

单词 腐败行为
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DISHONEST〕The chief of police was forced to resign after allegations of corruption. 警察局长被指控有腐败行为后被迫辞职。朗文写作活用〔GET RID OF〕The new president has promised to root out high level corruption. 新总统承诺要根绝高层的腐败行为。朗文写作活用〔LEAVE〕The manager was forced to resign his post after allegations of corruption. 经理被指控有腐败行为之后被迫辞去职位。朗文写作活用〔SITUATION〕The revelations of corruption have led to a climate of distrust in the capital. 腐败行为的披露在首都形成了一种不信任的气氛。朗文写作活用〔STOP〕The new administration has promised a clampdown on corruption. 新政府承诺要严厉打击腐败行为。朗文写作活用〔breeding ground〕The system is, unsurprisingly, a breeding ground for corruption.该体制无疑是腐败行为的温床。外研社新世纪〔cleanse〕The mayor was elected on a promise to cleanse the city government of corruption.市长当选时许诺要清除市政府的腐败行为。朗文当代〔corruption〕Distribution of food throughout the country is being hampered by inefficiency and corruption.低效和腐败行为阻碍了食品在全国的分发。柯林斯高阶〔corrupt〕Both companies are under investigation for corrupt practices.两家公司都在接受腐败行为调查。剑桥高阶〔damage〕Recent discoveries about corruption have done serious damage to the company's reputation.近来曝光的一些腐败行为使该公司的声誉受到严重损害。剑桥高阶〔degree〕The party leaders were all found to be corrupt in varying degrees.党的所有领导人都被发现存在不同程度的腐败行为。牛津搭配〔grabbed/hit/made the headlines〕She has grabbed/hit/made the headlines by making public accusations of corruption within the government.她因公开指责政府的腐败行为而成为媒体关注的焦点。韦氏高阶〔graft〕The whole government was riddled with graft, bribery, and corruption.政府内到处充斥着以权谋私、行贿受贿和贪污腐败行为。剑桥高阶〔jobbery〕Corruption among public officials.假公济私、营私舞弊、贪污渎职:政府官员中的腐败行为美国传统〔malversation〕Misconduct in public office.腐败行为:公职人员的不良行为美国传统〔place〕The discontent has been fuelled by allegations of corruption in high places.关于身居高位者腐败行为的指控更激起了人们的不满。柯林斯高阶〔smell〕They'll be able to smell out any corruption.他们将能觉察到任何腐败行为。朗文当代Another investigation may bring to light (= cause to be known) other corrupt practices.再次调查也许能揭露其他腐败行为。剑桥国际Both companies are under investigation for corrupt practices.两家公司都在接受是否有腐败行为的调查。剑桥国际He promised an end to graft and corruption in public life.他承诺结束公共事务中的贿赂和腐败行为。牛津商务We have evidence to substantiate allegations that corruption took place.我们有证据证明确实发生了腐败行为。剑桥国际




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