

单词 莫及
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BETTER〕Julie's an excellent typist -- her speed and accuracy leave the rest of us standing. 朱莉是个出色的打字员—她的速度和准确性令我们其他人望尘莫及。朗文写作活用〔GUILTY〕She was full of remorse for hurting her family. 她因为伤害了家人而后悔莫及。朗文写作活用〔beyond〕Martin was living in Brazil, beyond the reach of the British police.马丁住在巴西,英国警察鞭长莫及。麦克米伦高阶〔boil〕Anger eventually boils over into words that are later regretted.愤怒的情绪终于控制不住,变成了一句句气愤的话语,事后又追悔莫及。朗文当代〔chastened〕A chastened Agassi flew home for a period of deep contemplation.追悔莫及的阿加西坐飞机回家面壁思过去了。柯林斯高阶〔contrite〕The father felt contrite after he had hit his little daughter.做父亲的在打了自己的小女儿之后追悔莫及。英汉大词典〔contrition〕The next day he'd be full of contrition, weeping and begging forgiveness.第二天他感到追悔莫及, 哭泣着祈求得到宽恕。外研社新世纪〔despair〕He is the despair of all other singers.他使其他歌唱家望尘莫及。英汉大词典〔finger〕You mustn't allow a golden opportunity to slip through your fingers or you will regret it later.千万别错失良机,否则日后追悔莫及。柯林斯高阶〔league〕Her success has taken her out of my league.她的成绩令我望尘莫及。柯林斯高阶〔leave sb standing〕Her voice is excellent - it leaves the others standing.她的嗓音极好——令其他人望尘莫及。剑桥高阶〔leave〕In terms of fitness, he discovered that Kate left him standing.从健康这方面来说,他发现凯特令他望尘莫及。朗文当代〔reach〕He fled abroad, beyond the reach of German prosecutors.他逃到了国外,德国检察官鞭长莫及。牛津搭配〔reach〕He lives in Paraguay, well beyond the reach of the British authorities.他住在巴拉圭,英国当局鞭长莫及。朗文当代〔reach〕The UN's drugs watchdog says traffickers are using the Internet to strike deals beyond the reach of the law.联合国毒品监管机构说毒品走私者使用互联网交易, 法律鞭长莫及。外研社新世纪〔reach〕The shot was well beyond the reach of the goalkeeper.这次射门使守门员鞭长莫及。牛津高阶〔rue the day〕She'll rue the day (that) she bought that house.她买了那座房子,以后会追悔莫及的。剑桥高阶〔unmatched〕He had a talent unmatched by any other politician of this century.他的才华是本世纪其他政坛人物所望尘莫及的。牛津高阶〔wormwood〕All his posturing before his friends was wormwood now.他在朋友们面前的装腔作势而今使他痛悔莫及。英汉大词典




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