

单词 胜过
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔BEAT/DEFEAT〕to beat someone by using your intelligence 运用智慧胜过某人朗文写作活用〔BETTER〕better than someone in a game or competition 在比赛中胜过某人朗文写作活用〔ace〕ace out one's opponents 胜过自己的对手英汉大词典〔beat at〕to beat someone at his own game在专长方面胜过某人21世纪英汉〔bird〕a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林(满足于现有的总比因过分追求而失去一切好)外研社新世纪〔defeat〕overcome is to prevail over, often by persevering: Overcome 指胜过,经常是通过坚持不懈的努力: 美国传统〔distance〕to distance one's rival远远胜过对手21世纪英汉〔edge〕have (或 get, gain, hold, keep, maintain 等) an (或the) edge over sb. 胜过某人英汉大词典〔emulate〕to emulate one's father as a concert violinist作为一名能在音乐会上演奏的小提琴手胜过某人的父亲21世纪英汉〔emulous〕be emulous of all rivals 很想胜过所有的对手英汉大词典〔emulous〕boys emulous of their fathers 想胜过父亲的男孩文馨英汉〔excel〕an invention that exceeds all others in ingenuity), to being greater than another, as in degree or quantity ( 在创造力方面胜过其它事物的一项发明), 在程度或性质方面比另外一个要好( 美国传统〔excel〕to excel at sports擅长体育运动,在运动方面胜过别人21世纪英汉〔get〕get ahead of one's competitors 胜过竞争者英汉大词典〔lead〕have (或 command) a narrow (wide) lead over sb. 以微弱(压倒)多数胜过某人英汉大词典〔mile〕beat sb. by miles 远远胜过某人英汉大词典〔one-up〕one-up one's rivals 胜过对手一筹英汉大词典〔one-up〕to one-up his plan胜过他的计划21世纪英汉〔outdo〕skaters trying to outdo each other in grace and speed 想在动作的优美及速度方面胜过他人的滑冰者朗文当代〔outthink〕to outthink one's opponent以思想敏捷胜过对手21世纪英汉〔overstride〕overstride one's competitors 胜过竞争者英汉大词典〔tower〕towers over other poets of the day. 胜过那一时期的其他诗人美国传统〔veg〕youngsters who prefer burgers to meat and two veg. 喜欢吃汉堡胜过吃两素一荤传统菜式的年轻人柯林斯高阶




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