

单词 腾出
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ENOUGH/NOT ENOUGH〕The records show that the city has a few acres of land to spare. 记录显示该城市有几英亩土地可以腾出来使用。朗文写作活用〔OWE〕The government plans to reduce its outstanding debt, freeing capital for investment. 政府计划减少未偿债务,腾出资金用作投资。朗文写作活用〔SHOP/STORE〕A lot of the old Victorian buildings are being pulled down to make way for chain stores. 许多维多利亚时代的旧楼都纷纷被拆了,以腾出地方来建连锁店。朗文写作活用〔SPACE〕She cleared a space on her desk to put her computer. 她在书桌上腾出个地方放电脑。朗文写作活用〔SPACE〕The theater was torn down in the early '80s, to make room for the Horton Plaza Shopping Center. 剧院于80年代初拆毁,腾出地方建造了霍顿广场购物中心。朗文写作活用〔back up〕Could you back up a little to give me some room? 你能往后退点给我腾出一些地方吗?韦氏高阶〔back up〕Could you back your car up a little to give me some room? 你能把车往后倒点给我腾出点地方吗?韦氏高阶〔back〕If we push the table back against the wall, we'll have more room.如果把桌子往后推,靠着墙,就会腾出更多的空间。剑桥高阶〔back〕Stand back and give me some room.站远点儿,给我腾出些地方。牛津高阶〔bloody〕With my free hand, I bloodied his nose.我腾出手将他揍得鼻子流血。英汉大词典〔booked up〕I'm fully booked up, I couldn't possibly do it now.我现在忙得很,不可能腾出手做这个。柯林斯高阶〔clear〕He cleared a space on his desk for a cup of coffee.他在书桌上腾出一个放咖啡的地方。麦克米伦高阶〔clear〕I cleared a space on the desk for my new computer.我在桌子上腾出一块地方放置新电脑。韦氏高阶〔condition〕Under the conditions of the agreement, she must vacate the house on 12 July .根据协议条款,她必须在7月12日腾出这所房子。剑桥高阶〔cut ... down〕Half of the forest was cut down to make room for the road.为了给新公路腾出地方,这片树林已经被砍去了一半。21世纪英汉〔cut sth down〕They are cutting down forests to clear land for cattle.他们正在砍伐森林,腾出地方来养牛。剑桥高阶〔de-stress〕I always make time for fishing because it's how I de-stress.我总会腾出时间去钓鱼, 因为这是我减压放松的方法。外研社新世纪〔de-stress〕I make sure I make time for fishing because it's how I de-stress.我一定会腾出时间去钓鱼,因为这是我减压放松的方法。柯林斯高阶〔delivery room〕A room or an area set aside for making or receiving deliveries, as for circulating books in a library.收发室:为送货或接收货物而腾出来的房间或一块地方,如图书馆里为发行书而腾出来的地方美国传统〔demolish〕The old factory was demolished to make way for a new parking lot.旧工厂被拆除了,以便给新停车场腾出地方。韦氏高阶〔far〕She moved to the far side of the bed to make room.她移到床的另一头以腾出空间。麦克米伦高阶〔flat〕The building was knocked down to make way for a block of flats (=a large building with many flats in it) .那幢建筑被拆了腾出地方建一幢公寓楼。朗文当代〔footprint〕His latest proposal shrinks the building's footprint to make way for the street.他的最新建议压缩了建筑物的占地面积, 可以为街道腾出更多空间。外研社新世纪〔free up〕This would help to free up cash to be spent elsewhere in the Health Service.这将有助于腾出现金投入到公共医疗服务的其他领域。外研社新世纪〔free〕Hiring an assistant has freed him to spend more time with his family.雇个助手使他得以腾出更多的时间与家人在一起。韦氏高阶〔free〕His contract will run out shortly, freeing him to pursue his own projects.他的合同即将到期, 那之后他就可以腾出时间来做自己的项目了。外研社新世纪〔free〕His deal with Disney will run out shortly, freeing him to pursue his own project.他和迪斯尼的协议很快就要到期,这样他就可以腾出身来发展自己的项目了。