

单词 订单
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-filled〕Fill in the coupon and send it first class to the address shown.填写订单,并按一类邮件寄至注明的地址。柯林斯高阶〔800 number〕Call our 800 number to place an order or ask questions.拨打我们的800电话号码下订单或咨询业务。韦氏高阶〔ASK〕I'm very sorry, but we seem to have lost your order. 非常抱歉,我们好像遗失了你的订单。朗文写作活用〔BUSY/NOT BUSY〕It's all go around here this morning. Ten new orders, all marked "URGENT'. 今天上午这里真忙个不停。来了十张新订单,上面都标着“紧急”的字样。朗文写作活用〔COST〕If your order comes to over $30, we will not make a delivery charge. 如果订单超过30美元,我们不收取送货费。朗文写作活用〔GSM〕The phone company has placed a large order for GSM network equipment.电话公司下了一个大订单,购买GSM设备。剑桥高阶〔IF〕Provided we have your order by the end of March, the price will be £500. 只要我们3月底之前收到你的订单,价格就是500英镑。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕Orders from customers in the Far East have surged. 来自远东地区客户的订单大量增加了。朗文写作活用〔OK〕The boss needs to OK this before we place the order.老板同意我们才能下订单。韦氏高阶〔REMAIN〕We need time to catch up with outstanding orders. 我们需要时间来完成逾期的订单。朗文写作活用〔SEND〕The order will be faxed directly to the manufacturer. 订单将直接传真给生产商。朗文写作活用〔WRITE〕I must have filled out the order form incorrectly. 我肯定填错订单了。朗文写作活用〔acknowledge〕We will acknowledge receipt of your order if requested.我们会应要求确认收到您的订单。麦克米伦高阶〔back order〕The book I want to buy has been back-ordered and won't be shipped for three weeks.我要买的那本书已作为待发货订单处理,三周后才能送货。韦氏高阶〔backlog〕We have a huge backlog of orders to be filled.我们有一大堆要交货的订单。韦氏高阶〔back〕Orders are really backed up this month.这个月订单确实积压了很多。麦克米伦高阶〔be in a hole〕We've lost the order and we're in a bit of a hole.我们失掉了订单,因而处境有些困难。剑桥高阶〔cancel〕Is it too late to cancel my order? 我现在取消订单是不是太晚了?牛津高阶〔cancel〕Please cancel my order.请取消我的订单。韦氏高阶〔capable〕The company isn't capable of handling an order that large.那家公司没有能力应付那么大的订单。朗文当代〔capacity〕We are running below capacity (= not producing as many goods as we are able to) because of cancelled orders.因为订单取消,我们的工厂开工不足。剑桥高阶〔chance〕The factory is in with a good chance of winning a major order.这家工厂很可能赢得一笔大宗订单。麦克米伦高阶〔code〕Each order is coded separately.每份订单都单独编号。牛津高阶〔compose〕Please stay and help me compose the orders.请留下来帮我整理订单。外研社新世纪〔computer〕All our customer orders are handled by computer.我们所有顾客的订单都是用电脑来处理的。剑桥高阶〔computer〕Shoppers can send in their orders by computer and pick up their goods later.购物者可以通过计算机把订单传来,稍后再提货。朗文当代〔dry up〕His main source of work had dried up, leaving him short of money.他的主要订单来源中断了,造成他资金短缺。剑桥高阶〔expedition〕We will deal with your order with the greatest possible expedition.我们将尽快处理您的订单。剑桥高阶〔fill〕The company is on schedule to fill an order for another 10,000 doses.该公司正按照订单供应另外1万剂药品。外研社新世纪〔freight〕The order was shipped by freight.订单通过货运系统发货。韦氏高阶〔gauge〕New orders are a gauge of how well manufacturers are doing.新订单是衡量厂商经营状况的一个尺度。麦克米伦高阶〔honour〕They decided not to honour an existing order for aircraft.他们决定不兑现已有的飞机订单。剑桥高阶〔item〕Buyers from stores are given the opportunity to go through fashion collections item by item and place orders.从商店来的买主有机会逐件观看时装系列上的衣物并下订单。剑桥高阶〔land〕The salesman landed the order.销售员揽得了这份订单。