

单词 讼案
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HAPPEN〕The court case was an awful affair that dragged on for months. 这宗诉讼案很讨厌,拖了好几个月。朗文写作活用〔Rex〕Rex v Jones 王国政府对琼斯讼案朗文当代〔SPOIL〕The recent court cases have been very damaging to the public image of the medical profession. 最近几个诉讼案件大大损害了医疗行业在公众心目中的形象。朗文写作活用〔barrator〕One that persistently instigates lawsuits.诉讼挑唆者:不断挑唆起诉讼案的人美国传统〔blow〕The prosecution's case was blown apart by new evidence.诉讼案因为新的证据而被推翻。韦氏高阶〔boost〕His work on the high-profile lawsuit has boosted him into the political arena.他办的那桩备受瞩目的诉讼案把他推上了政治舞台。韦氏高阶〔case〕An action or a suit or just grounds for an action.诉讼,讼案:诉讼或诉讼的正当理由美国传统〔case〕That's the way it seemed until a recent case came up in court.看起来情况就是这样, 直到最近一起诉讼案在法庭审理。外研社新世纪〔cause célèbre〕A celebrated legal case.著名的诉讼案美国传统〔cite〕Sue was cited in the divorce proceedings.休在这场离婚诉讼案中被传唤出庭。朗文当代〔clog〕Unfounded lawsuits are clogging the court system.没有根据的诉讼案正妨碍着司法体系的正常运转。麦克米伦高阶〔concurrent〕State and federal courts possess concurrent jurisdiction over particular civil lawsuits.州法院和联邦法院对某些特定的民事诉讼案件拥有同等管辖权。外研社新世纪〔default〕The defendant has made no appearance in the case and is in default.这起诉讼案中,被告未露面,未到庭。韦氏高阶〔disappointing〕The outcome of the court case was disappointing for the family involved.诉讼案的结果使得涉及本案的这家人非常失望。牛津高阶〔docudrama〕They are making a docudrama about the controversial court case.他们正在制作一部有关这个有争议的诉讼案的文献电视片。韦氏高阶〔fault〕The party at fault in a court case usually pays the other party's legal costs.在诉讼案件中,有过错的一方通常要为另一方支付诉讼费。牛津搭配〔filings〕In court filings, they argued that the settlement was inadequate.在法庭讼案中,他们提出和解费数额太少。柯林斯高阶〔forefront〕The court case was constantly in the forefront of my mind(= I thought about it all the time).这个诉讼案件一直萦系在我的心头。牛津高阶〔hang over〕It seems that the suit has to hang over till its next session.看来这个诉讼案得留到下次开庭时处理了。21世纪英汉〔harm〕The court case will do serious harm to my business.这起诉讼案件将严重损害我的生意。牛津高阶〔hurry along〕Can you help me to hurry along the economic accusation ?你能帮我快一点儿处理一下这桩经济讼案吗?21世纪英汉〔misquote〕The case was brought by a psychoanalyst who says a journalist misquoted him in a series of magazine articles.这起诉讼案是由一位精神分析学家提起的, 他声称一名记者在一系列杂志文章里误引了他的话。外研社新世纪〔modification〕A modification in the law has not led to an increase in prosecutions.法律的修订并未导致诉讼案件增加。牛津搭配〔nolle prosequi〕A declaration that the plaintiff in a civil case or the prosecutor in a criminal case will drop prosecution of all or part of a suit or an indictment.撤消告诉:民事讼案中原告或刑事讼案中的检举人撤回全部或部分诉讼或诉状的起诉的宣告美国传统〔outcome〕These costs are payable whatever the outcome of the case.无论讼案结果如何,这些费用都应照付。牛津高阶〔pandora's box〕This court case could open a Pandora's box of similar claims.这宗诉讼案会为类似的申诉开启潘多拉魔盒。牛津高阶〔pending〕There are lawsuits pending against the company.有一些针对这家公司的未了结的诉讼案件。韦氏高阶〔pleading〕A formal statement, generally written, propounding the cause of action or the defense in a case.诉状,答辩状:提出诉讼案件或对案件辩护的正式的一般为书面的声明书美国传统〔plea〕An action or a suit.诉讼或诉讼案美国传统〔probate〕Probate cases can go on for two years or more.遗嘱检验诉讼案可持续两年或更长时间。外研社新世纪〔re〕Smith vs. Jones re estate of Robinson 事涉罗宾逊财产问题的史密斯与琼斯诉讼案英汉大词典〔section〕The case was the first prosecution under Section 3A of the Road Traffic Act 1988.这是适用《 1988 年公路交通法》第 3A 条款的第一起诉讼案。牛津搭配〔settle〕To decide (a lawsuit) by mutual agreement of the involved parties without court action.调停:不上法庭而经当事人双双同意而做决定(诉讼案)美国传统〔spy on〕He had his wife spied on for evidence in a divorce case.他派人暗中监视他的妻子, 为离婚讼案搜集证据。外研社新世纪〔suit〕Law A court proceeding to recover a right or claim.【法律】 诉讼,讼案:为了重获得权利或赔偿而进行的法庭程序美国传统〔trial〕They believed that his case would never come to trial.他们认为他的讼案根本不会开庭审理。外研社新世纪〔trial〕They believed that his case would never come to trial.他们认为他的讼案根本不会开庭审理。柯林斯高阶〔tribunal〕His case comes before an industrial tribunal in March.他的讼案将于3月在劳资法庭受审。柯林斯高阶〔turn〕The court case turned upon a technicality of company law.这起诉讼案件取决于公司法的一个细则。朗文当代〔untruth〕The suit is filled with untruths.这起诉讼案里充斥着谎言。英汉大词典〔writ of prohibition〕An order issued by a higher court commanding a lower court to cease from proceeding in some matter not within its jurisdiction.禁止令:由高一级的法院签发的命令,命令下级法院中止未判决的诉讼案的进行美国传统The company is marshalling its forces/resources for a long court case.公司正集中力量/人力财力物力,应付一场旷日持久的法院诉讼案。剑桥国际This credit represented a write-back of a provision made against a long-running court case.这笔贷记表示对那起旷日持久的诉讼案件所提准备金的拨回。牛津商务




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