

单词 胖乎乎
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FAT〕Mark's cheeks were slightly chubby. 马克的脸蛋有点胖乎乎的。朗文写作活用〔FAT〕The baby reached out with its chubby little fingers. 婴儿伸出胖乎乎的小手指来。朗文写作活用〔FAT〕The baby was pink and chubby. 这婴儿长得粉嘟嘟、胖乎乎的。朗文写作活用〔FAT〕The doctor's wife had a plump face and a small mouth. 医生的妻子长着胖乎乎的脸和樱桃小口。朗文写作活用〔FAT〕Who's that chubby little girl with the dark hair? 那个长得胖乎乎的黑发小女孩是谁?朗文写作活用〔blob〕You may think he is muscular, but I think he is nothing but a blob.你可能觉得他是肌肉发达,可我认为他不过是胖乎乎的一团肉疙瘩。英汉大词典〔cherubic〕I was born cherubic and chubby.我出生时胖乎乎的,像天使般可爱。柯林斯高阶〔cherub〕A person, especially a child, with an innocent or chubby face.天真的人:尤指儿童等长着天真或胖乎乎的脸蛋的人美国传统〔chubby〕He was always chubby as a child.他小时候总是胖乎乎的。韦氏高阶〔jowl〕The flesh under the lower jaw, especially when plump or flaccid.下颌垂肉,双下巴:下颌底部的(尤指胖乎乎或松垂的)肉美国传统〔manner〕He was fat, with a lazy manner.他胖乎乎的,一向懒得很。英汉大词典〔meaty〕He looked up and down the corridor, meaty hands resting on his thighs.他两只胖乎乎的手搁在大腿上,上下打量着这个走廊。柯林斯高阶〔plumpen〕The baby's cheeks plumpened.那婴儿脸蛋已长得胖乎乎了。英汉大词典〔plumpen〕The baby’s cheeks plumpened.小孩子的脸长得胖乎乎的。[1680~1690]21世纪英汉〔plumply〕A child perched plumply on his knee.一个小孩胖乎乎地坐在他膝上。英汉大词典〔plump〕He pushed a plump little hand towards me.他向我伸出了胖乎乎的小手。外研社新世纪〔plump〕She is beginning to plump out now.她现在变得胖乎乎的。21世纪英汉〔plump〕To become well-rounded, chubby, or full in form.变丰满,变圆胖:在形体上成为圆鼓鼓、胖乎乎或饱满的美国传统〔puff out〕He puffed out his fat cheeks and let out a lungful of steamy breath.他鼓起胖乎乎的腮帮子,呼出了一大口热气。柯林斯高阶〔puff out〕He puffed out his fat cheeks and let out his breath.他鼓起胖乎乎的腮帮子, 呼出了一口气。外研社新世纪〔purr〕The plump ginger kitten had settled comfortably in her arms and was purring enthusiastically.胖乎乎的姜黄色小猫惬意地躺在她的怀里,大声地打着呼噜。柯林斯高阶〔twine〕He had twined his chubby arms around Vincent's neck.他胖乎乎的双臂搂住文森特的脖子。柯林斯高阶〔twine〕He had twined his chubby arms around Vincent's neck.他用胖乎乎的胳膊搂住了文森特的脖子。外研社新世纪〔wreathe〕His plump face was wreathed in smiles.他胖乎乎的脸上乐开了花。朗文当代Her next-door neighbour was a plump jolly woman who was always smiling and laughing.她的隔壁邻居是个胖乎乎、总是笑呵呵的快活女人。剑桥国际Mrs Blower was the rather stout lady with the glasses and the sensible shoes.布露沃夫人就是那戴着眼镜,穿着实用鞋子,胖乎乎的女士。剑桥国际




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