

单词 被使用
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔blind pool〕A start-up company that sells stock in a public offering without specifying how the investors' money will be spent.委任企业同盟:开始运作公司,公开出售其股票,不明确说明投资者的钱将如何被使用的一个起始阶段的公司美国传统〔cancel〕To mark or perforate (a postage stamp or check, for example) to indicate that it may not be used again.盖邮戳:给(如一张邮票或支票)划上标记或打孔,以示它不能再被使用美国传统〔far〕The word was used as far back as the 17th century.这个单词早在17世纪就被使用了。韦氏高阶〔last〕This word was last used in the 17th century.这个词最后一次被使用是在17世纪。韦氏高阶〔liberty〕Not employed, occupied, or in use.空闲的,不占用的或不被使用的美国传统〔multi-tasking〕The big advantage of multi-tasking is that all equipment is used most of the time.多重任务处理的一大优势是所有设备大部分时间都在被使用。柯林斯高阶〔nonrenewable〕Of or relating to an energy source, such as oil or natural gas, or a natural resource, such as a metallic ore, that is not replaceable after it has been used.不可再生的:能源(如石油、天然瓦斯)或自然资源(如金属矿石)等一旦被使用就无法再生的或与其相关的美国传统〔road〕It could well be the only one of its type still on the road.它很可能是这类汽车中仍在被使用着的仅存硕果。英汉大词典〔sarcastic〕Given to using sarcasm.讽刺的:被使用讽刺话的美国传统〔stock〕Not available for sale or use.无现货的:不能被使用或出售的美国传统〔success〕It has already been used with great success.这种方法已被使用过,并获得极大成功。牛津搭配〔taboo〕To exclude from use, approach, or mention; place under taboo.禁止,禁制:不让…被使用、接近或提到;将…置于禁忌之下美国传统〔temporary〕Lasting, used, serving, or enjoyed for a limited time.暂时的:在有限的时间内持续地、被使用、发挥作用或享受的美国传统〔unemployed〕Not being used; idle.未被使用的;空闲的美国传统〔unused〕Never having been used.不用的:从未被使用过的美国传统〔waste〕Something, such as steam, that escapes without being used.废气:未被使用而逃逸的东西,如蒸汽美国传统During the war allied troops were inoculated against diseases, because of fears that biological weapons might be used.战争时期,因怕生物武器被使用,盟军部队都注射了疾病预防针。剑桥国际Incense was used in ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome, and has been used by Christians since the sixth century.香在古埃及、希腊和罗马被使用,而基督教徒则是从6世纪开始使用。剑桥国际The cinema is no longer used.该电影院已经不再被使用了。剑桥国际Traditional stock pickers (= people who select companies in which others should invest) are being replaced by traders using sophisticated computer programs.传统的股票挑选人已被使用复杂电脑程序的交易人代替。剑桥国际Your organs will only be used after your death if you give your consent beforehand.只有经过你事先同意,你的器官才能在你死后被使用。剑桥国际




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