

单词 膳食
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CLEAN〕A healthy lifestyle includes having a nutritious diet and good personal hygiene. 健康的生活方式包括营养丰富的膳食和良好的个人卫生习惯。朗文写作活用〔Lenten〕Lenten meals.斋期膳食美国传统〔MATERIAL〕Dietary fibre makes waste matter from the food we eat pass through our bodies quickly. 膳食纤维使我们吃下去的食物中的废物很快地经过我们体内。朗文写作活用〔MEANING〕Dietary fibre can be loosely defined as the cell-wall material of plants. 膳食纤维大致可定义为植物的细胞壁物质。朗文写作活用〔PAY〕Many companies subsidize meals for their workers. 许多公司给员工膳食津贴。朗文写作活用〔PROBLEM〕You get free meals and accommodation, but there's a catch -- you have to look after the children. 你的膳食和住宿都是免费的,但这里有个小圈套—你必须照看孩子。朗文写作活用〔STAY〕The cost of the six-day trip includes meals and motel accommodations. 六日游的价格包括膳食和汽车旅馆的住宿。朗文写作活用〔act〕The 1995 act applies only to food and not to dietary supplements.这条 1995 年制定的法令只适用于食品,不适用于膳食补充剂。牛津搭配〔adequacy〕Several studies point to a real cause for concern over the adequacy of the diet eaten by British children.针对英国儿童膳食质量的担忧,数份研究将矛头指向了同一根源。柯林斯高阶〔ageing〕Poor diet contributes to ageing.不良膳食使人老得快。外研社新世纪〔allowable〕Meals are an allowable expense.膳食是合理的开支。麦克米伦高阶〔balanced〕It's important to eat a balanced diet.平衡膳食是重要的。外研社新世纪〔boarder〕One who boards, especially one who pays a stipulated sum in return for regular meals or for meals and lodging.搭伙人,寄宿生:搭伙人,尤指支付固定数额费用换取定期膳食或膳宿的人美国传统〔boarding house〕A house where paying guests are provided with meals and lodging.供膳食的寄宿舍:收费提供客人膳宿的房屋美国传统〔board〕In the nursing home she will have to pay for room and board .她进养老院就必须交住宿费和膳食费。朗文当代〔butler〕The head servant in a household who is usually in charge of food service, the care of silverware, and the deportment of the other servants.大管家:家务中的仆役长,通常负责膳食招待、餐具的管理和其他仆人的举止美国传统〔carryout〕An item of food or a meal that is to be consumed away from the place of sale.外卖食物:可从销售点带走食用的一份食物或膳食美国传统〔choice〕You have a choice of hotel or self-catering accommodation.你可以选择住旅馆或找自理膳食的住宿处。朗文当代〔comp〕Our meals were comped.我们的膳食是免费的。韦氏高阶〔doubly〕In pregnancy a high-fibre diet is doubly important.怀孕期间, 高纤维膳食愈发重要。外研社新世纪〔exercise〕He eats right and exercises regularly.他合理膳食,按时锻炼。韦氏高阶〔fatty〕The report dispels the myth that Northerners have a fattier diet than people in the south.报告破除了北方人比南方人膳食脂肪含量高的谬论。外研社新世纪〔fatty〕The report dispels the myth that Northerners have a fattier diet than people in the south.该报告消除了北方人比南方人膳食脂肪含量高的谬论。柯林斯高阶〔fibre〕You should eat more dietary fibre to reduce the risk of bowel cancer.你应该多吃膳食纤维以降低患肠癌的危险。剑桥高阶〔food〕It is important to get plenty of exercise and to eat the right foods.充分锻炼和合理膳食都是很重要的。牛津搭配〔health〕A good diet helps to maintain health.合理膳食有利于保持健康。麦克米伦高阶〔hotel〕An establishment that provides lodging and usually meals and other services for travelers and other paying guests.旅馆:为旅行者或其他付钱的客人提供住宿,通常也供应膳食和其他服务的大住宅美国传统〔ill〕All these diets are making you ill .所有这些膳食都导致人生病。朗文当代〔integral〕Vegetables are an integral part of our diet.蔬菜是我们膳食中不可缺少的一部分。朗文当代〔iron〕A tonic, pill, or other medication containing iron and taken as a dietary supplement.铁质;含铁质补药:含铁的药水、药片或其它药品,作为一种膳食补充来服用美国传统〔match〕They compared the fat intake of groups of vegetarians and meat eaters, and matched their diets up with levels of harmful blood fats.他们比较了素食者组与肉食者组的脂肪摄入量,并将他们的膳食与血脂超标水平对应起来。柯林斯高阶〔meal〕The food served and eaten in one sitting.