

单词 by hand
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔WASH〕You ought to wash that sweater by hand. 那件毛衣要手洗。朗文写作活用〔ballot〕Election boards will count the ballots by hand.选举委员会将手工计票。外研社新世纪〔bend〕This type of pipe can be easily bent by hand.这种管子很容易用手掰弯。麦克米伦高阶〔broadcast〕To sow (seed) over a wide area, especially by hand.尤指用手播(种)美国传统〔chance〕I'm delivering my work by hand - I'm not taking any chances.我要亲手递送自己的作品——我可不想有任何闪失。剑桥高阶〔chore〕Making pasta by hand with a rolling pin can be a real chore.用擀面杖擀意大利面会是个非常枯燥乏味的活儿。柯林斯高阶〔crowd surfing〕The action or diversion of being passed by hand above a densely packed crowd, as at a rock concert.人群冲浪:在密集地壅塞的人群中上被用手传送的动作或转移,例如在摇滚演唱会上美国传统〔dart〕A slender, pointed missile, often having tail fins, thrown by hand, shot from a blowgun, or expelled by an exploding bomb.飞镖,标枪:细长带尖的投掷物,通常尾部有鳍,用手掷、从吹矢枪中发射或由炸弹推动美国传统〔dignity〕She thought it was beneath her dignity to wash clothes by hand.她感到自己动手洗衣服有失体面。英汉大词典〔dish〕The seat of the stool was dished by hand.凳子的座面用手工做成了凹形。外研社新世纪〔flatwork〕Laundry, such as sheets and linens, that can be ironed by a mangle rather than by hand.机械熨烫件:洗涤时可用机械整理而不必手工熨烫的床单和衣服等织物美国传统〔grenade〕A missile containing priming and bursting charges, designed to be thrown by hand or deployed by a specially equipped launcher.手榴弹,枪榴弹:一种装有引爆药和炸药的,用手投掷或用特殊装置发射的投掷武器美国传统〔hand organ〕A barrel organ operated by turning a crank by hand.手摇风琴:摇动曲柄进行操作的手摇风琴美国传统〔hand puppet〕A puppet operated by hand.布袋木偶:用手操纵表演的木偶美国传统〔handbill〕A printed sheet or pamphlet distributed by hand.传单:一种手发的印制的纸张或小册子美国传统〔handiwork〕Work performed by hand.手工:手干的活美国传统〔handwork〕Work done by hand rather than by machine.手工:由手工完成而不是由机器干的活美国传统〔hand〕I delivered her invitation by hand (= not using the postal service).我亲自送去她的请帖。剑桥高阶〔hand〕The fabric was painted by hand.这个织品是手染的。牛津高阶〔hand〕The letter was delivered by hand.此信是由专人传递的。(指非经邮寄) 英汉大词典〔hand〕The parcel was delivered by hand.这个包裹是专人递送的。外研社新世纪〔hand〕The signature must be written by hand.必须亲手签字。(指不可用打字替代) 英汉大词典〔hand〕We had to wash our clothes by hand.我们只得用手洗自己的衣服。朗文当代〔haul up〕The mainsail had to be hauled up by hand, like all the ship's sails.跟其他所有船帆一样, 主帆也必须靠人用手升起来。外研社新世纪〔hog〕We picked the corn by hand and we fed it to the hogs and the cows.我们用手掰下玉米,把它喂给猪和牛吃。柯林斯高阶〔hull〕The peas were hulled by hand.这些豌豆是手工去荚的。外研社新世纪〔individual〕Each individual table is finished by hand.每一张桌子都是手工做成的。剑桥高阶〔into〕The olives were packed into jars by hand.在过去, 橄榄都是手工装罐的。外研社新世纪〔kamagraph〕Each kamagraph looks as though the artist had painted it by hand.用卡马油画复制法复制的每一幅画都像是画家亲笔所绘。英汉大词典〔knit〕To make (a fabric or garment) by intertwining yarn or thread in a series of connected loops either by hand with knitting needles or on a machine.编织:通过把纱或线缠结成一连串相连的环,或用手工织针或机器制作(织物或衣服)美国传统〔machine〕I machined the cuffs, but the collar was done by hand.我用缝纫机缝了袖口, 但领子是用手缝的。外研社新世纪〔manpower〕Small turntables are operated by manpower and sacks are loaded by hand.小的转车台由人力操作, 而麻袋要徒手装载。外研社新世纪〔manuscript〕A book, document, or other composition written by hand.手抄本:由手写成的书、文件或其它作品美国传统〔milk〕Farm workers milked cows by hand.农场工人用手给奶牛挤奶。外研社新世纪〔milk〕Milking a cow by hand is a skilled process.手工挤牛奶是一项技术活。剑桥高阶〔picker〕Each September, pickers gather the grapes by hand.每年九月, 采摘者们手工采摘葡萄。外研社新世纪〔pivot〕The rotor is pivoted so that it can be spun by hand.这个转轮装在了枢轴上, 方便用手转动。外研社新世纪〔pound into〕The villagers used to pound the grain into flour by hand.村民们过去常用手工把粮食捣成粉。21世纪英汉〔print〕The pattern is printed onto the fabric by hand.图案是手工印制在织物上的。外研社新世纪〔pump ... up〕You can pump up the tyres by hand or with this special machine.这可以用手或用这个特殊的机器给车胎打气。21世纪英汉〔reap〕We reaped by hand.我们徒手收获。英汉大词典〔reason〕The reason these cars are so expensive is that they are largely built by hand.这些汽车如此昂贵的原因是由于它们大部分是由手工制作的。麦克米伦高阶〔wind-up〕Operated by a spring that is wound up by hand.装有发条的,要上发条的:由需用手来上弦的发条所运动的美国传统〔wool〕She spun wool by hand to weave into clothing.她手纺羊毛来织衣服。牛津搭配〔work〕The pump is worked by hand.这是台手摇泵。韦氏高阶And to think, every single sequin on Carlene's dress was sewn on by hand by her mother, Doreen! 多琳,你想想看,卡里妮衣服上的每个光片都是她妈妈手工缝上去的!剑桥国际Each individual table is finished by hand.每一张桌子都是手工做成的。剑桥国际I'll have to write these letters by hand and deliver them -- what a palaver! 我非得要手写这些信再投递----真是不必要的麻烦。剑桥国际The lambs had to be raised by hand (= fed artificial milk by people) when their mother died.母羊死后,羊羔只得由人工喂养。剑桥国际The vases are painted by hand.这些花瓶是手工绘制的。牛津商务




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