

单词 苍穹
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Aether〕The poetic personification of the clear upper air breathed by the Olympians.苍穹:奥林匹斯山诸神所呼吸之洁净上层空气的诗体拟人化表达美国传统〔South〕All around him, from east to west, north to south, the stars glittered in the heavens.在他的四周,从东到西,从北向南,苍穹里到处繁星闪闪。柯林斯高阶〔deep〕The extent of encompassing time or space; firmament.久远,深渊:包括时间或空间的范围;苍穹美国传统〔dome〕The stars were brilliant, studding a black dome.星光灿烂,点缀着黑色的苍穹。英汉大词典〔firmament〕The vault or expanse of the heavens; the sky.苍穹;天空美国传统〔heaven〕He looked up towards the heavens.他仰望苍穹。朗文当代〔heaven〕Often heavens The sky or universe as seen from Earth; the firmament. 常作 heavens 天,天空:从地球上所见之天空或宇宙;苍穹美国传统〔illumine〕Suddenly a jagged streak of lightning illumined the heavens.突然, 一道锯齿状的闪电照亮了苍穹。外研社新世纪〔moonless〕The dome of the moonless sky was purple, almost black.没有月亮的苍穹是紫色的, 紫得发黑。外研社新世纪〔nothingness〕He was staring into nothingness.他目光凝视着苍穹。韦氏高阶〔subcelestial〕Lower than celestial; terrestrial.苍穹之下的:天顶下的;地上的美国传统〔welkin〕The vault of heaven; the sky.苍穹;天空美国传统God is still as invisible to the eyes of the most developed here as the ether of space is to yours. 就像您的眼睛看不见苍穹的空间一样,在我们这里最成熟的人的眼中上帝还是无形的。译典通She looked at the blue dome of the sky. 她看著蓝色的苍穹。译典通




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