

单词 莫尔
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BAD〕Blakemore was a cold, scheming man who could not be trusted. 布莱克莫尔是个冷酷又狡诈的人,不能信赖。朗文写作活用〔CHILD〕Hardly a day goes by without Mrs Molt or one of her offspring calling around to borrow something. 莫尔特夫人或她的孩子几乎没有一天不到处借东西。朗文写作活用〔ENJOY〕Barrymore clearly revels in the joy of entertaining an audience. 巴里莫尔显然享受着娱乐观众的乐趣。朗文写作活用〔FUNNY〕Somehow, Moore manages to deal light-heartedly with subjects such as death and illness. 莫尔以某种轻松的手法处理了死亡和疾病这一类的主题。朗文写作活用〔INTERESTING〕We went round Chesmore Zoo the other day and found it fascinating. 几天前,我们去游览了切斯莫尔动物园,觉得那里有趣极了。朗文写作活用〔Immelmann turn〕A maneuver in which an airplane first completes half a loop and then half a roll in order to gain altitude and change flight direction simultaneously.英莫尔曼翻转:飞机的一种特技动作,先完成半个环状,然后再完成半个翻滚以获得高度并同时改变飞行方向美国传统〔LOOK〕Dr Morse kept glancing nervously at his watch. 莫尔斯博士一直紧张地看表。朗文写作活用〔Morton's metatarsalgia〕Morton's metatarsalgia can cause shooting pains in the ball of the foot and the base of the toes.莫尔顿跖骨痛可导致脚前掌和趾跟部刺痛。剑桥高阶〔S O S〕The letters represented by the Morse signal · · · - - - · · ·, used as an international distress signal, especially by ships and aircraft.无线电紧急求救信号:莫尔斯电码信号· · · - - - · · ·所代表的字母,用作国际求救信号,尤指被轮船及飞行器使用者美国传统〔START〕A permanent exhibition of Moore's work will open next year. 莫尔的作品常设展将于明年开幕。朗文写作活用〔after〕Phillimore Island is named after Sir Robert Phillimore.菲利莫尔岛以罗伯特·菲利莫尔爵士的名字命名。柯林斯高阶〔brew up〕I realized the extent of the trouble that Mary Morse was brewing up.我意识到了玛丽·莫尔斯正在制造的麻烦有多大。柯林斯高阶〔brew〕I realized the extent of the trouble that Mary Morse was brewing up.我意识到了玛丽·莫尔斯要制造的麻烦有多大。外研社新世纪〔colour〕You can go home afterwards and watch Inspector Morse in colour.你随后可以回家, 去看彩色版的《神探莫尔斯》。外研社新世纪〔compete〕Dave Moorcroft has now competed in two Olympics.戴夫•莫尔克罗夫特已经参加了两届奥运会。外研社新世纪〔dah〕The spoken representation of a dash in Morse code.长划:莫尔斯电码中,以短断音代表口语表达美国传统〔dash〕In Morse and similar codes, the long sound or signal used in combination with the dot and silent intervals to represent letters or numbers.长划:在莫尔斯电码和类似的密码中,长音或信号用在写点和无声的间隔中来代表字母或数字美国传统〔dash〕The Morse code for the letter u is two dots and a dash.莫尔斯电码用两点加一划表示字母u。韦氏高阶〔dearly〕Sir Thomas More's ethics would cost him dearly in the end.托马斯•莫尔爵士所奉行的行为准则最终使他付出了惨重的代价。外研社新世纪〔dot〕In Morse and similar codes, the short sound or signal used in combination with the dash and silent intervals to represent letters, numbers, or punctuation.莫尔斯电码点:在莫尔斯电码或类似电码中,用长划及无音间隔与短音或符号结合起来表示字母、数字或标点美国传统〔dot〕The Morse code for the letter v is three dots and a dash.莫尔斯电码用三点加一划表示字母V。韦氏高阶〔dot〕The Morse code is made up of dots and dashes.莫尔斯电码由点和划组成。英汉大词典〔even〕Larmer's shot evened the score 50 seconds into the second half.拉莫尔下半场开场后50秒的进球扳平了比分。麦克米伦高阶〔fancier〕Malpeque Gardens is a treat for flower fanciers.莫尔佩克花园让花卉爱好者大饱眼福。外研社新世纪〔furthest〕Maltby's book has probably gone furthest in explaining these events.莫尔特比的书可能是解释这些事件最详细的。朗文当代〔hieroglyphics〕I've never come across hieroglyphics like the handwriting of Peter Smallwood.我从未见过像彼得·斯莫尔伍德那么难辨认的笔迹。柯林斯高阶〔hieroglyphics〕I've never come across hieroglyphics like the handwriting of Peter Smallwood.