

单词 舞台剧
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔drama〕theatrical drama.舞台剧。牛津同义词〔living〕living theatre舞台剧外研社新世纪〔nudge〕a little-known stage play writer and actress who was nudging 40 and going nowhere. 一个年近四旬、一事无成、寂寂无闻的舞台剧作者兼演员柯林斯高阶〔nudge〕a little-known stage play writer and actress who was nudging 40 and going nowhere一个舞台剧作者兼演员, 年近四旬却一事无成, 仍然寂寂无名外研社新世纪〔off-Broadway〕adapted from the off-Broadway stage show of the same name. 根据同名外百老汇舞台剧改编柯林斯高阶〔off-Broadway〕adapted from the off-Broadway stage show of the same name根据同名外百老汇舞台剧改编的外研社新世纪〔produce〕produce a stage play; produce a videotape. 监制一出舞台剧;制作录影带美国传统〔prop〕the backdrop and props for a stage show. 一场舞台剧的背景幕和道具柯林斯高阶〔prop〕the backdrop and props for a stage show一场舞台剧的背景幕和道具外研社新世纪〔screen〕a star of stage and screen. Also called silver screen 舞台剧和电影界的明星 也作 silver screen美国传统〔staged〕a staged version of a novel 小说改写的舞台剧本英汉大词典




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