔viridian〕A durable bluish-green pigment.铬绿:一种蓝绿色的持久性颜料美国传统




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