

单词 衣服
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔CLOTHES〕a woman dressed in green 一位身穿绿衣服的女士朗文写作活用〔God-awful〕wear a God-awful tweed suit 穿一套不成体统的粗花呢衣服英汉大词典〔TIGHT〕ways of saying that clothes do not fit 衣服不合身的说法朗文写作活用〔appropriate〕appropriate clothes.适当的衣服。牛津同义词〔bedraggled〕the bedraggled clothes of the traveller 游客泥污的衣服英汉大词典〔bloodstained〕bloodstained clothing. 染血的衣服柯林斯高阶〔bold〕boldly coloured clothes 大红大绿的衣服麦克米伦高阶〔check〕checked his coat at the door. 把衣服暂放在门边美国传统〔clad〕denim-clad cowboys 穿斜纹粗布衣服的牛仔韦氏高阶〔clothes〕a long velvet garment 一件长长的天鹅绒衣服朗文当代〔clothes〕a pile of dirty clothes 一堆脏衣服麦克米伦高阶〔clothes〕put on one's clothes 穿上衣服文馨英汉〔clothing〕wear buckskin clothing 穿鹿皮衣服英汉大词典〔drip-dried〕to drip-dry a wet garment把湿衣服滴干21世纪英汉〔face〕face a hem with lace. 给衣服边镶上花边美国传统〔filthy〕filthy clothes 脏衣服韦氏高阶〔funereal〕dressed in funereal black 身穿适于葬礼的黑衣服剑桥高阶〔grey〕a dozen women, all in black except one, who was in grey十二个女人, 除了一人穿着灰色衣服, 其余都穿着黑色衣服外研社新世纪〔impractical〕clothes that are attractive but entirely impractical 漂亮却一点儿也不实用的衣服麦克米伦高阶〔in〕dressed in their best clothes 穿着他们最好的衣服牛津高阶〔microscopic〕microscopic pores that allow evaporated sweat to pass out of the garment能使蒸发的汗水排到衣服外面的微孔外研社新世纪〔miss〕mis.ses A series of clothing sizes for women and girls of average height and proportions. mis.ses 少女(或妇女)尺码:为平均高度和身材的女人或女孩制定的一系列衣服的尺寸美国传统〔moleskin〕moleskins Clothing, especially trousers, of this fabric. moleskins 用这种斜纹布织成的衣服,尤指裤子美国传统〔outwear〕durable clothing that outwears other brands. 比其它品牌更耐穿的衣服美国传统〔parcel〕a parcel of clothes and blankets 一包衣服和毯子朗文当代〔piece〕a piece of clothing.一件衣服。牛津同义词〔pole〕air clothes on bamboo poles 把衣服晾在竹竿上英汉大词典〔red〕a lady dressed in red 穿红色衣服的女士韦氏高阶〔senior〕senior clothing 旧衣服英汉大词典〔sexy〕sexy clothes 极富性感的衣服英汉大词典〔shuck〕shuck one's clothes 脱掉衣服英汉大词典〔soil〕protect clothes from soil 防止衣服弄脏英汉大词典〔tasteful〕tasteful clothes 雅致的衣服英汉大词典〔tatty〕tatty clothes 破烂的衣服英汉大词典〔true〕a true fit (衣服的) 贴身英汉大词典〔unstained〕keep one's clothing unstained 保持衣服整洁英汉大词典〔washing〕do the washing 洗衣服文馨英汉〔waterlogged〕waterlogged clothes/soil 浸湿的衣服/土壤韦氏高阶〔wear〕a suit that wears well 一套很经穿的衣服 英汉大词典〔wet〕wet clothes 湿衣服牛津高阶




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