

单词 臆断
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔allegation〕It's a matter of fact and not allegation and therefore I would say the claims my family have made have been vindicated.这是事实而不是臆断, 因此我要说, 我家人的说法已经被证实了。外研社新世纪〔assume〕We mustn't assume the suspects' guilt.我们千万不能臆断犯罪嫌疑人有罪。剑桥高阶〔assumption〕It was impossible to make assumptions about people's reactions.臆断人们的反应是不可能的。牛津高阶〔assumption〕People tend to make assumptions about you based on your appearance.作出臆断麦克米伦高阶〔assumption〕People tend to make assumptions about you when you have a disability.如果你有残疾,人们往往就会对你妄加臆断。剑桥高阶〔assumption〕There is an assumption that all the people who live around here are rich.有人臆断住在这附近的所有人都很富有。麦克米伦高阶〔colour〕Whites have been forced by people of colour to question age-old racist assumptions.白人受到广大有色人种的压力, 不得不质疑由来已久的种族主义傲慢臆断。外研社新世纪〔factually〕Any comparison that is not strictly factual runs the risk of being interpreted as subjective.任何不完全切合实际的比较都有可能被当作主观臆断。柯林斯高阶〔feed〕Gossip and speculation are constantly fed to us by the media.媒体不断把流言蜚语和猜测臆断灌输给我们。牛津高阶〔feed〕We are constantly fed gossip and speculation by the media.媒体不断给我们灌输流言蜚语和猜测臆断。牛津高阶〔forejudge〕To judge beforehand without adequate examination or evidence; prejudge.不审而判,臆断:未充分调查或没有充分证据就判决;臆断美国传统〔guesswork〕The theory is mere guesswork.这理论不过是臆断而已。文馨英汉〔innuendo〕The report was based on rumours, speculation, and innuendo.这份报告建立在谣言、臆断和含沙射影的基础之上。柯林斯高阶〔onesided〕Her article is entirely one-sided and subjective.她的文章主观臆断,无公正可言。牛津搭配〔prejudge〕To judge beforehand without possessing adequate evidence.臆断:没有掌握足够证据之前的判断美国传统〔pure〕The chairman dismissed the report as pure speculation.主席对那份报告不屑一顾,认为纯属臆断。朗文当代〔speculation〕She dismissed the newspaper reports as pure speculation.她说报纸上的报道毫无根据,纯属臆断。牛津高阶




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