

单词 胁强
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FORCE SB TO DO STH〕Ben didn't want to study law, but his father bullied him into it by threatening to cut off his allowance. 本不想学习法律,但他父亲以断绝他的生活费作威胁强迫他学。朗文写作活用〔blackjack〕To coerce by threats.以威胁强迫美国传统〔blackmail〕Extortion of money or something else of value from a person by the threat of exposing a criminal act or discreditable information.黑函,敲诈函:通过揭露犯罪行为或提供不可信资料等手段威胁强索某人钱财或值钱之物美国传统〔bluster〕To force or bully with swaggering threats.胁迫,恐吓:用虚张声势的威胁强迫或恐吓美国传统〔intimidate〕To coerce or inhibit by or as if by threats.威胁:通过威胁或近乎威胁强制或禁止美国传统〔stress〕The internal resistance of a body to such an applied force or system of forces.胁强:受这样的力或力的系统作用的物体内应力美国传统




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