

单词 胜队
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EVERYONE〕Each member of the winning team received a medal. 获胜队的每位队员都得到一枚奖牌。朗文写作活用〔WIN〕The Queen presented the cup to the captain of the winning team. 女王把奖杯颁发给获胜队的队长。朗文写作活用〔WIN〕The winning team went up to collect their medals 获胜队上前领取奖牌。朗文写作活用〔WIN〕The winning team will go through to the grand final in London. 获胜队将进入在伦敦举行的大决赛。朗文写作活用〔WIN〕Three young men from the victorious team came forward to collect their trophy. 获胜队有三名年轻男子上前领取奖杯。朗文写作活用〔altar〕A horse from the winning team was sacrificed on the altar of Mars.获胜队的一匹马用作祭品被送上战神祭坛。外研社新世纪〔anchor〕She anchored the winning team.她担任胜队的末棒运动员。21世纪英汉〔call〕The captain of the winning team was called forward to receive the cup.获胜队的队长被邀请站出来领取奖杯。英汉大词典〔cheer〕Three cheers for the winning team! 让我们为获胜队欢呼三声!剑桥高阶〔confetti〕The winning team was showered with confetti.向获胜队抛撒了五彩纸屑。牛津搭配〔crow〕The winning team crowed over its victory.优胜队因胜利而得意扬扬。文馨英汉〔cup〕The cup will be presented to the winning team by the president.总统将为获胜队颁发奖杯。牛津搭配〔hold〕The winning captain held the trophy in the air.获胜队的队长把奖杯高举到空中。牛津高阶〔parade〕The victorious team will parade through the city tomorrow morning.明天上午获胜队将在城内举行庆祝游行。牛津高阶〔play off against〕The top teams will play off seven games against each other.优胜队之间相互要打七场比赛以决胜负。21世纪英汉〔play-off〕The winner will face the Oakland A's in the playoffs this weekend.获胜队将在本周末的季后赛中对阵奥克兰运动者队。外研社新世纪〔play〕The two equal winners had to play off (an additional game).两个比分相同的胜队还须打一场加赛。英汉大词典〔praise〕The defeated captain was quick to praise the winning team.败北的队长反应很快,马上赞扬了获胜队。牛津搭配〔stroke〕The winner stroked an average of 28.获胜队每分钟平均划桨28次。英汉大词典〔utmost〕The coach did his utmost to make us into a winning team.教练竭尽全力使我队成了常胜队。英汉大词典〔victorious〕The victorious team were loudly cheered by their fans.获胜队赢得了球迷们的高声欢呼。剑桥高阶〔winning〕The winning team won almost half a million dollars.获胜队赢了大约50万美元。外研社新世纪The captain of the winning team got all the glory for the victory. 得胜队的队长因获胜而赢得全部荣誉。译典通The football fans cheered the winning team with agonies of wild joy. 足球迷欣喜若狂地向胜队欢呼。译典通The semi-final will be a chance for the losing team to get their revenge on the winning team (for their earlier defeat).半决赛将是负队(为前次失败)向胜队报仇雪耻的一个机会。剑桥国际The victorious team (= The team who won) were loudly cheered by their fans.获胜队赢得了球迷们的高声欢呼。剑桥国际The winning team was timed at 5 minutes 26 seconds.获胜队的成绩为5分26秒。剑桥国际The winning team's supporters leapt up in triumph as the final whistle blew.当终场的哨声吹响时,获胜队的支持者们欢呼雀跃起来。剑桥国际




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