柯林斯高阶〔free〕If you take these bags, that will give me a free hand to open the door.你拿一下这些包,我就能腾出手来开门了。剑桥高阶〔free〕They planned to extend the car park, freeing existing parking spaces for visitors.他们计划扩建停车场,腾出现有的停车位给访客用。剑桥高阶〔free〕This should free some money for investment.这样应该能腾出一些钱来用于投资。朗文当代〔free〕We freed time each week for a project meeting.我们每周都腾出时间开一次项目会议。牛津高阶〔free〕We have freed up some staff to deal with the backlog of work.我们已腾出一些员工来处理积压的工作。朗文当代〔free〕Winning the prize freed him to paint full-time.获奖使他能腾出时间整天作画。牛津高阶〔give〕I don't mind giving up a couple of hours a week to deal with correspondence.我不介意一个星期腾出几个小时来处理信件。朗文当代〔guest〕Guests should vacate their rooms by 10.30 a.m.旅客应在上午 10:30 以前腾出房间。牛津高阶〔heave〕He cleared a space, heaving boxes out of the way.他搬开箱子腾出一块地方。剑桥高阶〔holding pattern〕A usually circular pattern flown by aircraft awaiting clearance to land at an airport.椭圆形盘旋:飞机在机场上空等待腾出着陆跑道所做的圆形飞行美国传统〔knock〕The house is being knocked down to make way for a new road.这所房子正被拆毁以便为新建公路腾出地盘。英汉大词典〔lease back〕Our common practice is to sell the buildings in which our offices are and to lease them back so as to free large sums of money.我们的一贯做法是,将办公室所在的楼房卖掉,同时又租回来以便腾出大量的资金。21世纪英汉〔make time〕It's important to make time to read to your children.腾出些时间给你的孩子念书听很重要。剑桥高阶〔make way〕Several houses were torn down to make way for the shopping center.几座房子被拆了,以便腾出地方建造购物中心。韦氏高阶〔make/find room〕Can we make/find room in the garage for the bicycles? 我们能在车库里腾出/找到地方放这些自行车吗?韦氏高阶〔make〕They moved over and made room for her.他们挪了挪,给她腾出了地方。韦氏高阶〔move along〕The people standing in the bus moved along to make room for others.公共汽车里站着的人慢慢向前移动,以便给别人腾出地方来。21世纪英汉〔move〕The people standing in the bus moved along, to make room for others.公共汽车上站着的人往里走,好给别的乘客腾出地方。英汉大词典〔path〕The crowd edged back to make a path for her.人群缓缓向后移动,为她腾出一条通道。麦克米伦高阶〔put sth aside〕He tries to put some time aside every evening to read to the kids.他设法每天晚上腾出些时间读书给孩子们听。剑桥高阶〔put〕I put aside a day at the end of each month for doing the business accounts.每个月我都腾出一天的时间来做业务账目。麦克米伦高阶〔raze〕The old factory was razed to make room for a parking lot.这家老厂被全部拆除,腾出地方建停车场。韦氏高阶〔raze〕They have razed those buildings to make way for the new highway.他们拆除了那些建筑物以便腾出地方修建新的公路。21世纪英汉〔release〕This releases the teacher to work with individuals who are having extreme difficulty.这使得教师可以腾出精力辅导学习特别吃力的学生。外研社新世纪〔roadway〕Police cleared the roadway for the parade.警方为游行队伍腾出了车行道。韦氏高阶〔room〕I'm trying to make room for a vegetable garden in the backyard.我想在后院腾出地方做菜园。朗文当代〔room〕James took the books off the little table to make room for the television.詹姆斯拿走了小桌上的书,腾出地方来放电视。剑桥高阶〔room〕We had to move the furniture to make room for the piano.我们得挪动家具才能腾出地方放钢琴。牛津搭配〔room〕We need to make room in here for the computer.腾出地方麦克米伦高阶〔skirt〕She tucked up her voluminous skirts to make room for Jane.她掖起宽大的裙摆给简腾出地方。