

单词 视野
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔blurred〕visual disturbances like eye-strain and blurred vision. 像视觉疲劳和视野模糊这样的视觉障碍柯林斯高阶〔clarity〕clarity of thought/purpose/vision 思路清楚;目的明确;视野清晰牛津高阶〔clear〕a clear view; a clear path to victory. 无阻碍的视野;通向胜利的畅通的道路美国传统〔expand〕expand one's (intellectual) horizons 拓宽自己(知识)的视野英汉大词典〔expansive〕an expansive view across the valley 山谷间广阔的视野麦克米伦高阶〔eyesight〕come within eyesight 进入视野之内英汉大词典〔eyesight〕within eyesight 在视野内文馨英汉〔fair〕a fair view 一览无余的视野英汉大词典〔field〕the field of a microscope 显微镜的视野英汉大词典〔panoramic〕a panoramic camera: a camera that produces a film format longer than 1:3 for a wide field of view全景相机:拍摄格式比1:3宽的广视野照片的相机外研社新世纪〔peripheral〕peripheral vision 周边视野文馨英汉〔peripheral〕peripheral vision. 外围视野美国传统〔periphery〕on the periphery of my field of vision在我视野的边缘处外研社新世纪〔perspective〕his desire to broaden his narrow perspective 他扩展自己狭隘视野的愿望牛津搭配〔plain〕in plain view. 清楚的视野美国传统〔purview〕beyond sb.'s purview 超越某人的视野(或见识)英汉大词典〔room〕a single (double) room with a view 视野开阔的单人(双人)房间英汉大词典〔side〕a front and side view of the car 车的前方和侧面视野韦氏高阶〔sight〕my/his/her etc. (field of) vision 我/他/她…的视野牛津高阶〔spacious〕a spacious view. 开阔的视野美国传统〔unimpeded〕an unimpeded view 开阔的视野麦克米伦高阶〔unsurpassed〕the Hamburg weekly, surely unsurpassed in the world for its intellectual range and quality. 在汉堡出版的这份周刊视野广博,见解深刻,无疑卓绝于世柯林斯高阶〔vision〕a figure at the edge of her vision 在她视野边缘的人影朗文当代〔visual〕the visual field 视野文馨英汉〔width〕width of mind (vision) 思想(视野)的开阔英汉大词典




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