

单词 臀部
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EXERCISE〕I'd like to tone up my hips, thighs, and stomach 我想让臀部、大腿和腹部结实起来。朗文写作活用〔EXERCISE〕Raise your knee to exercise the upper leg and hip. 抬膝,使大腿和臀部得到锻炼。朗文写作活用〔Eton jacket〕A waist-length black jacket that has wide lapels and is cut square at the hips.伊顿公学式短上衣:有宽阔翻领和在臀部裁剪成方形的齐腰长的黑色夹克美国传统〔HIT〕The heavy video camera knocked against his hip as he walked. 他走路的时候,沉重的摄像机撞击着他的臀部。朗文写作活用〔MARK〕I banged into the shelf so hard that I got an ugly purple bruise on my hip. 我在搁板上重重地撞了一下,臀部被撞出很大一块乌青块。朗文写作活用〔Rubensesque〕Rubensesque hips 丰满的臀部英汉大词典〔UNDER/BELOW〕The dog's leg was broken just below the hip. 小狗的一条腿正好在臀部靠下的位置摔断了。朗文写作活用〔accumulate〕Fat tends to accumulate around the hips and thighs.脂肪常常堆积在臀部和大腿部位。朗文当代〔backside〕The buttocks; the rump.臀部;尾部美国传统〔bastinado〕They bastinadoed the criminal on the soles of the feet and on the buttocks.他们对罪犯的脚掌施笞蹠刑和对其臀部施棒刑。21世纪英汉〔belly dance〕A dance in which the performer makes sinuous hip and abdominal movements.肚皮舞:一种舞蹈者使臀部和腹部做起伏运动的舞蹈美国传统〔blouse〕Her coat blouses above the hip.她的上衣折边垂至臀部。21世纪英汉〔bottom〕If there was one thing she could change about her body it would be her bottom.如果能对自己的身体做一点改变,那她会选择臀部。柯林斯高阶〔breeching〕The short wool or hair on the rump and hind legs of a sheep, goat, or dog.短毛:绵羊、山羊或狗的臀部及后腿上的短羊毛或毛发美国传统〔breech〕The lower rear portion of the human trunk; the buttocks.臀部:人体躯干的略靠下的后部;屁股美国传统〔bulge〕Why won't those bulges on your hips and thighs go?你臀部和大腿上的赘肉为什么下不去呢?外研社新世纪〔bum〕The buttocks.屁股,臀部美国传统〔buttock〕Either of the two rounded prominences on the human torso that are posterior to the hips and formed by the gluteal muscles and underlying structures.半边屁股,臀部:人的躯体上位于臀部的由臀肌和下层组织构成的两个圆形突起的任何一个美国传统〔callipygian〕Having beautifully proportioned buttocks.有匀称臀部的:长有匀称漂亮的臀部的美国传统〔cellulite〕A fatty deposit causing a dimpled or uneven appearance, as around the thighs and buttocks.脂肪团:一种能引起如大腿、臀部等处的皱纹或凹凸不平的脂肪沉淀物美国传统〔cinch〕I cinched the belt of my backpack tighter around my hips.我把背包带更紧地扎在腰臀部。英汉大词典〔come〕I wore a large shirt of Jamie's which came down over my hips.我穿着杰米的衬衫,衬衫很大,把我的臀部都盖住了。柯林斯高阶〔corset〕A close-fitting undergarment, often reinforced by stays, worn to support and shape the waistline, hips, and breasts.紧身内衣:一种紧身内衣,通常用绳索加固,穿来支撑和使腰线、臀部和胸部成形美国传统〔croup〕The rump of a beast of burden, especially a horse.马臀:驮兽,尤指马的臀部美国传统〔crupper〕The rump of a horse; the croup.马臀;四脚动物的臀部美国传统〔culet〕Armor consisting of overlapping plates used to protect the buttocks.护臀甲:由相互交迭的甲片构成的铠甲,用来保护臀部美国传统〔daring〕She was wearing a fairly daring (= short) skirt that barely covered her bottom.她的穿着非常大胆,短短的裙子刚刚能够遮住臀部。剑桥高阶〔dead lift〕A weightlifting event in which the weight is lifted from the floor to the level of the hips and then lowered by controlled effort to the floor.硬举:举重,重量从地面举起到臀部的高度,然后再通过尽力控制把它降低到地面美国传统〔derrière〕The buttocks; the rear.臀部;后部美国传统〔fanny pack〕A waist pack, especially as worn with the pouch over the buttocks.后腰包:腰包,尤指围在臀部上的小袋子美国传统〔fanny〕The buttocks.