

单词 船侧
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bilge〕The rounded portion of a ship's hull, forming a transition between the bottom and the sides.舭:形成船底与船侧之间的船体的圆曲部分美国传统〔breeching〕A rope formerly used to secure the breech of a cannon to the side of a ship to control the recoil.驻退索:以前用于把炮尾缚牢在船侧以控制炮身后退的绳索美国传统〔broach〕He held the wheel firmly to prevent the ship from broaching to.他牢牢掌舵,以防船侧面迎向风浪。21世纪英汉〔broadside〕I brought the boat in broadside to the beach.我把船侧着拉上海滩。朗文当代〔bulwark〕Often bulwarks Nautical The part of a ship's side that is above the upper deck. 常作 bulwarks 【航海】 舷墙:比上中板还高的船侧的一部分美国传统〔deadlight〕A thick window set in a ship's side or deck.固定舷窗:安装在船侧或甲板上的厚窗户美国传统〔garboard〕The first range or strake of planks laid next to a ship's keel.龙骨翼板:靠近船的龙骨的第一排厚板或船侧板美国传统〔lap〕Waves lapped against the side of the boat.波浪轻拍船侧。文馨英汉〔lay alongside〕Scott managed to lay the lifeboat alongside her in the high seas.海上, 斯科特设法将救生艇停靠在船侧。外研社新世纪〔pop up〕Then Jeff's head popped up right beside the boat.这时, 杰夫的头突然从船侧冒出来。外研社新世纪〔quarter〕The upper portion of the after side of a ship, usually between the aftermost mast and the stern.船侧后半部:一艘船船尾的上部,通常指在最靠船尾的桅杆与船舷之间的部分美国传统〔shroud〕Nautical One of a set of ropes or wire cables stretched from the masthead to the sides of a vessel to support the mast.【航海】 左右支索,侧支索:从桅顶伸至船侧用以支撑桅杆的一组绳索或缆绳中的一根美国传统〔strake〕A single continuous line of planking or metal plating extending on a vessel's hull from stem to stern.列板,船侧:船外壳从船头延伸至船尾的连续的一列木板或金属板美国传统〔wale〕One of the heavy planks or strakes extending along the sides of a wooden ship.船腰部外板:沿着木船边缘延伸的重木板或船侧板之一美国传统The weight of the load swayed the boat to the left. 负载使船侧向左边。译典通




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