

单词 蛙人
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔drag〕Yesterday police frogmen dragged a small pond on the Common.昨天警方的蛙人在公用草地上的一个小池塘里打捞。柯林斯高阶〔encumber〕The frogmen were encumbered by their diving equipment.沉重的潜水装备使蛙人步履维艰。牛津高阶〔flipper〕The frogman flippered for the raft.蛙人脚踏双蹼朝救生筏游去。英汉大词典〔frogman〕A swimmer provided with breathing apparatus and other equipment to execute underwater maneuvers, especially military maneuvers.蛙人:带呼吸设备和其它装置执行水下任务,尤其是执行军事任务的游泳者美国传统〔frogman〕Police frogmen have been searching the lake looking for a weapon.警方的蛙人一直在湖中寻找一件凶器。朗文当代〔frogman〕Police frogmen searched the lake for the murder weapon.警方的蛙人搜索这个湖,寻找谋杀凶器。牛津高阶〔handler〕Fifty officers, including frogmen and dog handlers, are searching for her.包括蛙人和警犬训练员在内的50名警官正展开对她的搜寻。柯林斯高阶The body of the missing woman was recovered by police frogmen from a lake near her home.失踪妇女的尸体被警方的蛙人从她家附近的湖里找回。剑桥国际These soldiers have to undergo very rigorous trainings before they become frogmen. 这些兵在成为蛙人之前都必须经过非常严峻的训练。译典通




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