我从未见过像彼得•斯莫尔伍德那样潦草难辨的笔迹。外研社新世纪〔idle〕Morse idled away most of Monday in his office.莫尔斯星期一的大部分时间都消磨在办公室里。麦克米伦高阶〔influence〕He had fallen under the influence of a remarkable teacher named William Small.他深受一位名叫威廉•斯莫尔的杰出教师的影响。外研社新世纪〔inspiration〕The Malvern Hills have provided inspiration for many artists and musicians over the decades.几十年来,莫尔文丘陵给了很多艺术家和音乐家灵感。朗文当代〔knock〕Morse knocked his shin against a suitcase standing just inside the door.莫尔斯胫部撞到了放在门内侧的手提箱上。朗文当代〔legally〕Mr Morse is legally represented by John Barnett.莫尔斯先生由约翰•巴尼特律师代表出庭。外研社新世纪〔lock〕He is currently under lock and key at Eastmoor secure unit in Leeds.他目前被关押在利兹的伊斯特莫尔隔离牢房。外研社新世纪〔love triangle〕The 1947 classic film "Wild Harvest" is about a love triangle between Dorothy Lamour, Alan Ladd, and Robert Preston.1947年的经典影片《野性的收获》讲述的是多萝西‧兰莫尔,埃伦‧拉德和罗伯特‧普莱斯顿之间的三角恋情故事。剑桥高阶〔mount〕Mount Rushmore拉什莫尔山外研社新世纪〔opera〕Donizetti's opera 'Lucia di Lammermoor'.多尼采蒂的歌剧《拉美莫尔的露西娅》柯林斯高阶〔plate〕Fermor's book has 55 colour plates.弗莫尔的书有55页彩色插图。外研社新世纪〔plate〕Fermor's book has 55 colour plates.弗莫尔的书里有55页整版彩色插图。柯林斯高阶〔pt〕Pt. Moresby 莫尔兹比港牛津高阶〔reporter〕Our reporter Chris Loosemore sums up the findings.我们的记者克里斯·卢斯莫尔总结了这些发现。柯林斯高阶〔scholarship〕Sophie was awarded a scholarship to attend Bryn Mawr College.索菲得到了就读布林莫尔学院的奖学金。麦克米伦高阶〔see〕Seeing as Mr Moreton is a doctor, I would assume he has a modicum of intelligence.既然莫尔顿先生是位医生,我想他应该有点聪明才智。柯林斯高阶〔setting〕The house is in a lovely setting in the Malvern hills.房子坐落在莫尔文丘陵地区,周围景色迷人。柯林斯高阶〔settle〕In an attempt to settle the case, Molken has agreed to pay restitution.为了争取庭外和解,莫尔肯同意赔款。柯林斯高阶〔shiver〕He still had the shivers when he passed the spot where his ancestor Sir Thomas More was decapitated in 1535.走过先祖托马斯·莫尔爵士于1535年被斩首之处时他仍会不寒而栗。英汉大词典〔shortlist〕Ballymore rugby union ground has been shortlisted as a possible home for Queensland softball.巴利莫尔橄榄球联盟球场已经被列为昆士兰垒球队的候选主场之一。柯林斯高阶〔special〕Police are still searching for a convicted rapist, who escaped from Broadmoor special hospital yesterday.警方仍然在搜寻昨天从布罗德莫尔专科医院逃跑的一名强奸犯。柯林斯高阶〔tap out〕He tapped out a message in Morse code.他用莫尔斯电码打出电报。外研社新世纪〔testify〕Mr Molto has agreed to testify at the trial.莫尔托先生已经同意出庭作证。朗文当代〔unsurpassed〕The quality of Smallbone furniture is unsurpassed.斯莫尔本恩家具品质超凡。外研社新世纪〔unsurpassed〕The quality of Smallbone furniture is unsurpassed.斯莫尔本恩家具品质超凡。柯林斯高阶〔walking〕We went walking in the Malvern hills.我们去莫尔文希尔斯区散步了。麦克米伦高阶〔wise〕Was it Thomas More who said that the wise man learns from the experience of others? 是托马斯‧莫尔说过聪明人会吸取别人的经验教训吗?剑桥高阶Great Malvern 大莫尔文剑桥国际In Morse code, an SOS consists of three short sounds or flashes followed by three long ones and then three more short ones.在莫尔斯电码中,紧急呼救信号是由这样一组信号构成的: 三声短的信号或闪烁,接着是三声长的,然后再是三声更短的。剑桥国际She is one of the best sculptors since Henry Moore. 她是自亨利‧莫尔之后最好的雕塑家之一。译典通The Mozart Ensemble is / are playing at the Wigmore Hall tonight.莫扎特合奏团今晚在威格莫尔厅演出。剑桥国际The chairman, Tony Bramall, was responsible for the turnround (= improvement) in the company's fortunes.主席托尼·布拉莫尔负责公司财运的改观。剑桥国际The ship's radio officer tapped out a message in Morse code.船上的无线电员用莫尔斯电码打了份电报。剑桥国际




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