韦氏高阶〔lay sb off〕Because of falling orders, the company has been forced to lay off several hundred workers.由于订单减少,公司被迫解雇了数百名工人。剑桥高阶〔lead time〕Lead times on new equipment orders can run as long as three years.新设备订单的交货周期可长达3年。柯林斯高阶〔logic〕There's no logic in the decision to reduce staff when orders are the highest they have been for years.在这些年来订单最多的时候决定裁员一点儿都不合乎逻辑。剑桥高阶〔mean〕This new order will mean working overtime.这新订单一来,我们就得加班加点。牛津高阶〔move〕We have to move soon or we'll lose the order.我们必须迅速采取行动, 否则将失去订单。外研社新世纪〔order〕A major order for six new ships will guarantee the company's future.一份购买6艘新船的大订单将使公司的前景得到保证。麦克米伦高阶〔order〕That's a tall order! 那个订单要求过高!牛津搭配〔order〕The company won a $10 million order for oil-drilling equipment.这家公司得到了 1,000 万美元石油钻井设备的订单。牛津搭配〔order〕To give an order for; request to be supplied with.订货:下订单;要求供货美国传统〔order〕You may place your order by telephone or on the Internet.订货;下订单麦克米伦高阶〔place〕Orders may be placed by telephone or on the Internet.可以通过电话或因特网下订单。麦克米伦高阶〔place〕To book your place fill in the coupon on page 187 and return it by 1st October.如需预订名额,请填写187页上的订单,并于10月1号前寄回。柯林斯高阶〔plasticity〕Using plastic to pay for an order is simplicity itself.用信用卡支付订单是很简单的事。柯林斯高阶〔plastic〕Using plastic to pay for an order is simplicity itself.用银行卡来支付订单本身是件简单的事。外研社新世纪〔receipt〕Goods should be supplied within 28 days after the receipt of your order.应该在收到订单后28天内供货。柯林斯高阶〔repeat〕Nearly 60% of our bookings come from repeat business and personal recommendation.我们近60%的订单来自于回头客和熟人介绍。柯林斯高阶〔route〕When a customer buys, the purchase order is routed via the internet to each supplier's personal Web page.当一名顾客购买时,订单会通过互联网发到每一个供应商自己的网页上。剑桥高阶〔self-cancelling〕The concept of fighting for export orders has become largely self-cancelling.为出口订单竞争的观念已基本上自动消失了。英汉大词典〔shopper〕A commercial employee who fills mail or telephone orders.代客选购的人:一个按顾客的邮购或电话订单交货的商业雇员美国传统〔simplicity〕Using a credit card to pay for an order is simplicity itself.用信用卡支付订单再简单不过了。外研社新世纪〔simplicity〕Using a credit card to pay for an order is simplicity itself.用信用卡支付订单再简单不过了。柯林斯高阶〔slip〕Someone had slipped up on the order.有人把订单给弄错了。朗文当代〔standing order〕She placed a standing order for fresh flowers every week.她下了份每周预订鲜花的长期订单。韦氏高阶〔staple〕I stapled the order form to the invoice.我把订单订在发票上了。朗文当代〔steady〕Orders for new ships are rising, after several years of steady decline.新船的订单数量经过几年的持续下降之后开始增加了。剑桥高阶〔suppose〕The company's plan supposes a steady increase in orders.公司的这个计划是假定订单会稳定地增加。朗文当代〔telephone〕I placed my order by telephone two weeks ago.我两周前打电话下了订单。麦克米伦高阶〔there's no escaping the fact〕There's no escaping the fact (that) we won't be able to complete these orders without extra staff.不可否认的是,如果不增添人手,我们将无法完成这些订单。剑桥高阶〔traveling salesman〕A man who travels throughout a given territory to solicit business orders or sell merchandise.旅行推销员:一个在指定地区旅行、招揽订单或销售商品的人美国传统〔traveling salesperson〕A man or woman who travels in a given territory to solicit business orders or sell merchandise.旅行推销员:负责某区域的生意订单或产品销售的男士或女士美国传统〔trouble〕The company ran into trouble early on, when a major order was cancelled.这家公司早些时候有一个大订单被撤销,因此陷入了困境。