

单词 胡子
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔-ed〕a fat, bearded man. 蓄着胡子的胖男人柯林斯高阶〔Lincolnesque〕a Lincolnesque beard 林肯式络腮胡子英汉大词典〔accent〕a small moustache that appears to be accented with eyebrow pencil 看上去像是用眉笔画浓了的一撮小胡子英汉大词典〔bearded〕a bearded college professor 蓄着胡子的大学教授韦氏高阶〔beard〕a goat's beard 山羊的胡子牛津高阶〔bother〕the bother of shaving刮胡子的麻烦外研社新世纪〔bristle〕a bristling mustache 翘胡子英汉大词典〔bristling〕a bristling white moustache. 浓密的白胡子柯林斯高阶〔bristly〕a bristly chin 胡子拉碴的下巴朗文当代〔clipped〕a dapper man with a clipped moustache. 衣着整洁、蓄着整齐的小胡子的男子柯林斯高阶〔close〕a close haircut/shave 剪到齐根的头发;刮得很干净的胡子韦氏高阶〔cut〕a brown moustache of Stalin cut 斯大林式棕色八字胡子 英汉大词典〔droop〕a droopy moustache 耷拉着的小胡子牛津高阶〔elegance〕a tall, elegantly dressed man with a mustache. 衣着讲究、蓄着胡子的高个男子柯林斯高阶〔elegantly〕a tall, elegantly dressed man with a moustache一个衣着讲究、蓄着胡子的高个男子外研社新世纪〔goateed〕a goateed man 留山羊胡子的男子韦氏高阶〔have〕has a beard; had a great deal of energy. 蓄着胡子;精力充沛美国传统〔kempt〕a nicely kempt beard. 漂亮整齐的胡子美国传统〔off〕shaved off his mustache. 刮掉了他的胡子美国传统〔pepper-and-salt〕a pepper-and-salt beard 花白胡子英汉大词典〔pepper-and-salt〕a pepper-and-salt beard. 花白胡子美国传统〔ringlet〕a sailor with whiskers curled in ringlets 留拳曲连鬓胡子的水手 英汉大词典〔scraggly〕a scraggly beard 散乱的胡子韦氏高阶〔scraggly〕a scraggly beard 稀稀拉拉的胡子牛津高阶〔scraggly〕a scraggly mustache. 稀稀拉拉的胡子柯林斯高阶〔scraggly〕his scraggly gray beard 他那散乱的灰白胡子朗文当代〔scrubby〕a scrubby mustache 又短又硬的小胡子英汉大词典〔setaceous〕setaceous whiskers. 刚毛样的连鬓胡子美国传统〔shaggy〕a shaggy black beard 蓬乱的黑胡子朗文当代〔shave away〕to shave off one's beard刮掉胡子21世纪英汉〔snowy〕snowy hair (beard) 白头发(胡子)英汉大词典〔stubby〕a stubby beard 浓密短硬的下颏胡子英汉大词典〔tend〕a carefully tended moustache 修剪得整整齐齐的小胡子英汉大词典〔tidy〕a man with a tidy moustache 蓄着整齐的小胡子的人麦克米伦高阶〔trim〕a trim moustache 整齐的小胡子麦克米伦高阶〔twirl〕twirl one's moustache 拈胡子 英汉大词典〔venerable〕a portrait of a venerable white-bearded statesman 一位德高望重的白胡子政治家的画像麦克米伦高阶〔wear〕wear a beard 留胡子文馨英汉〔with〕an old man with a beard 有胡子的老人文馨英汉〔with〕arrived with bad news; a man with a moustache. 带来坏消息;留络腮胡子的男人美国传统




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