

单词 讨论会
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Middle Ages〕a conference on Persia in the Middle Ages关于中世纪波斯的讨论会外研社新世纪〔STD〕a discussion of AIDS and other STDs 关于艾滋病及其他性传播疾病的讨论会韦氏高阶〔advance〕advanced a novel theory during the seminar. 在讨论会上提出新奇的理论美国传统〔brainstorming〕a brainstorming session 一个集思广益的讨论会牛津高阶〔brainstorm〕brainstorm the situation 开自由讨论会研究形势英汉大词典〔conference〕hold a scientific conference (a parent-teacher conference) 举行科学讨论会(家长会) 英汉大词典〔consultation〕a consultation between teachers and parents 教师和家长之间的讨论会牛津搭配〔disagreement〕a forum for both sides to address their disagreements over the issues 为解决双方在相关事宜上的分歧的讨论会牛津搭配〔imbizo〕a government imbizo on poverty 政府关于贫困问题的讨论会牛津高阶〔inauguration〕inauguration of a conference on educational problems 教育问题讨论会的开幕英汉大词典〔panel〕a panel on public health 关于公共卫生问题的专题小组讨论会英汉大词典〔roundtable〕a roundtable discussion; round-table interviews. 圆桌讨论会;围圆桌而坐的采访美国传统〔seminar〕a seminar on unemployment 关于失业问题的讨论会英汉大词典〔three-cornered〕a three-cornered discussion 三方讨论会麦克米伦高阶〔tug〕the tug of young minds in a seminar 讨论会上青年们不同思想的争鸣英汉大词典〔violence〕a seminar on pornography and violence against women 有关色情作品和对女性的暴力行为的讨论会麦克米伦高阶〔workshop〕chair a weekend workshop on politics 主持一次周末政治讨论会英汉大词典a brainstorming session 一场头脑风暴讨论会牛津商务




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