

单词 被选作
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Unknown Soldier〕An unidentified soldier killed in war and chosen to be interred with national honors as a representative of all those who died in a war.无名战士:在战争中阵亡的一名没有辨明身份的士兵,被选作在一场战争中阵亡的所有将士的代表举行国葬美国传统〔choose〕Houston was chosen as the site for the convention.休斯敦被选作会址。外研社新世纪〔choose〕Houston was chosen as the site for the convention.休斯敦被选作大会的会址。柯林斯高阶〔choose〕This site has been chosen for the new school.这块场地已被选作新学校的校址。牛津高阶〔favour〕Manchester was rejected in favour of Liverpool as the new site.曼彻斯特不敌利物浦,没有被选作新的地点。麦克米伦高阶〔lectotype〕The specimen or illustration selected as the type of a species or subspecies when the original author of the name did not designate a type.选模标本,选型:当命名某种类或亚种的原始作者未指定其类型时,被选作该种类或亚种的类型的样本或图表美国传统〔pretension〕The city has some pretensions to be chosen as the site of the meeting.这座城市具备某些被选作会址的权利。英汉大词典〔stand〕He was pointed a stalking-horse to stand.他被选作掩护性候选人参加竞选。21世纪英汉




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