

单词 订婚
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BIG〕She wears an engagement ring set with a huge diamond. 她戴着一枚订婚戒指,上面镶嵌着一颗巨大的钻石。朗文写作活用〔MARRY〕Glennis and John announced their engagement yesterday. 格伦妮丝与约翰昨天宣布了订婚的消息。朗文写作活用〔MARRY〕Has he bought you an engagement ring yet? 他给你买订婚戒指了吗?朗文写作活用〔MARRY〕You'll be glad to hear that Ralph and I, with my father's consent, are engaged to be married. 你听到这消息一定会很高兴:经我爸爸同意,我和拉尔夫订婚了。朗文写作活用〔affianced〕He is affianced to her.他已与她订婚。文馨英汉〔affiance〕He is affianced to her.他和她订婚了。21世纪英汉〔affiance〕To bind in a pledge of marriage; betroth.使订婚;使定亲美国传统〔announce to〕Heim announced to his friends his engagement to Miss Helen.海姆向朋友们宣布他已和海伦小姐订婚。21世纪英汉〔announcement〕The announcement of their engagement surprised every one.他们两人宣布订婚,使大家觉得意外。英汉大词典〔announce〕Mr and Mrs James are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Louise.詹姆斯先生和太太高兴地宣布他们的女儿路易丝订婚。牛津搭配〔announce〕She was planning to announce her engagement to Peter.她正计划宣布她和彼得订婚一事。柯林斯高阶〔announce〕Their engagement was formally announced in the newspaper.他们订婚的消息在报纸上正式宣布。韦氏高阶〔announce〕They announced their engagement in 'The Times'.他们在《泰晤士报》上宣布了订婚的消息。朗文当代〔attached〕I wondered if he was attached, married even.我不知道他是否已订婚甚至结婚了。外研社新世纪〔betrothal〕The act of betrothing or the fact of being betrothed.订婚:订婚的行为或已订婚的事实美国传统〔betrothed〕Engaged to be married.已订婚的美国传统〔betroth〕She was soon betrothed to the young man.不久她就同那个年轻人订婚了。英汉大词典〔bird〕A little bird told me that you've got engaged.有人告诉我说你订婚了。朗文当代〔bundle〕To sleep in the same bed while fully clothed, a custom formerly practiced by engaged couples in New England and in Wales.未婚男女和衣同睡:穿着所有的衣服睡在同一张床上,这原是英格兰和威尔士关于订婚夫妇的一种风俗美国传统〔cock-and-bull story〕He gave me some cock-and-bull story about having to be at his cousin's engagement party.他对我说他得去参加表兄的订婚宴,这显然是信口胡诌。剑桥高阶〔complete〕Their engagement came as a complete surprise to me.他们订婚使我感到非常意外。朗文当代〔congratulate〕I was absolutely astonished by the reaction to our engagement. Everyone started congratulating us.大家对我们订婚的反应让我非常惊讶。所有人都开始祝贺我们。柯林斯高阶〔congratulations〕Congratulations on your engagement!恭喜你订婚!外研社新世纪〔contract〕She contracted a formal marriage to a British ex-serviceman.她与一位英国退役军人正式订婚了。外研社新世纪〔contract〕She contracted a formal marriage to a British ex-serviceman.她和一个英国退役军人正式订婚了。柯林斯高阶〔couple〕Two people united, as by betrothal or marriage.夫妻,情侣:通过订婚或婚姻结合在一起的两个人美国传统〔day〕They were engaged to be married but they quarrelled so often that they decided to call it a day.他们本已订婚,但因为经常吵架,便决定中断关系。英汉大词典〔declare〕They haven't formally announced their engagement yet.他们还没有正式宣布订婚。牛津高阶〔dry〕There wasn't a dry eye in the house when they announced their engagement.他们宣布订婚时大伙眼睛全湿了。牛津高阶〔engaged〕Debbie and Christa have just got engaged.戴比和克丽丝塔刚刚订婚。剑桥高阶〔engaged〕Have you heard? Sally and Ray are getting engaged .你听说了吗?萨莉和雷要订婚了。朗文当代〔engaged〕He was engaged to Miss Julia Maria Boardman.他和朱莉娅·玛丽亚·博德曼小姐订婚了。柯林斯高阶〔engaged〕How long have you been engaged? 