臀部美国传统〔fester〕Its buttocks and thighs are a mass of festered sores.它的臀部和大腿满是溃烂的创伤。外研社新世纪〔flare〕The skirt fits tightly over the hips and flares just below the knees.这条裙子紧紧包住臀部,到膝盖下方的位置展开。剑桥高阶〔fracture〕He fell off a ladder and fractured his hip.他从梯子上摔下来造成臀部骨折。麦克米伦高阶〔full〕She's full in the hips.她的臀部丰满。文馨英汉〔fundament〕The buttocks.臀部美国传统〔gape〕There was a gape in the seat of his pants where they had split.他裤子的臀部原先绽线处豁了一个口子。英汉大词典〔girdle〕A woman's elasticized, flexible undergarment worn over the waist and hips.束腹:妇女的用弹力线制成的柔韧的围在腰部或臀部的内衣美国传统〔gluteus〕Any of the three large muscles of each buttock, especially the gluteus maximus, that extend, abduct, and rotate the thigh.臀肌:每侧臀部的三块大肌肉之一,尤指延展并围着大腿部的最大的一块臀肌美国传统〔glute〕A gluteus muscle. Often used in the plural.臀肌:指臀部肌肉,常用作复数形美国传统〔goose step〕A military parade step executed by swinging the legs sharply from the hips and keeping the knees locked.正步:一种军队阅兵时的步法:从臀部开始两腿摆动,而膝关节保持站立时的状态美国传统〔goose-step〕To march in such a way that the legs swing sharply from the hips and the knees are locked.以正步前进:两腿从臀部开始摆动而膝关节保持站立时状态的前进方式美国传统〔hip-huggers〕Tight-fitting pants whose waistline rests at hip level.抱臂裤:一种裆浅,贴在臀部的紧身裤美国传统〔hip〕She has broad hips.她有大的臀部。文馨英汉〔hip〕The skirt was a bit tight across the hips.这条裙子臀部有点紧。剑桥高阶〔hip〕The women want toned hips, thighs and bums.女性想要紧实的髋部、大腿和臀部。外研社新世纪〔hip〕This exercise is designed to trim your hips and stomach.这套运动是为了使你的臀部和腹部变得苗条而设计的。剑桥高阶〔hula〕A Polynesian dance characterized by undulating hips, miming movements of the arms and hands, and usually accompanied by rhythmic drumbeats and chants.呼拉图舞:一种波利尼西亚舞,以臀部的起伏来模仿手臂和手的运动,通常用有节奏的鼓点或歌唱来伴奏美国传统〔hunker〕The haunches.腿臀部美国传统〔jacket〕A short coat usually extending to the hips.短上衣:短上衣,通常只到臀部美国传统〔jodhpurs〕Wide-hipped riding pants of heavy cloth, fitting tightly from knee to ankle.马裤:用粗厚料子做的骑马时穿着的裤子,臀部宽松,从膝盖到脚踝紧贴身体美国传统〔jostle〕His buttocks jostled against my hips.他的臀部紧贴着我的髋部。外研社新世纪〔leg〕The back part of the hindquarter of a meat animal.供食用的腿,腿肉:食用动物臀部的后半部美国传统〔make〕Plastic covered seats make for shiny bottoms in trousers and skirts.塑料椅面易使裤子和裙子的臀部磨出光亮。英汉大词典〔moon〕Slang The bared buttocks.【俚语】 赤裸的臀部美国传统〔nates〕The buttocks.臀部,屁股美国传统〔niggle〕He reported a niggle in his hip to his GP.他告诉全科医生说臀部有点疼。外研社新世纪〔pannier〕A skirt or an overskirt puffed out at the hips.垫臀衬裙:拖到臀部的裙子或罩裙美国传统〔perineum〕The region between the scrotum and the anus in males, and between the posterior vulva junction and the anus in females.会阴:男性阴囊和肛门间的部分,女性臀部与阴户结合处与肛门间的部分美国传统〔plaster cast〕A few years ago I broke my leg and had a plaster cast on up to my hip.几年前我把一条腿摔断了,石膏夹板一直固定到臀部。柯林斯高阶〔plumpness〕There was a sturdy plumpness about her hips.她的臀部浑圆结实。外研社新世纪〔proportionally〕You have proportionally more fat on your thighs and hips than anywhere else on your body.相应地, 你的大腿和臀部的脂肪比身体其他部位要多。外研社新世纪〔rear end〕Informal The buttocks.【非正式用语】 臀部美国传统〔rhythmically〕She stood, swaying her hips, moving rhythmically.她站在那里,摇摆着臀部,有节奏地晃动着。柯林斯高阶〔ridge〕His buttocks were swollen and ridged with welts.他的臀部肿了起来,上面凸起一道道鞭痕。