

单词 苏丹
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Sudanese〕tens of thousands of Sudanese. 成千上万的苏丹人柯林斯高阶〔Sudanese〕the Sudanese government. 苏丹政府柯林斯高阶〔Sudanese〕the southern Sudanese town of Juba. 苏丹南部城镇朱巴柯林斯高阶〔feeding〕a food reserve large enough to feed the Sudanese population for many months. 足够苏丹人吃好多个月的食物储备柯林斯高阶〔feed〕a food reserve large enough to feed the Sudanese population for many months够全体苏丹人口吃好几个月的食品储备外研社新世纪〔legion〕the Sudan-based troops of the Libyan Islamic Legion. 利比亚伊斯兰军团驻扎在苏丹的部队柯林斯高阶〔legion〕the Sudan-based troops of the Libyan Islamic Legion利比亚伊斯兰军团驻苏丹部队外研社新世纪〔relief〕a shipment of relief supplies bound for the Sudan 一批运往苏丹的救济物资麦克米伦高阶〔sultanate〕the Sultanate of Oman 阿曼苏丹国牛津高阶〔sultanate〕the sultanate of Oman 阿曼苏丹国朗文当代〔sultan〕during the reign of Sultan Abdul Hamid. 在苏丹阿卜杜勒·哈米德统治期间柯林斯高阶〔sultan〕the Sultan of Brunei 文莱苏丹剑桥高阶〔sultan〕the Sultan of Brunei 文莱苏丹牛津高阶〔westernmost〕the westernmost province of North Sudan. 北苏丹最西边的省份柯林斯高阶〔westernmost〕the westernmost province of North Sudan北苏丹最西边的省份外研社新世纪




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