

单词 舞蹈者
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PICTURE〕Degas did a series of drawings of dancers at the ballet school in Paris. 德加画了一系列巴黎的芭蕾舞学校舞蹈者的素描。朗文写作活用〔REAL〕The dancers wore authentic Native American designs. 舞蹈者身穿真正的印第安人服装。朗文写作活用〔arch〕The dancers alternately arched and hunched their backs.舞蹈者交替地将背向后弯和弓起美国传统〔belly dance〕A dance in which the performer makes sinuous hip and abdominal movements.肚皮舞:一种舞蹈者使臀部和腹部做起伏运动的舞蹈美国传统〔chorus〕A group of masked dancers who performed ceremonial songs at religious festivals in early Greek times.戴面具舞蹈者:希腊时代早期,在宗教节日中演唱庆祝歌曲的带面具的舞蹈演员们美国传统〔chorus〕A group or performer in a modern drama serving a purpose similar to the Greek chorus.歌唱者,舞蹈者:在现代剧中起与希腊合唱团相同作用的团体或演员美国传统〔combo〕The two dancers made the best combo I could imagine.这两位舞蹈者配成了在我看来最好不过的一对舞伴。英汉大词典〔conga〕A dance of Latin-American origin in which the dancers form a long, winding line.康加舞:起源于拉丁美洲的一种舞蹈,由舞蹈者排成一个长队一起跳美国传统〔dance〕The dancers danced the story of their motherland.舞蹈者以舞蹈语言表演其祖国的传说。21世纪英汉〔ensemble〕A group of supporting musicians, singers, dancers, or actors who perform together.联合演出人员:一群在一起演出的伴奏乐师、歌手、舞蹈者和演员美国传统〔kachina〕A masked dancer believed to embody a particular spirit during a religious ceremony.在宗教仪式上被认为是代表某个神灵的戴面具的舞蹈者美国传统〔round dance〕A ballroom dance in which couples proceed in a circular direction around the room.双人圆舞:一种在舞厅里跳的舞蹈者绕舞厅旋转的交谊舞美国传统〔round dance〕A folk dance performed with the dancers arranged in a circle.轮舞:一种舞蹈者围成圆圈跳的民间舞美国传统〔shadow dance〕A dance presented by casting shadows of dancers on a screen.舞:将舞蹈者投影于屏幕上的一种舞蹈表演美国传统〔stress fracture〕A fracture of bone caused by repeated application of a heavy load, such as the constant pounding on a surface by runners, gymnasts, and dancers.应力性骨折:由反复使用压重物引起的骨折,如跑步运动员,体操运动员和舞蹈者在表面上的经常性撞击美国传统〔tap dance〕A dance in which the rhythm is sounded out by the clicking taps on the heels and toes of a dancer's shoes.踢踏舞:一种舞蹈,其节奏靠舞蹈者鞋跟和鞋掌上啪哒作响的金属片敲击出来的声音来控制美国传统〔terpsichorean〕A dancer.舞蹈者美国传统〔traditional〕The dancers were wearing traditional Hungarian dress/costume.舞蹈者身着传统匈牙利服装。剑桥高阶〔whirl〕The dancer whirled across the stage.舞蹈者穿过舞台翩翩起舞美国传统For dancers, the emphasis is on height and slimness.对于舞蹈者来说,重要的是高度和纤瘦的程度。剑桥国际The colorful whirl of the dancers was beautiful to watch. 舞蹈者多彩多姿的旋转令人赏心悦目。译典通The dancers pulsated to the festive beat of traditional folk songs.舞蹈者和着传统民歌那欢庆的节拍跳跃。剑桥国际The dancers were wearing traditional Hungarian dress/costume.舞蹈者穿着传统的匈牙利服装。剑桥国际




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