

单词 蒸气
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LINE〕If you hang that dress over the bath, the steam will get the wrinkles out. 如果你把那裙子挂在浴缸上面,蒸气会把皱褶熏平的。朗文写作活用〔LIQUID〕Steam from the shower condensed on the cold bathroom mirror. 淋浴产生的水蒸气在冰凉的浴室镜子上凝成小水珠。朗文写作活用〔WEATHER〕Snow crystals form when atmospheric conditions turn water vapour into ice. 大气环境将水蒸气转变为冰就形成了雪晶体。朗文写作活用〔autoclave〕A strong, pressurized, steam-heated vessel, as for laboratory experiments, sterilization, or cooking.高压灭菌器,高压锅:一种用于实验室实验、灭菌或烧煮的高压加热蒸气作用的容器美国传统〔becloud〕The kitchen was beclouded with steam.厨房里弥漫着水蒸气。21世纪英汉〔blur〕The steamy windows blurred the view.水蒸气弄湿了窗,景色都模煳了。牛津同义词〔boiler〕An enclosed vessel in which water is heated and circulated, either as hot water or as steam, for heating or power.锅炉,汽锅:一种封闭的容器,可对热水或蒸气在此加热或进行循环,以获取热量或动力美国传统〔change〕At what point does boiling water change into water vapour? 沸水在多少度时变成水蒸气?麦克米伦高阶〔chest〕A sealed receptacle for liquid, gas, or steam.密封室:贮藏液体、气体或蒸气的密封容器美国传统〔cloud〕A cloud of steam rose into the air.一团水蒸气升到空中。朗文当代〔cloud〕Steam had clouded the mirror.水蒸气使镜子变得模糊不清。牛津高阶〔combustion〕The two principal combustion products are water vapor and carbon dioxide.两种主要的燃烧产物是水蒸气和二氧化碳。柯林斯高阶〔combustion〕The two principal combustion products are water vapor and carbon dioxide.燃烧的两个主要产物是水蒸气和二氧化碳。外研社新世纪〔compose〕The clouds are composed of water vapor.云由水蒸气构成。韦氏高阶〔condensabilities〕At normal pressures steam condenses at 100℃.在正常的压力下,蒸气在摄氏100°时凝结成液体。21世纪英汉〔condensabilities〕If steam touches cold surfaces, it is condensed into water.蒸气接触到冷的表面就凝结成水。21世纪英汉〔condense〕Another idea is to condense water vapor from the atmosphere in the tropics by cooling it with cold ocean water.另一个想法是, 用冰凉的海水把热带地区大气中的水蒸气冷却凝结。外研社新世纪〔condense〕Water vapour condenses to form clouds.水蒸气凝结形成云。外研社新世纪〔condense〕Water vapour condenses to form clouds.水蒸气凝结形成云。柯林斯高阶〔dissipate〕Vapours dissipate.蒸气是会散逸的。英汉大词典〔drive〕Steam drives the engine.蒸气驱动引擎美国传统〔effluvium〕A usually invisible emanation or exhalation, as of vapor or gas.无形排放气:常指看不见的排放物,如蒸气或气体等美国传统〔erupt〕To force out or release something, such as steam, with violence or suddenness.发出:突然或者是猛烈地喷发或放出,如水蒸气美国传统〔evaporate〕Water evaporates into steam.水发散蒸气。21世纪英汉〔exhale〕All plants exhale vapour.凡植物都会排出水蒸气。外研社新世纪〔explodable〕The boiler from excessive pressure of steam exploded.蒸气压力过高的锅炉突然破裂了。21世纪英汉〔fish for〕Blinded by the stream,he had to fish around for the soap in his bath.他在浴室里被蒸气熏得睁不开眼,只好摸索着寻找肥皂。21世纪英汉〔flame〕The zone of burning gases and fine suspended matter associated with rapid combustion; a hot, glowing mass of burning gas or vapor.火焰:气体燃烧的部分和与快速燃烧有关的微小悬浮物质;燃着的气体或蒸气的发热、发光的部分美国传统〔fog〕Her glasses were fogged up with steam.她的眼镜因水蒸气而蒙上雾。英汉大词典〔fog〕The steam from the pot was fogging the window near the stove.锅里的蒸气使炉子旁的窗户蒙上了雾气。韦氏高阶〔form〕Petrol forms vapour above a certain temperature.超过一定温度时,汽油变成蒸气。英汉大词典〔form〕Water vapor condenses to form clouds.水蒸气凝结形成了云。韦氏高阶〔frost〕A deposit of minute ice crystals formed when water vapor condenses at a temperature below freezing.霜冻:当气温低于零度时由水蒸气凝结而成细小冰晶的沉积美国传统〔generator〕An apparatus that generates vapor or gas.产生蒸气或气体的机器美国传统〔hoarfrost〕Hoarfrost is a crystalline deposit of ice formed by the sublimation of water vapour.白霜是水蒸气升华形成的冰晶沉积。英汉大词典〔hornito〕A low mound of volcanic origin, sometimes emitting smoke or vapor.溶岩滴丘,低火山坡:因火山活动而形成的低矮土丘,有时会冒烟或蒸气美国传统〔hydronic〕Of or relating to a heating or cooling system that transfers heat by circulating a fluid through a closed system of pipes.蒸气管式的;水冷式的:加热或是冷却系统的或与其相关的,此类系统可以藉由将液体导入水管组成的密闭系统使其循环以传递热量美国传统〔let ... off〕We should let the steam off the boiler.我们应该放掉锅炉里的蒸气。