牛津高阶〔turnaround〕There is a 24-hour turnaround time on most orders.大部分订单需要24小时的处理时间。韦氏高阶〔victim〕The small company became a victim of its own success when it could not supply all its orders on time.这家小公司为成功所累,未能按时全部交付订单。牛津搭配〔worth〕This order is potentially worth millions of pounds to the company.对公司来说,这份订单有可能价值数百万英镑。牛津搭配All orders must be countersigned by one of the directors.所有订单必须由其中一名董事会签。牛津商务Both orders and business optimism rose last month.对订单和业务的乐观情绪上月都上升了。牛津商务Each order has a unique number and can be referenced at any time.每份订单都有一个独一无二的号码,在任何时候都可查阅。牛津商务For small orders she's brought the lead time down from ten days to three.对于小订单,她将订货交付时间从十天减少到三天。牛津商务Have you posted off your order yet? 你把订单寄出去了吗?牛津商务He has 20 full-time employees in the fulfillment warehouse.他有 20 名全职员工在订单执行仓库工作。牛津商务I need email confirmation before I can process the order.在我处理订单之前,我需要电子邮件的订单确认书。牛津商务I was impressed by the speed and efficiency with which my order was processed.他们处理我的订单的速度和效率给我留下了深刻的印象。牛津商务Last month orders only trickled in.上个月只收到了零星几个订单。牛津商务New orders for costly manufactured goods are falling.对昂贵制成品的新订单正在减少。牛津商务The company has just won an order to supply engines to a French business airline.这家公司刚刚赢得一份向一家法国商务航空公司提供发动机的订单。牛津商务The company has won a new contract to make electronic measurement equipment.公司赢得了生产电子测量器的新订单。剑桥国际The company is trying to mitigate the effects of falling orders.这家公司正设法减轻订单数量下滑的影响。牛津商务The current status of orders suggests that sales will be slow.目前订单的状况暗示着将不会畅销。牛津商务The factory's closure has been blamed on the dearth of orders for its products during the recession.工厂的倒闭被归咎于是经济萧条期间缺少产品订单造成的。剑桥国际The order is an important win for the aircraft maker.这笔订单对于这个飞机制造商来说是一个重要的胜利。牛津商务The program lets you set up a basic email template for orders.这个程序可以用来为订单建立基本的电子邮件模板。牛津商务The program will batch and sort orders as they come in.这程序把进来的订单分批处理并进行分类。牛津商务There's no escaping the fact that (= It is certain that) we won't be able to complete these orders without extra staff.这是肯定的,不增加职员我们就无法完成这些订单。剑桥国际There's no logic in the decision (= it does not show good judgment) to reduce staff when orders are the highest for years.在订单达到几年来最多时,裁员的决定是不合理的。剑桥国际They always put some freebies in with the orders.他们总是将一些免费赠品和订单放在一起。牛津商务They claim to be able to pick, pack and ship a large order in only 30 minutes.他们声称仅用 30 分钟就可以完成大额订单的拣货、包装和发运。牛津商务This sudden rush of orders has stretched us to the limit.突然涌入的订单将我们逼到了极限。牛津商务We can't handle orders for less than 500.我们不接受 500 件以下的订单。牛津商务We give a 15% discount on large orders.我们对大额订单给予 15% 的折扣。牛津商务We have been badly affected by the cancellation of orders.取消订单已对我们造成严重的影响。牛津商务We have developed rapid order processing to expedite deliveries to customers.我们已开发了快速处理订单的方法以加速向顾客交货。牛津商务We obtain forward cover on all export orders.我们获得了所有出口订单的远期抛补。牛津商务We offer free shipping for orders over $99.99 元以上的订单我们免收运费。牛津商务We took more than 1 000 orders last month.上个月我们接到了 1000 多份订单。牛津商务We will send you an email confirming your order.我们将给您发送电子邮件以确认您的订单。牛津商务Your order was dealt with yesterday.你的订单昨天已经处理了。牛津商务




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