英汉大词典〔round steak〕A lean, oval cut of beef from between the rump and shank.牛股肉排:从牛的臀部和小腿之间切下的椭圆形瘦肉美国传统〔rump〕A cut of beef or veal from the rump.牛臀肉:从牛的臀部切下的一块牛肉或牛犊肉美国传统〔rump〕The buttocks.(人的)臀部美国传统〔rump〕The cows' rumps were marked with a number.奶牛的臀部标着一个数字。柯林斯高阶〔rump〕The fleshy hindquarters of an animal.臀部:动物有肉的后端美国传统〔sciatica〕Pain along the sciatic nerve usually caused by a herniated disk of the lumbar region of the spine and radiating to the buttocks and to the back of the thigh.坐骨神经痛:通常是由脊椎腰部区的椎间盘突出引起的坐骨神经的疼痛,并传入臀部和股骨的背部美国传统〔seat〕Her jeans had a gaping hole in the seat.她的牛仔裤臀部有个大洞。外研社新世纪〔seat〕The buttocks.臀部美国传统〔seat〕The part of a garment that covers the buttocks.(裤子的)后档:衣服包住臀部的部分美国传统〔seat〕Then he got up and brushed off the seat of his jeans.然后他站起来,拍了拍牛仔裤的臀部。柯林斯高阶〔shimmy〕She gave her hips a shimmy.她扭动了一下臀部。韦氏高阶〔singe〕The electric fire had begun to singe the bottoms of his trousers.电暖气已经开始把他裤子的臀部部位烤焦了。外研社新世纪〔sitz bath〕A bathtub shaped like a chair in which one bathes in a sitting position, immersing only the hips and buttocks.坐浴盆:形状象椅子的浴盆,有一位置可供坐着洗澡,水只没过臀部美国传统〔sit〕The dress sits well on her hips.她这件连衣裙腰臀部很合身。英汉大词典〔slim〕How can I slim down my hips? 我怎样才能让臀部变瘦点?朗文当代〔smack〕He smacked her on the bottom.他拍打她的臀部。文馨英汉〔smoothly〕The jacket fit smoothly over her hips.这件外套非常合身地罩着她的臀部。朗文当代〔split〕The seat of his short grey trousers split.他的灰色短裤的臀部开裂了。柯林斯高阶〔squat〕To sit in a crouching position with knees bent and the hams resting on or near the heels.蹲:弯着膝蹲坐,臀部贴着或接近脚跟美国传统〔steatopygia〕An extreme accumulation of fat on the buttocks.多臀脂:臀部脂肪的过多积聚美国传统〔strain〕Place your hands under your buttocks to take some of the strain off your back.将手放在臀部下面, 减轻背部的一些压力。外研社新世纪〔stretching〕He had burns that stretched from his neck to his hips.他从脖子到臀部均被烧伤。柯林斯高阶〔sudden〕She felt a sudden pain in her hip.她突然感到臀部一阵疼痛。麦克米伦高阶〔swivel-hipped〕Characterized by an exaggerated swinging movement of the hips.臀部扭动夸张的:以夸张地扭动臀部为特征的美国传统〔valgus〕Characterized by an abnormal outward turning of a bone, especially of the hip, knee, or foot.外翻的:以骨头的不正常外翻为特点的,尤其是臀部、膝部或足部的骨头美国传统〔wear away〕It had a saddle with springs sticking out, which wore away the seat of my pants.鞍座上的弹簧翘出来,把我裤子臀部那块磨破了。柯林斯高阶After her hip operation poor Mira was in/on traction for six weeks.臀部手术以后,可怜的米拉已经作了6个星期的牵引治疗了。剑桥国际He gave her a playful pinch on the bottom.他在她臀部开玩笑地拧了一把。剑桥国际Helen stood (with her) hands on (her) hips, waiting for an explanation.海伦双手放在臀部,站在那里等候着解释。剑桥国际I lowered my trousers for the injection and the doctor asked me in which cheek I wanted it.我褪下裤子打针,医生问我想打在臀部的哪边。剑桥国际Sports shoes are now designed to help protect the knee and hip joints.现在设计的运动鞋有助于保护膝盖和臀部关节。剑桥国际Stand up straight with your chest out and your seat (= bottom) in.站直了,把胸脯挺出来,臀部收进去。剑桥国际Ted's always going around goosing people just to make them mad.特得总是到处用手指刺插别人的臀部来吓他们一跳。剑桥国际That dress is a bit too tight for you on the hips.你那条裙子臀部包得太紧了。剑桥国际The ad showed a female rear in a pair of red trousers.广告上是穿着红色裤子的一个女性的臀部。剑桥国际




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