膳食;一餐:一餐的食物美国传统〔mess hall〕A building or room used for serving and eating meals, as on an army post.餐厅:用来供应膳食和用膳的房屋或厅室,如在军队驻地中美国传统〔mess〕To take a meal in a military mess.聚餐:在军队的集体用膳食堂吃饭美国传统〔nourish〕We are always being told to nourish our bodies by eating the right food.我们一直被告知要通过合理膳食来滋补身体。外研社新世纪〔nutritious〕Some ready made meals are nutritious and very easy to prepare.一些预制膳食很有营养,而且烹调起来很简单。柯林斯高阶〔oatmeal〕Meal made from oats; rolled or ground oats.燕麦制品:燕麦制成的膳食;燕麦片或燕麦粉美国传统〔optional〕The price includes hotel and meals – entertainment is optional.这个价格包括旅馆和膳食,娱乐是可选可不选的。麦克米伦高阶〔ordinary〕A complete meal provided at a fixed price.套饭:以固定的价格提供的全套膳食美国传统〔otc〕OTC medicines and food supplements 非处方药和膳食补充剂牛津高阶〔poor〕Fats and sugar are very rich in energy but poor in vitamins, minerals and dietary fibre.脂肪和糖富含能量, 但缺少维生素、矿物质和膳食纤维。外研社新世纪〔poor〕Fats and sugar are very rich in energy but poor in vitamins, minerals and dietary fibre.脂肪和糖类热量很高,但维生素、矿物质和膳食纤维贫乏。柯林斯高阶〔positive〕Having a good diet gives me a sense that I'm doing something positive and that I'm in control.合理膳食让我感觉自己并非无所作为且能安排好自己的生活。柯林斯高阶〔positive〕Having a good diet gives me a sense that I'm doing something positive and that I'm in control.合理的膳食让我感受自己所做的很有意义并且能够安排好自己的生活。外研社新世纪〔prefer〕I prefer to go on self-catering holidays.我喜欢膳食自助的度假。柯林斯高阶〔premature〕Other evidence suggests that a diet high in fish oils helps prevent premature births.其他证据表明, 富含鱼油的膳食有助于预防早产。外研社新世纪〔protection〕The diet may offer protection against cancer.这种膳食可以防癌抗癌。外研社新世纪〔provide〕All meals are provided at no additional cost.膳食均免费提供。剑桥高阶〔provide〕That restaurant provides good meals.那家饭店供应上好的膳食。英汉大词典〔razzmatazz〕The new car was launched with great razzmatazz: champagne, food, free gifts, and dancers.推出这款新轿车时活动搞得热闹非凡、五花八门——开香槟酒、提供膳食、散发礼品,还有舞蹈演员助兴。剑桥高阶〔result〕Results suggest that diet is very important.研究结果显示膳食十分重要。朗文当代〔self-catering〕Prices start at £199 for a week's self-catering.一周的自理膳食起价为199英镑。韦氏高阶〔self-catering〕Prices start from £114 per person for seven nights' self-catering.自理膳食,7 个晚上每人 114 英镑起。朗文当代〔stomach〕If you can stomach replacing most of your meals with shakes and soups, this is the diet for you.如果你能习惯以奶昔和汤取代大部分膳食, 这就是你的规定饮食了。外研社新世纪〔substitute〕Bread is a poor substitute for a varied diet of more nutritious foods.面包无法替代营养更加丰富的多样化膳食。外研社新世纪〔success〕It's important for the long-term success of any diet that you vary your meals.如果想要成功做到长期节食, 很重要的一点是要膳食多样化。外研社新世纪〔success〕It's important for the long-term success of any diet that you vary your meals.如果想要成功做到长期节食,很重要的一点是要膳食多样化。柯林斯高阶〔suggestion〕The dietitian was helpful, making suggestions as to how I could improve my diet.这位膳食学家就如何改善饮食给我提了些建议, 对我很有帮助。外研社新世纪〔time〕It's about time (that) the school improved its food service.学校早该改善膳食服务了。剑桥高阶〔upgrade〕You can upgrade from self-catering accommodation to a hotel.您可以将自理膳食旅店升级为酒店。柯林斯高阶〔warning〕I need advance warning of how many people to cater for.我需要事先知道要为多少人提供膳食。牛津搭配〔whole〕As a whole we do not eat enough fibre in Britain.总体上我们英国人没有摄入足够的膳食纤维。柯林斯高阶Some people confuse food faddism with healthy eating and base their diets on the latest fashionable ingredients.一些人把饮食时尚与健康饮食混淆起来,以最近流行的膳食成份为依据决定自己的饮食。剑桥国际The food in the cafeteria is abominable. 这家自助餐厅的膳食糟糕透了。译典通




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