21世纪英汉〔letoff〕The locomotive suddenly let off steam. 火车头突然放出蒸气。英汉大词典〔let〕The locomotive suddenly let off steam. 火车头突然放出蒸气。英汉大词典〔mist (sth) over/up〕The steam from the kettle misted up her glasses.水壶里冒出的水蒸气使她的眼镜变得雾气蒙蒙。剑桥高阶〔mist over〕The steam has misted the windows over.蒸气使窗户模糊不清。21世纪英汉〔misty〕The air was full of a misty vapour.空气中充满了雾一样的蒸气。外研社新世纪〔muster〕Vapors drawn from the sea mustered in the skies.海上来的蒸气聚集在空中。21世纪英汉〔pant〕A short, loud puff, as of steam from an engine.喷气声:短促而声音大的喷气声,如发动机喷蒸气的声音美国传统〔pass〕Then the steam passes into the turbine.然后蒸气进入汽轮机。21世纪英汉〔pass〕When water boils it passes into steam.水沸腾时变成蒸气。21世纪英汉〔puff〕The engine puffed a huge cloud of steam, then rolled down the tracks.火车头喷出一大股水蒸气,沿着轨道开始移动。剑桥高阶〔rain〕Water condensed from atmospheric vapor and falling in drops.雨:从水蒸气凝结并成滴降落下的水美国传统〔reflux〕To boil (a liquid) in a vessel attached to a condenser so that the vapors continuously condense for reboiling.使回流:在一个与冷凝器相连的容器中煮沸(液体),使水蒸气不断冷凝以再次煮沸美国传统〔safety valve〕A valve in a pressure container, as in a steam boiler, that automatically opens when pressure reaches a dangerous level.安全阀:压力容器(如蒸气锅炉)中的一种阀门,当压力达到危险程度时自动打开美国传统〔sauna〕A Finnish steam bath in which the steam is produced by pouring water over heated rocks.桑拿浴,芬兰浴,三温暖:一种芬兰的蒸汽浴,通过向加热的石头上浇水而产生蒸气美国传统〔sear〕He seared his hand on a hot steam pipe.火烫的蒸气管灼伤了他的手。英汉大词典〔simulate〕Smoke was used to simulate steam coming from a smashed radiator.用烟来模拟从撞碎的散热器中冒出的蒸气。柯林斯高阶〔solfatara〕A volcanic area that gives off sulfurous gases and steam.硫质喷气孔:喷发出硫气体和水蒸气的火山区域美国传统〔steam〕Steam rose from the hot tub.水蒸气从热水浴缸里升起。朗文当代〔superheat〕The amount by which a vapor is superheated.过热量:蒸气被过度加热的总量美国传统〔superheat〕To heat (steam or other vapor not in contact with its own liquid) beyond its saturation point at a given pressure.使过度加热:在一定压力下把(不接触液体的水蒸气或其它蒸气)加热到超过它的饱和点美国传统〔synthesis gas〕A mixture of gases made as feedstock, especially a fuel produced by controlled combustion of coal in the presence of water vapor.合成气:由原料而制的气体混合物,尤指在水蒸气中煤的有节制燃烧而产生的燃料美国传统〔tensimeter〕An apparatus for measuring differences in vapor pressure.(蒸汽)张力计:用于测量蒸气压力差的仪器美国传统〔transpire〕To give off vapor containing waste products, as through animal or plant pores.蒸发:散发含有废料的蒸气,如通过动物或植物的毛孔美国传统〔turn〕When water turns to steam, it expands.水变成水蒸气时体积会膨胀。朗文当代〔vaporific〕Having the nature of vapor; vaporous.蒸气状的:具有蒸汽的特点的;蒸汽的美国传统〔vaporific〕Producing or turning to vapor.形成蒸气的:产生或变成蒸汽的美国传统〔vaporish〕Suggestive of or resembling vapor.似蒸气的,蒸气状的:让人联想到蒸汽的或与蒸汽相像的美国传统〔vapor〕The state of a substance that exists below its critical temperature and that may be liquefied by application of sufficient pressure.水蒸气:物质存在于低于临界温度的情况下,并且在施加足够压力情况下能被液化的状态美国传统〔vapour〕The hollow glass tank contains hot mercury vapour.空心玻璃槽中装有高温汞蒸气。剑桥高阶〔vapour〕The particles then form a vapour.然后这些微粒形成了蒸气。牛津搭配〔vapour〕There was a hissing sound, and clouds of vapour were emitted.只听见咝咝的声音,接着一团团的蒸气冒了出来。牛津搭配〔vd.〕Vapor density.蒸气密度美国传统〔venturi〕A constricted throat in the air passage of a carburetor, causing a reduction in pressure that results in fuel vapor being drawn out of the carburetor bowl.文丘里管:汽化器空气通道中的一段喉管,导致压力减小从而把燃料的蒸气抽出汽化器的碗状部分美国传统〔wisp〕Wisps of steam rose up from the teapot.一缕缕蒸气从茶壶中升起。韦氏高阶Naan bread traps steam while it cooks so it puffs up to a larger size.印度式面包在做的时候吸入了水蒸气,所以能膨胀得很大。剑桥国际The biggest greenhouse gas by far is water vapour.最大的温室气体还是水蒸气。剑桥国际The lenses of my glasses steamed up in the sudden warmth of the room.我眼镜上的镜片由于房间里突然变暖而蒙上了水蒸气。剑桥国际Warmer air is able to hold more water vapour than cold air and so has a higher humidity.暖一些的空气比冷空气能容纳更多的水蒸气,因此湿度也就更高。剑桥国际




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