你订婚多久了?麦克米伦高阶〔engaged〕My daughter is engaged (to a young doctor).我的女儿已 (跟一位年轻医生) 订婚。英汉大词典〔engaged〕She was engaged to be married.她已订婚。英汉大词典〔engaged〕She's engaged to him.她与他订婚了。韦氏高阶〔engaged〕They were not officially engaged.他们没有正式订婚。外研社新世纪〔engaged〕We got engaged on my eighteenth birthday.在我18岁生日那天我们订婚了。柯林斯高阶〔engagement〕Betrothal.订婚约美国传统〔engagement〕Last month she announced her engagement to Claude.上个月她宣布与克劳德订婚。英汉大词典〔engagement〕Their engagement was announced in the local paper.他们订婚的消息已在当地报纸上公布。牛津高阶〔engagement〕Their engagement was announced in the paper.他们订婚的消息在报上公布了。朗文当代〔engagement〕They announced their engagement at the party on Saturday.他们在周六的聚会上宣布了他们订婚的消息。剑桥高阶〔engagement〕We're invited to their engagement party.我们应邀参加他们的订婚宴。韦氏高阶〔engage〕My brother and she are engaged.我兄弟和她订婚了。英汉大词典〔espousal〕A betrothal.订婚约美国传统〔espousal〕A wedding ceremony.订婚,订婚仪式:结婚典礼美国传统〔famous last words〕I told him categorically that we could never be anything more than friends. Famous last words! Within a few months we were engaged.我明确告诉他我们只可能做朋友。说得跟真的似的,可才过了几个月我们就订婚了!剑桥高阶〔felicitate〕We felicitated John on his engagement to marry.我们祝贺约翰订婚。21世纪英汉〔felicitations〕May I offer my felicitations on your engagement.我为你们的订婚祝福。剑桥高阶〔first〕Anne and Steve got engaged two years after they had first started going out.在第一次约会两年后,安妮和史蒂夫订婚了。柯林斯高阶〔glad〕We are happy to announce the engagement of our daughter.我们高兴地宣布,我们的女儿订婚了。牛津高阶〔great〕It gives us great pleasure to announce the engagement of our daughter Maria.我们非常高兴地宣布我们的女儿玛丽亚订婚了。剑桥高阶〔happy〕I am so happy to hear of your engagement.听到你订婚我很高兴。英汉大词典〔happy〕We are happy to announce the engagement of our daughter.我们高兴地宣布,我们的女儿已订婚。牛津高阶〔headline〕The engagement of the two tennis stars made headline news.两位网球明星的订婚成了头条新闻。牛津搭配〔judgment〕I'm acting against my better judgment in allowing you to get engaged.我允许你订婚是违心的。英汉大词典〔kid〕I say, kid, I hear you got engaged.喂,小伙子,听说你订婚了。英汉大词典〔make up〕She chose Maggie to make her up for her engagement photographs.她选择玛吉为她拍订婚照的时候化妆。柯林斯高阶〔meant〕The peculiar thing about getting engaged is that you're meant to announce it to everyone.订婚的特别之处在于,你就应该让人人知道你订婚了。柯林斯高阶〔name〕They're engaged, but they haven't yet named the day(= chosen the date for their wedding).他们订婚了,但还未确定结婚日期。牛津高阶〔need〕I was a little nervous when I announced my engagement to Grace, but I needn't have worried.我宣布和格雷丝订婚时有点紧张,但我本不必担心的。柯林斯高阶〔officially〕The royal engagement was announced officially this morning.今天上午官方正式宣布了皇室订婚一事。剑桥高阶〔official〕Their engagement is now official.他们订婚一事现在已经公开了。剑桥高阶〔plight〕To become engaged to marry.订婚美国传统〔post〕Seth made a blog post titled 'Rules of Engagement'.赛斯发了篇博客文章,题为《订婚规则》。牛津搭配〔prenuptial agreement〕He asked her to sign a prenuptial agreement when they got engaged.他们订婚时他要求她签了一份婚前协议。剑桥高阶〔promise〕I've been promised to Bill.我已与比尔订婚。英汉大词典〔publicist〕The singer is engaged, her publicist has confirmed.那名歌手的公关人员确认了她已订婚。