

单词 航船
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bilander〕Nautical A small two-masted sailing vessel, used especially on canals in the Low Countries.【航海】 双桅小商船:一种小型双桅航船,尤指用在低地国家中的运河上美国传统〔convoy〕A convoy of ships escorted the submarine out of harbour.一支护航船队护送潜水艇出了港口。英汉大词典〔dig into〕Elizabeth even dug into her own pocket to provide money for the huge convoys bringing supplies to Britain.伊丽莎白甚至自己出钱为运送补给品到英国的庞大护航船队提供经费。外研社新世纪〔felucca〕A narrow, swift, lateen-rigged sailing vessel, such as that used on the Nile or in the Mediterranean Sea.二桅或三桅小帆船:一种狭窄、快速、装有大三角帆的航船,如尼罗河和地中海用的快速帆船美国传统〔headlong〕The ship rushed headlong through the darkness at her top speed.航船以最高速度冲破黑暗向前行驶。英汉大词典〔headway〕The ship could make no headway in the rough sea.航船在惊涛骇浪中无法前进。英汉大词典〔landmark〕The tower was once a landmark for ships.那座塔曾经是指引航船的陆标。牛津搭配〔lubber line〕A line or mark on a compass or cathode-ray indicator that represents the heading of a ship or an aircraft.船向标记:罗盘或高速电子指示器的线条或标点,它们代表航船或飞机的航向美国传统〔mizzenmast〕The third mast aft on sailing ships carrying three or more masts.后桅:航船上有根或更多桅的第三根桅美国传统〔no-go〕The space launch was no-go.那艘宇航船不宜于发射美国传统〔rigging〕Nautical The system of ropes, chains, and tackle used to support and control the masts, sails, and yards of a sailing vessel.【航海】 索具;帆缆;支索:用于支撑或控制航船的桅杆、帆或帆桅的绳索、链条或滑车系统美国传统〔schooner〕Nautical A fore-and-aft rigged sailing vessel with at least two masts, a foremast, and a mainmast stepped nearly amidships.【航海】 纵帆船:一种纵帆装置的航船,至少有二根桅杆,一根前桅,在靠近船的中部有一根主桅杆美国传统〔seatrain〕A seagoing vessel capable of carrying a train of railroad cars.火车车厢运输船:一艘能够承载一长列火车车厢的航船美国传统The privateering ship was shipwrecked in the storm. 私掠巡航船在风暴中遇海难。译典通The ship made little headway in the storm. 航船在暴风骤雨中几乎无法前进。译典通




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