牛津搭配〔space〕He moved the books to create more space on his desk.他把书挪开,在桌上腾出了更多的地方。韦氏高阶〔space〕I'll clear a space for your books.我来腾出一块地方好放你的书。牛津高阶〔space〕They are cutting down yet more trees to make space for houses.他们还会砍伐更多的树木, 以腾出场地来建造房屋。外研社新世纪〔space〕They moved the sofa to make space for the piano.他们把沙发搬走了,好给钢琴腾出地方。牛津搭配〔space〕We replaced the bath with a shower to create more space.我们用淋浴代替浴缸以便腾出更大的空间。麦克米伦高阶〔spare〕We can only spare one room for you.我们只能给你腾出一个房间。牛津高阶〔squash〕We squashed up to make room for Sue.我们挤了挤,给苏腾出个地方。牛津高阶〔squeeze〕To manage to find time or space for.设法腾出,设法找出:尽量抽出时间或空间美国传统〔squish〕We squished together to make more room.我们挤在一起来腾出更多地方。韦氏高阶〔time〕I can probably make the time to see them.我大概能腾出时间去看望他们。牛津高阶〔time〕I'll try and make time to deal with it next week.我下周会尽量腾出时间来处理此事。麦克米伦高阶〔time〕She had made time for me in the midst of her busy schedule.她在百忙中为我腾出了时间。柯林斯高阶〔vacatable〕They have to vacate their offices before Wednesday.他们必须在星期三以前将办公室腾出来。21世纪英汉〔vacate〕Chris slumped down in the chair Mrs Tennant had just vacated.克里斯一屁股坐在坦南特夫人刚刚腾出的椅子上。柯林斯高阶〔vacate〕Guests are requested to vacate their rooms by noon on the day of departure.房客务请在离开之日的中午以前腾出房间。牛津高阶〔vacate〕Guests must vacate their rooms by 11:00.客人必须于11 点前腾出房间。朗文当代〔vacate〕They vacated their houses.他们腾出了房屋。英汉大词典〔vacate〕To cease to occupy or hold; give up.使空出,腾出,搬出:使不再拥有或占有;放弃美国传统〔way〕Tropical forest is felled to make way for grassland.热带森林被砍伐,腾出地方做草地。牛津高阶〔work〕She managed to work one hand free.她设法腾出一只手来。麦克米伦高阶A great number of trees are felled to make new ground for cattle to graze on.大量的树木被砍伐,为牛群吃草腾出新的场地。剑桥国际Delaying the project will give more time for research and save taxpayers' money.推迟这个项目可以腾出更多的时间用于研究并节约纳税人的钱。牛津商务Firms are vacating offices in the city and moving out of town.公司正在腾出城里的办公室,迁往城外。剑桥国际If you take these bags that will give me a free hand to open the door.要是你能拿一下这些包,我就可以腾出手来开门了。剑桥国际James took the books off the little table to make room for the television.詹姆斯将书从小桌子上拿开,给电视机腾出地方。剑桥国际Please make way so the ambulance can get by.请腾出地方,让救护车过去。剑桥国际Selling these assets will free up capital to invest in our core business.出售这些资产可以腾出资金来投资于我们的核心业务。牛津商务She always makes time to meet new employees.她总是腾出时间会见新雇员。牛津商务She has taken over the role vacated by her boss.她接任了她老板腾出来的职位。牛津商务The bookstore is devoting a lot of shelf space to the former prime minister's autobiography.书店腾出一大块货架来摆放前首相的自传。剑桥国际The reorganization has freed up space in the warehouse.这次调整布局腾出了仓库的空间。牛津商务Under the conditions of the agreement she is obliged to vacate the house on July 12th.根据协议的条件,她必须在七月十二日腾出这幢房子。剑桥国际We'll cut those two trees down (=remove them) to make room for the swimming pool.我们将砍掉那两棵树,腾出地方来造游泳池。剑桥国际We've moved the furniture (a)round in our bedroom to create more space.我们把卧室里的家具搬动了一下,以便腾出更多空间。剑桥国际




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