外研社新世纪〔quash〕The couple quashed rumors that they were engaged.这对情侣平息了他们已订婚的谣言。韦氏高阶〔quietly〕I think I found it easier than Nell to keep our engagement quiet.我觉得,我比内尔更容易守得住我们订婚的秘密。柯林斯高阶〔ring〕He gave her an engagement/a diamond ring.他送给她一枚订婚戒指。韦氏高阶〔ring〕She wore a diamond engagement ring.她戴着一枚钻石订婚戒指。牛津搭配〔romance〕After a whirlwind romance the couple announced their engagement in July.在闪电式的恋爱后,两人在7月宣布订婚。柯林斯高阶〔run〕Speculation is running high that the Prince may announce his engagement.关于王子可能要宣布订婚的猜测闹得沸沸扬扬。麦克米伦高阶〔secret〕She let us into her secret-she was engaged.她向我们透露了她的秘密 - 她订婚了。牛津搭配〔serious〕He's really serious about Penny and wants to get engaged.他对彭尼的确是认真的,他想跟她订婚。牛津高阶〔sets/gets tongues wagging〕The news of their engagement set tongues wagging. = Tongues were wagging over their engagement.人们对他们订婚的消息议论纷纷。韦氏高阶〔show off〕Naomi was showing off her engagement ring.娜奥米正在炫耀她的订婚戒指。柯林斯高阶〔specific〕He gave her a ring—or, to be more specific, he gave her an engagement ring.他送给她一枚戒指——或者更确切地说,他送给她一枚订婚戒指。韦氏高阶〔spirit〕The couple's engagement was announced in a joyous spirit.在快乐的气氛中宣布了这对新人的订婚美国传统〔talk sb out of sth〕Her parents tried to talk her out of getting engaged.她的父母试图说服她放弃订婚的想法。剑桥高阶〔thing〕Engaged? Well, of all things! I never thought he'd got engaged. 订婚了?哎呀,真出乎意料!我绝对没有想到他已订婚了。 英汉大词典〔throw ... over〕Mary was engaged to Martin,but she threw him over.玛丽已和马丁订婚了,但是她遗弃了他。21世纪英汉〔thunderstruck〕Ruth was thunderstruck when he presented her with an engagement ring.当他掏出一只订婚戒指给露丝时,露丝都呆住了。剑桥高阶〔trothplight〕To betroth.订婚美国传统〔troth〕To pledge or betroth.宣誓效忠或订婚美国传统〔twinkling〕Often engagement rings are a safe band of twinkling diamonds.订婚戒指通常有一圈镶嵌牢固、闪闪发光的钻石。外研社新世纪〔twitter〕She's been all of a twitter since her daughter's engagement.自从女儿订婚以来,她一直很兴奋。朗文当代〔unattached〕Not engaged, married, or involved in a serious sexual or romantic relationship.独身的:未订婚、未结婚的,没有参与严肃的性关系或爱情关系之中美国传统〔walk〕Since their engagement, he's been walking on air.自从他们订婚以来,他一直是欢天喜地的样子。麦克米伦高阶〔whisper〕I heard a whisper that they were engaged.我听到谣言, 说他们订婚了。牛津同义词First they announce their engagement and then they tell me Angie's pregnant--it's all a bit sudden really.他们首先宣布订婚,然后又告诉我安吉已怀孕----这一切都实在太突然。剑桥国际He gave me some cock-and-bull story about having to be at his cousin's engagement party.他对我说他得参加他表兄的订婚宴,这显然是胡说八道。剑桥国际Her engagement ring consisted of a single diamond in a plain gold setting.她的订婚戒指是由嵌在纯金底座上的单颗钻石组成。剑桥国际I think she broke off their engagement because she felt smothered by him.我想她取消他们的订婚是因为她受不了他的过份娇宠。剑桥国际May I offer my felicitations on your engagement.请允许我祝贺你订婚。剑桥国际Ruth was thunderstruck when he presented her with an engagement ring.当他送给露丝一只订婚戒指时,她大吃一惊。剑桥国际She gave a large party in honour of the betrothed (= the two people who had promised to marry one another).她为那对刚订婚的新人举办盛大舞会。剑桥国际She made an important announcement to her parents about her engagement.她向她父母作了关于她已订婚的重要宣告。剑桥国际




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