

单词 衣冠
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-mannered〕He dressed well and had impeccable manners.他衣冠楚楚,待人接物无可挑剔。柯林斯高阶〔ENTER〕The management reserves the right to refuse entry to anyone who is improperly dressed. 管理层保留拒绝衣冠不整者进入公司的权利。朗文写作活用〔UNTIDY〕He looked dusty, disheveled, and very tired. 他看上去灰尘满面,衣冠不整,疲累不堪。朗文写作活用〔UNTIDY〕She was conscious of her rather dishevelled appearance. 她意识到自己相当衣冠不整。朗文写作活用〔UNTIDY〕The actress was found disheveled and confused in a Los Angeles back yard. 那女演员在洛杉矶一户人家的后院里被发现时,衣冠不整,神情恍惚。朗文写作活用〔WELL-DRESSED〕She's marrying a well-groomed successful businessman named Paul. 她要嫁给一个衣冠楚楚的成功商人,名叫保罗。朗文写作活用〔animal〕He was an animal in his younger days.他年轻时,是个衣冠禽兽。柯林斯高阶〔anyone〕Anyone could dress well with all that money.有了那些钱谁都可以穿得衣冠楚楚。剑桥高阶〔awry〕His clothes were awry.他衣冠不整。外研社新世纪〔call〕She called him on his sloppy dress.她责怪他衣冠不整。英汉大词典〔cenotaph〕A monument erected in honor of a dead person whose remains lie elsewhere.衣冠冢:为葬于别处的死者所立的纪念碑美国传统〔dapper〕Hercule Poirot is the dapper detective of the Agatha Christie novels.赫尔克里‧波洛就是阿加莎‧克里斯蒂小说中那位衣冠楚楚的侦探。剑桥高阶〔dapper〕Neatly dressed; trim.衣冠楚楚的:穿着整洁的;漂亮的美国传统〔disarray〕Disorderly dress.衣冠不整;不整齐的衣着美国传统〔disheveled〕Being in loose disarray; unkempt, as hair or clothing.头发凌乱的;衣冠不整的:松散的;凌乱的,如头发或衣着美国传统〔dishevelled〕He looked tired and dishevelled.他衣冠不整,显得很疲倦。牛津高阶〔dishevelled〕Pam arrived late, dishevelled and out of breath.帕姆迟到了,衣冠不整,上气不接下气。朗文当代〔dismay〕The boy was dismayed to see his idol drunk and in disarray.这男孩看到他崇拜的偶像喝醉了酒,衣冠不整,感到很失望。英汉大词典〔dressed (up) to the nines〕Jackie went out dressed to the nines.杰基衣冠楚楚地出了门。剑桥高阶〔land〕Mary landed on Robert for dressing carelessly.玛丽因罗伯特衣冠不整而责骂他。英汉大词典〔let〕He looks awful. He's let himself go since Mary died.他看上去衣冠不整。自从玛丽死后他变得不修边幅了。英汉大词典〔paisley〕He was elegantly dressed in a grey suit, blue shirt and paisley tie.他衣冠楚楚,穿着灰色西服、蓝色衬衫,系着一条佩斯利花纹领带。柯林斯高阶〔rumpled〕He arrived, somewhat rumpled and unshaven.他到了, 有点衣冠不整, 胡子也没有刮。外研社新世纪〔rumpled〕He arrived, somewhat rumpled and unshaven.他到了,有点衣冠不整,胡子也没有刮。柯林斯高阶〔smartness〕He dressed very smartly which was important in those days.他衣冠楚楚——这一点在那个时候很重要。柯林斯高阶〔spiff sb/sth up〕He's really spiffed up his wardrobe since he started his new job.开始新工作之后,他把自己收拾得衣冠楚楚的。剑桥高阶〔state〕His clothes were in a state.他衣冠不整。英汉大词典〔undressed〕Partially but not fully dressed.衣冠不整的:部分但不完全穿衣的美国传统〔well-dressed〕She's always well dressed.她总是衣冠楚楚。外研社新世纪〔well-groomed〕The men were well-groomed.这些男士衣冠楚楚。韦氏高阶〔windswept〕Elton John has that windswept look.埃尔顿•约翰看上去那么衣冠不整。外研社新世纪Anyone could dress well with as much money as he's got.只要把钱都花在衣着上,任何人都可以穿得衣冠楚楚。剑桥国际He is the sort of well-groomed man you expect to inhabit an executive-size corporate office.你会认为公司经理办公室那样的地方工作的准是他那种衣冠楚楚的男人。剑桥国际He ran in looking rather dishevelled.他跑进来,衣冠不整。剑桥国际Hercule Poirot is the dapper detective of the Agatha Christie novels.埃居勒·波瓦洛是阿加莎·克里斯蒂小说中的一个总是衣冠楚楚的侦探。剑桥国际Jane landed on Tom for dressing carelessly. 珍因汤姆衣冠不整而责骂他。译典通Often the image of a lawyer in popular films is of a shark in a smart suit.在大多数通俗电影中,律师的形象常常是衣冠楚楚的敲诈者。剑桥国际Sometimes this beautiful girl could be a disheveled little sprite. 有时这个漂亮的姑娘会是个衣冠不整的调皮捣蛋的小家伙。译典通You'd better dress smartly for the interview -- the manager's hot on presentation.你面试时最好衣冠整洁----经理很注重仪表。剑桥国际




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